They aren't uncommon plants. Maybe you could you try to trade some of them? For example, I have elephant food (that's portulacaria afra, right?) cuttings all year round, and they root and grow like crazy. I heard there are plant swaps in lots of cities, and some are coming back after covid.
On my wishlist are:
-I've never had a pothos, and right now I'm rooting a cutting I took recently, so I don't know if it counts as a wishlist plant
-Anthurium clarinervium
-Pothos neon
-Philodendron brazil
-I've had in water for two months now cuttings of hoya carnosa but they aren't rooting, so I add to the wishlish hoya carnosa because they are going to die any day
-And my super wishlist plant that never is going to be mine, at least in a few years, the gorgeous, amazing, breathtaking, anthurium warocqueanum.