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Prayer plant advice?

Hey plant folks! I hope it's okay to bend your ears for a minute.

I inherited a prayer plant from my late aunt earlier this year. I've never kept one before and I know this thing is somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 years old, so I really want to keep it healthy.

My only light option is a north-facing window (railcar apartment). Temp and humidity are about the same here as in my aunt's house. I'm not sure what her care regimen was. I've been watering it once every two weeks or whenever it looks droopy and the dirt feels dry.

It was blooming when I took it home in April, and it's looking less full and possibly a bit leggy now (unless it only looks leggy because it's less full, idk). I've probably pruned out a third of its original leaves in the last six months. How much of that is down to it being winter and part of its normal annual rhythm and how much of it is stress? I know *I'm* stressed.

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