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Facebook Jail/Prison

It's never happened to me in any of the times I had a FB account but I know it happens a lot to other people. . .So what are some of the reasons you and/or someone you know was thrown in the FB big house for?Β 

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Reply by Coeur


For trolling people in the comments or for people reporting my profile for no reason. It was funny cuz I had other accounts.Β 

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Reply by AlterEgo


It's the dumbest thing ever. You'll say things that aren't even bad, not even insulting, and get a 2 day ban.

One time we were talking about this dude... who is that guy who dates all those different hot celebrity women and looks terrible and seems like kind of a loser? Anyway we were talking about him and I was like, "He must be hung", meaning he was well-endowed and the auto Facebook algorithm deemed it as a threat.. like... hanging... and I think I got a week ban for that.

I've been banned from Facebook for posting memes that I found ON FACEBOOK. And I get back from my ban and the original meme that I reposted from is still up there.

I've been banned from Facebook for posting memes that were obviously satire but Facebook said I was posting 'disinformation'.

I've been banned from Facebook for stuff I'd posted over a year before, because their rules have changed since I made the post and they retroactively ban people when they change rules. My friend got a ban for a post he'd made over 4 years prior. I'm convinced that any active FB user with account over 5 years old probably has enough ban worthy material to get kicked off the site.

I've been banned from Facebook and they literally didn't even tell me what I did. They were just like, I don't like your face bro here's 2 days.

I admin groups there. It's literally impossible to do that job because even Facebook employees can't tell you what's bannable or what isn't. But if a post in your group gets a ban, then your group gets a hit too.

I'm a "power admin" according to FB and a "high value account" which means I get extra security and I'm in a group where you can talk to FB employees directly. I don't know how I got that designation but whatever... anyway, even among us, Facebook just doesn't want to hear anything about their rules enforcement and how crap it is. They don't want to hear suggestions. Whenever someone mentions it they delete the comment. It's a joke.

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