Come on then everyone! What's your favourite Sega system!?
Mine's gotta be the Dreamcast. That evolutionary controller is still king in my eyes! I really think if it could have played DVD's like the PS2 then we would still have Sega hardware today.
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Whats your favourite Sega console!?
24 Replies
Reply by O Alentejano
Saturn, 100%.
Even the menu is cool as hell, and it has some of my favorite games on it.
I love Master System 2, it has one of my childhood games, but that's the only game I ever had for it.
Reply by Julian Kim
Sega Megadrive and Game Gear are my favourites. I always played Sonic the Hedgehog.
Reply by Lexi
Reply by Death Cab for Lukie
The Mega Drive (Genesis)
Reply by Lau
Reply by SWH (Punk Jesus)
Megadrive/Genesis without question. Many of my favourite games of all time are on there. It was also at the perfect point in my life.
Reply by Death Cab for Lukie
The stampede level?!
I couldn't even make it past the one where you have to jump through the monkeys and on the giraffe heads.
Reply by Julian Kim
@Death Cab for Lukie
Well Golden Axe was also my favorite. I played myself on my PC as well the Megadrive Version. The duell Mode was really the hardest and I even could not finish the game :-(
The Sega Genesis.
Reply by hallucinogenicHypnotist
I loved all the series that started on the dreamcast and a lot of the dreamcast exclusives, imagine the games we would have today if the dreamcast didn't flop
Reply by LeakySponge
Reply by _Going_to_Gerany_
Reply by HyperSAM
Had to think on this question for a while. For now, I'd say it's the Genesis. There's a lot of great games on there I had a lot of nostalgia for, and some quality stuff from it's addons the SEGA CD and 32X as well.
Reply by aquakat
Sega Genesis! I think that was the only console from Sega that I had the most memories with, but I was also introduced to the Dreamcast, but it was mostly my uncle's gaming console.
Reply by gmoney
I'm gonna have to go with the underdog here and go with the Saturn.
It was the best 2D console of all time and had a lot of great games on it as well as great arcade ports. It also makes a nice CD player too and has a cool startup sound.
Reply by Natalie
Something about the Saturn always appealed to me, maybe just how the little thing looked or some of the wackier games on it
Reply by 𝕳𝖔𝖙𝖙𝖔𝖕𝖎𝖈 𝖂𝖆𝖓𝖓𝖆𝖇𝖊
The Dreamcast, definetly. The virtual save cards are based and one of my favourite videogames of all time, Sonic Adventure 2, is from that console.
Reply by ajmetz
Totally fell in love with the Saturn, and it got me hyped for the Dreamcast, =).
I missed out on the 16-bit era - my parents were too cheap to buy a Megadrive or SNES at the time so I was only able to have a second hand NES and Master System, lol.
So I was eager not to miss out on the next-gen consoles, ignored the PlayStation, and waited patiently for the Mario 64 and Turok Dinosaur Hunter on day one, and was blown away....however, despite Mario 64 deserving all the "Best Game Ever" hype of the a teenager, I couldn't afford the expensive cartridges, and there simply weren't as many games...but what was this...!?
Sega Saturn reduced in price for 1997? Incredible games like Fighters Megamix going for £5 with a free second controller chucked in? NiGHTS into Dreams for £15 with another free 3D Analogue controller this time!? Virtual On being the closest thing to a Transformers game at the time. Amazing RPGs like Dark Savior and Story of Thor. 10 player Saturn Bomberman for £3 in Dixons because someone had stolen the box, so only the disc and manual were for sale? Er....yes please! And then what an amazing 1998... Sega Europe sending me a review copy of Deep Fear *swoon* The beautiful Riven point and click! The incredible Final Fantasy VII beater - Panzer Dragoon Saga! =O....!!! <3 Even 1997 was amazing - project Sonic had culminated in Sonic R....which was an absolute blast. Anyone who tells you the controls are tough hasn't learned to use the shoulder buttons when turning in addition to the directional controls. It's an incredible game, =). Steep Slope Sliders felt like a Cool Boarders beater - again, only £14.99 in a second hand store. Saturn games were so affordable - I bought loads, =D, <3. And as soon as I finished NiGHTS, Sega Saturn Magazine gave away Christmas NiGHTS on their cover, and I simply kept on playing, =D. Such amazing memories of 1997-1998. I'd begun 1997 a bit disappointed with the Nintendo 64...and ended 1998 ready for what Sega had planned for the Dreamcast launch of 1999....inbetween were some of my best gaming memories with a Saturn....and eventually my best friend helped me afford a chipped Japanese Saturn to play CD-Rs from the internet, and imported games...and I got to play all the games I wanted to get but couldn't find...I even bought up controllers cheap and took my machine to a night club in London for a 10 player Bomberman tournament, =). The console has delivered for me time and time again, and I love all the great experiences I've had with it, =).
Reply by famon
It's gotta be the Dreamcast. Even though I've never owned one, I have been wanting to own one for years. Out of every console, the Dreamcast's design is my favorite. The history behind that console is so enthralling to me too. The games that were made for it like Jet Set Radio, Crazy Taxi, SA2, and many others are so of their time and I think without the existence of the Dreamcast, such interesting and amazing games would never been made. I hope the sands of time never erase the Dreamcast. It is one of my favorite consoles of all time.
Reply by [CyberSai]
Reply by JerryTerrifying
Saturn for me. Back in the day I spent so much time at my aunts house playing her boyfriends Saturn. Tons of time spent playing Panzer Dragoon and Road Rash. In about 2005 or 2006 I bought my first Saturn and started collecting. Then in 2009 I learned about the Netlink modem. So I got most of the Netlink games and started playing netlink games especially Saturn Bomberman, Virtual On and Duke Nukem 3D. Some of my other favorite Saturn games are Three Dirty Dwarves, Die Hard Arcade, Stellar Assault SS, Elevator Action Returns, house of the dead, Dark Saviour, Virtua Cop. What a great system.
Reply by Neo☆
Reply by SegaDude
Definitely the Dreamcast. It's the one disc based console i have that can read burned discs right out the gate. Good for playing fan translations and being able to play some titles that are too fricking expensive to buy. lol Also I found a fighting game collection that had a VMU save that instantly unlocked everyone in MVC2. LOVE IT!
Reply by samnotiam