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irc chat for groups

it's great that we are now here and have groups of course but do any of you think that it would be a good idea for some kinda internet rely chat feature for the groups, because i do and wanted to see if anyone else did before asking An (i unfortunately don't know him before anyone asks) about potentially adding it as a thing for them. 

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Reply by An


That's actually a really great idea! I thought about it the other day but I'm not quite sure how exactly it will look/work yet! Do you have any ideas/wishes?
I think I'll add a chat/IRC to Groups, but it's still in early exploration/idea phase :D

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Reply by altX_cassar


just a irc chat function, nothing fancy, something a bit like discord/ twitch but a bit more old-school and paired back, you could even use a embedded client on the page (as a potentially temporary stop gap or something permanent) if you have a lot of coding, maintenance and other life things to do (which i don't doubt you have loads), but please nothing external (keep spacehey on spacehey!), it could be in its own separate module in the group itself or its own tab on the links ribbon up top, thanks for the reply! 

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Reply by Night Claw


also irc chats for individuals!

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Reply by V Holeček Art


Old myspace did used to have a chat function that kind of generally followed the group layout, but it wasn't for specific groups.  I forget the chat applet that they used but I do remember that it was an external system, as in they basically rented chatroom space from somewhere else, and it wasn't irc-based.  I feel like irc might add a little more functionality than what the OG myspace chat rooms offered, honestly.

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Reply by They_Baby_Mama


Great Suggestion !

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Reply by lucas


bump cuz this needs to happen

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Reply by $YD
