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What is your favorite race and why?

For me it's the night elves on alliance, and orcs on horde. I really like the night elves look, they are a bit different from the normal fantasy elves. I also like the whole druidism aspect of their culture. 

The orcs I mostly just like cause I like how they look, but I think they also have interesting lore aswell. 

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Reply by Cherry


I loved the blood elves but ended up on alliance many years ago... I have a human warlock that I have devoted all of my WOW time to, I have not been able to commit any time to her never mind the various alts I have made over the years...

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Reply by Lee


I love the undead cause of we’re they are risen from the grave ands there up to evil shit all the time I’m in love with that <3 #BansheeQueenForever

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Reply by Seathan


I always played a night elf druid ever since vanilla. I love the magical enchanted nature theme they have.

I'm also a big fan of the Worgen. It gives that old horror movie vibe with their starting zone and werewolf-ness plus adds the druidic touch in there as well. Very cool

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Reply by Myrum


As a noob who's only played half a year, I prefer classic, but I'll give both answers.

I love Night Elfs mostly because they look so amazing, but they also have one of the most versatile classes in existence (imo) Druid!! Mix that with Herbalism and Alchemy and you got a good little money system. 

I love Blood Hunters in retail because they're so fucking cool looking they double jump have a really cool mount off the rip and theyre quiet strong ive only leveled to 40 in retail tho as i got confused lol.

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