I was wondering if you ever experienced precognitive dreams.
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Precognitive dreams
18 Replies
Reply by Lyrian Space Frequencies
Hmmm I'm sorry to hear that . However I haven't had any dreams of that sort. However many of my dreams are indistinguishable from this reality. Very realistic.
Reply by ☾ aLe ☽
I’ve had quite a bit of clear dreams of something that is about to happen in my life or to someone near to my heart. I kind of hate getting them because they always bring bad news. Most of my dreams make no sense what so ever as far as it being a reality. Sometimes I’m not even myself. So when I get those “is this really happening?” Dreams I wake up dreading my day.
Reply by keegs
Reply by Lee
Sorry that happened to you I have had something like this before it was terrifying.
Reply by Joe Clark CGH
It's been a while since I've had one, but precognitive dreams are quite common with me.
Reply by Akephalos
I used to have them every week, however the "precognitive" dreams I have now ARE really close to reality but what happens in them is incorrect - something I'm perplexed by. This happened after I got into spirituality/religion, but I don't know if it's just a coincidence or the cause
Reply by Laurence
I've experienced them - usually a short vision about future events. I even dreamt about my future GF before we met.
Reply by Kylie
There's been a couple times my dreams predicted things that happened, or because of the predictions stopped things from happening...
Reply by Karma
I often have these kinds of dreams. Usually i just dream about a specific moment or conversation but sometimes i can dream about a whole hour or day months or even years before they happen, though the most startling for me was when I dreamt about getting in a car crash the day before i was told my family member had died in a crash.
Reply by myles <3
it runs in my family to have dreams of people before they die. the most common precognitive dreams i get r when something big is about to happen or a change in my life (whether emotionally, spiritually, or otherwise) is abt to appear. they're never scary but they can be overwhelming. they don't feel like nightmares but they're kinda unpleasant. large good changes however r usually peaceful and full or happiness and energy.
Reply by dumbsophia
I've had a few precognitive dreams, most of them were small things, for example getting a pet, a friend of mine has precognitive dreams all the time and luckily they're good dreams, for a while she dreamt about her now boyfriend and it was really fun to hear her talk about them just for it to end up to be true :)
Reply by Dana Scully
I have, once or twice. The one I remember best is when I dreamed my next-door neighbor broke his hand in their sliding glass door. The next day I saw him coming home with a cast and stuff on his hand/wrist... I asked him what happened, and he said he broke it in an accident at work.
Reply by Gabby
I had a dream about Christina Grimmie’s death. When I was younger maybe like 8 years old I had a dream of a celebrity dying at her meet and greet. I woke up and went to the kitchen and my brother said some girl died at a meet and greet. I told him I dreamt about it and he didn’t really believe me. It was just really weird.
Reply by DROM1E
i have weird dreams where ill be doing something rlly random and unimportant and then like a day to like 6 months later ill do it. and sometimes ill forget the dream until it happens. its never anything important tho
Reply by Raine
I've had somewhat of a precognitive dream, I'm not sure if I should really classify it as one, but it is definitely a weird coincidence.
When I was around 4-5? I wanna say, because we had just moved into the apartments at the time, and this was about a year or so after. I had dreamt about a black-and-white carnival, it was mostly grey but had black-and-white characteristics to it.
The dream started out with me walking down this pathway that was lined with black picket fences, like the sharp goth ones, and as I'm walking I heard music in the distance as I was getting closer and closer to this carnival-looking type of thing. But just before I could reach the carnival, it was like I was grabbed and dragged backward from it. I ended up waking up screaming and balling my eyes out.
And then here recently, because years later I got into creepypasta, mind you the dream happened back in 04' or 05', and I happened to get into creepypasta around 2015/16. But here recently I got to thinking about it while listening to Jordan Persagati (I probably butchered that, real sorry!) talking and drawing out the Laughing Jack Creepypasta, and I was thinking, "Holy shit, that sounds almost exactly like what happened in my dream from when I was a kid."
Obviously, creepypasta are not real and never will be. But I do find it kind of a weird coincidence.
Reply by VictorL
I'm so sorry that happened to you, but I've had these sorts of dreams. They haven't had much significance in my life, only small moments but they've still been completely correct every time. One example was from years ago, the summer before I was in third grade. The dream was some kid in front of me messing with a card and that was about it, but I remember a few weeks into third grade I saw the same events happen in that order right in front of me. It's happened a few other times but that's really the only one I remember.
Reply by Marianne
I've had a couple of dreams like this.
Once, I dreamt I was comforting someone similar to my younger brother who was hurt. I woke up from the dream when the phone rang. I asked if it was my grandparents calling. Instead, it was staff from the group home my brother was in saying he had pretty much broken his arm.
I also had a dream the night right before I got termed from my second Disney College Program. Basically, I just remember being told something along the lines of that I was going to be let go. And sure enough, I went to clock in for my shift and was told they had to term me because they couldn't find a different role for me to perform.
Reply by Tuzik(!)
I constantly have such dreams, and they are very short and it is impossible to guess something from them, but these small fragments almost always come true in life