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so like

i originally created the hatsunemiku spacehey account and this group as a joke because hatsune miku is such a meme and a trans icon too

but i honestly hadn't really heard a single hatsune miku song before (unless you count polish cow or chug jug with you lmao)

i decided to check out a hatsune miku playlist yesterday that was in my recommended youtube videos for ages and wow i am impressed this music slaps pretty hard

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Reply by Draxdoll


You should check out the classics like world is mine, Levan polkka, ghosts rule etc xD

There is a channel called googoo888 where he posted popular songs :D
Don't forget to check out other vocaloids too! 

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Reply by BudderPecan


I also highly recommend

  • I'll Throw My Emotions Away by R.I.P.
  • Entomologists by GHOST
  • Viva Viva Happy by Mitchie M
  • The Disappearance Of Hatsune Miku by cosmo@Bousou P (I had to look for the name of the creator).

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