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What is emo music to you?

Is is a certain vibe? Is it a particular sound? Is it the style / look?

For me, its a coping mechanism. Its medicine. Its a reminder im not alone in my pains and struggles. 

What is it to you?

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Reply by xXLil4cLuXx


to me is a particular music sound that reflects pure emotion and it makes me feel like myself

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Reply by Jack Raven


“Makes me feel like myself” exactly 🖤

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Reply by xXcYbeRgH0uLx


i relate to a lot of the lyrics sometimes.. it’s one of my comforts, just learning about the music and the band itself really distracts me from life XD

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Reply by Jack Raven


Interesting! So, the backround / story to a song or band is facinating to you. It deffs puts a bigger picture together when you know about an artist

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Reply by HiImGhost


For me, if you wanna break the musical definition around it, emo music is anything that brings emotions to you, wether it's emocore, metalcore or even noise if ya want... The whole concept of emo music is to be emotional, isn't it? So for me it's a big category which is not related to one genre

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