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Plant wishlist

Posted by Anxo


Forum: Plant Parents Group

We all have plants that we want to own, but don't own yet.
What are those plants? How do they look like?

And most important: why aren't they still at your home?

Let's talk about our plant wishlist!

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Reply by Allexillion


-Elephant food 
-Fig tree
-Bonzai (any type)
-maidenhair fern
-Pink Hypoestes (round 2)
-Petra Croton (round 2)
-Orchids and anything else flowering.

-Spider Plant

There's more but these are like my recent goals. 

Mostly I get stuck with a small selection here, or they don't look healthy. 
Since it feels like a splurge for me sometimes, I don't feel like I can travel further away to go to the nurseries. But that is kind of my goal for fall once it cools down since it's already over 100. Random but on that note it's already over 100 until after 8...and climbing. Yuck.

I just can't wait til living inside feels like outside and I absolutely wish I could have a carpet of moss somewhere. Hahaha.

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Reply by Anxo


They aren't uncommon plants. Maybe you could you try to trade some of them? For example, I have elephant food (that's portulacaria afra, right?) cuttings all year round, and they root and grow like crazy. I heard there are plant swaps in lots of cities, and some are coming back after covid.

On my wishlist are:
-I've never had a pothos, and right now I'm rooting a cutting I took recently, so I don't know if it counts as a wishlist plant
-Anthurium clarinervium
-Pothos neon
-Philodendron brazil
-I've had in water for two months now cuttings of hoya carnosa but they aren't rooting, so I add to the wishlish hoya carnosa because they are going to die any day
-And my super wishlist plant that never is going to be mine, at least in a few years, the gorgeous, amazing, breathtaking, anthurium warocqueanum.

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Reply by theo // savannah


  • Rubber Plant
  • Variegated Rubber Plant
  • Zig Zag Cactus
  • Calathea Triostar (Stromanthe Sanguinea)
  • Pink Princess Philodendron
  • Pink Tradescantia


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Reply by Max


I'm kinda happy with the amount of plants that I have atm. That doesn't stop me from having plants on my wishlist. I have eclectic taste in plants.

-begonia melanobullata
-begonia luxurians
-hoya spartioides
-hoya sulawesiana
-hoya aff thomsoni (pink)
-anthurium wendlingeri
-medinilla sedifolia
-protea cynaroides
-phalaenopsis 'Bronze Maiden'

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Reply by Dev


-A nice, big, healthy monstera

-hoya carnosa
-hoya hindu rope
-fiddle leaf fig
-mini chrysanthemum bonsai
-any citrus tree

I had to downsize from an apartment to a trailer lately, so I had to leave about fifteen houseplants (including a raven ZZ plant and my 10' pothos) with my mom. Slowly rebuilding though, I've got a new pothos, an echeveria blush, and a pilea peperomoides (my favorite!)

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Reply by Fae Falcon




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Reply by XxXEmo_BxddieXxX


Cherry Blossom Tree 

Aloe Vera 

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