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Being Gay In Your Home Country
32 Replies

Reply by xXLil4cLuXx
Im from Argentina, Buenos Aires! Gay marriage is available for us, we can report discrimination and trans people can get their id's changed.
Reply by Frenkli
To my friend from Argentina I’m guessing Buenos Aires has the most crime towards LGBT because big cities are a melting pot of people you can always find very tolerant people in them and also those who are ultra conservative and bigoted.
Reply by maksimylyan
Reply by Didrick
Here in Norway, the majority of the population is pro LGTB, so in other words Norwegians are a very accepting and tolerant people, for the most part. That's not to say homophobia doesn't exist here because it definitely does and we do read stories from time to time of gay people being victim of blind violence stemming from other people's homophobic attitude, which is terrible but what's even more shocking is that although there is a rule against sexual discrimination here in Norway and most people are accepting towards the LGBT+ community, there are times when cases of violence against gay people that get reported to the police are simply dropped, swept under the rug and not being taken seriously enough by the police and that definitely needs to change. But I would still say it's generally safe to be LGBT+ in Norway. Gay marriage was officially legalized here since 2009 and since 2017 we are also able to get married in the Church and have all the same rights as couples in a straight marriage.
Reply by Kinnie
I'm from Latvia and LGBTQ+ rights are...interesting here, to say the least.
Reply by Xxgary_smithxX
im from America which i think is highlighted a Lot online ... while we have Some rights things could definitely be better. especially since our rights are being debated every day by conservatives in office who really want to take them away from us.
Reply by Caseyshow
Reply by majo
Reply by Milla
I am from New Zealand and Argentina! I came out to my entire class as pansexual (not yet as demigirl, we've been in lockdown for quite a while and I figured it out during lockdown) quite easily, no one really minded. New Zealand is pretty supportive of LGBTQ+ we had a no-uniform day during Pride Month this year and my teacher let us all make pride posters and he stuck them to our window so other people could see them. Some people's designs were really cool. I'm not sure if he knows that I'm LGBTQ+. I don't go to Argentina often, mostly every two years, but I know my mum isn't really happy with me being LGBTQ+ so I don't think the rest of our family in Argentina would be too supportive of it either. -Toon
Reply by Ash 🏳️🌈
I'm from the USA so I don't have it bad as most but I am also from the state of Texas specifically a smaller town in the middle of no where (a city is easier)... It sucks. Texas is also currently trying to take away our federal right to marry (and any rights they can get their hands on if they can) since they feel they don't have to listen to anyone above them so there's that...
Reply by Axelot
hey! I'm from Madrid, Spain and the situation right here is more or less good. I cannot talk about rural Spain but I've never had a real problem with it. However I must say that I was not out in high school and from my friends and stuff that's mainly where they experienced homophobia, and also I guess I'm kind of straight passing? anyways my mom for example doesn't let me tell my grandmother which is weird lol bc I make music that explicitly talks about it and yup. are there any other lgbts from Spain?
Reply by max <3
Im from England, being lgbt+ it kinda depends where in the country you are. The younger generation is a lot more accepting then elders. Slurs are said like they are just words such as the T slur... and D slur as not many people are educated on why its bad. Even though slurs are noramlised the majority of the country doesnt mind lgbt+
Reply by Saoirse
I’m Canadian, bonjour tous la monde. While it got marginally better in recent years, the province I live has limited support for MOGII rights with the first same sex couple only finishing their 20 year long legal battle in January of 2021. At least there’s a pride parade that’s a 8 hour drive from where I live with a planned one in a nearby town that was going ahead April 2020. I’m known as the village lgbt and as far as I know, the first out person in the town I was born in. But I have a strong support system in my friend group and I know I’m advocating for people after me in the small town in the backwoods.
Reply by Agathon
Reply by Michelle
I come from Poland, and right now the situation is critical for us here </3
Reply by aliven0t
Reply by meg <3
I'm in the U.S. Florida to be exact T-T... it's not the greatest but it's not the worst either. Earlier this month the passed a "don't say gay" bill which basically you can't talk about LGBTQ topics in school. Also, where I live, I can be walking to class and get called a slur but honestly it is what it is and I'm not gonna listen to someone who wears Axe body spray.
Reply by t0mi3
Helloo! I am from Sweden. Most people here are pretty accepting and we have good discrimination laws here that protects people in the lgbtq community. Unfortunately there's still a lot of homophobia here and tons of transphobia if u live in a smaller city. You most likely won't get hatecrimed but u might get some stares and face stereotypes and judgements. The school I go to has pride flags everywhere and strive to be a safeplace for lgbtq youth but so many of the students will just shout homophobic stuff anyways.... If u live in the bigger cities you will meet tons of accepting people and no one will pretty much care wether ur lgbtq or not. The lgbtq community here is also pretty big so you will never feel like u are the only gay person here, even in a smaller city.
Reply by hilma %¤#"
mostly 12 year old boys are homophobes here, idk it's kinda okay depending on where u live
Reply by Ajax
I'm from the USA but i live in Texas soo that's just great i live in a big city in Texas with a LOT of church's who don't like the Lgbtq+ community but funny things i'm out in my church so everyone just kinda stays away from me except my friends
Reply by Romy
From Germany, from the political view it's not the best but not the worst either, on the social side I thought it was pretty okay, because I'm honestly to insecure to be on social media apps where people actually know me, but my best friend got in a wlw relationship for the first time and she is very active, now she gets serious threats and it's pretty horrible tbh :(
Reply by johndeez
i live in the philippines. im not rlly out or anything but ive observed how different people treat gay people or the lgbt community in general.
Reply by Starr
I live in australia and... Wow this country is not the best at accepting queer people... (I'll be talking about my observations and perspective)
Reply by Linda
Reply by xXkf100Xx
its not bad here gay marriage has been legal since 2003 and gay sex has been legal since 1969
Reply by Felicjan
Poland here! About our LGBT rights here, well... It's somewhat confusing.
There is a lot of people who accept everyone from LGBT umbrella, there are some people who don't accept only trans people, and there are people who hate all queer people no matter what. And the funny part is that all these are big part of society.
Same sex couples can't even get registered their relationship, and when it comes to transition, well trans people need to sue their parents first. Also we maybe don't have much representation, but there are some new polish books publishet with main characters who aren't cis or straight.
Either way our government don't really want to give us right, and even some Christians organisations try to make more hatred toward queers. Also our minister of education is interesting character when it comes to political discussions about LGBT. He tried to even stop some holiday created by students called "tęczowy piątek" and it's just on one Friday showing our support for queers like wearing pride flag pin or etc.
Reply by 𐌷ᕦᥥᒋჄ
in England so thats good =)))) but im half Bulgarian so I have to hide being gay there as its not as accepted (especially family) =/
Reply by Z0mb33Gia
Im from Perth٫ Australia and its pretty accepted here but it depends on the people your with. Some people will be accepting and some wont. You have to find the right people. Like if I told my parents I'm pansexual ٫agender ٫ my pronouns she/they/he or that I changed my name... they would probably disown me. So dont be open to someone before knowing if they'll actually be accepting.
Reply by Evalin
I have two home countries. Australia, fine. Russia, rights are terrible. The government allows LGBT people to be murdered with little punnishment and does not allow education or advocacy of LGBT rights.
Reply by xarii
i'm a lesbian from russia! here are some facts about how it is like to be gay or trans here:
1. gender transition in russia has been banned since july 24, 2023
2. on november 30, 2023, oleg nefedov, a judge of the supreme court of russia, declared lgbt community an "extremist organization" and banned the "international lgbt social movement", including the use of lgbt symbols
3. the laws of russia do not recognize same-sex families and state that marriage is the union of a man and a woman. transgender people cannot marry as well since july 2020. on october 14, 2020, a law was introduced that basically avoids the registration of same-sex marriages in russia that have been registered in other countries.
4. there is no explicit ban on the adoption of a child by a homosexual but in same-sex families one of the partners cannot adopt the child of the second partner. transgender people cannot adopt children.
5. the relationship between a child born in a same-sex family and a non-biological parent is not legally recognized. the child is deprived of the right to alimony and has other negative consequences
6. the law banning "propaganda of non-traditional sexual relations" was signed by putin and entered into force on july 1, 2013. any event or action regarded as an attempt to promote homosexuality, including on the internet, in movies, books, advertising or in public, can result in a fine. foreigners face 15 days of arrest and expulsion from the country
7. the russian constitution guarantees the right to register peaceful associations, but the authorities refuse to register lgbt organizations. public lgbt events do not receive the necessary level of protection and crimes against lgbt activists committed during such events remain unpunished. pretty much all crimes against gay and trans people often remain unpunished
so yeah... you're gonna be fine as long as you stay in the closet, don't speak up about discrimination publicly, accept the lack of legal protection, social support from the government and prohibition of adoption!
Reply by Dennis The Menace
Turkey here! Not too well to be queer in.
- Decriminalised in 1858, Gender reassignment surgery legal since 1988
Though these things are very like enforced upon not to happen. Action wise they are very tedious. LGBT people are not allowed to serve openly in millitary or white collar works. Constitutional protection proposed but never enacted.
Also there is this cultural mindset of ''cultural morals'', If it doesn't touch me, I don't care mindset like hushed, opressed.
Gays are friendly, cute and very lively, Queer activism is strong yet very opressed. It is treated not too well... It's too mediocre.
We have great spa's, hamam's, places for queer friendly activities though!
Reply by GuauGuau
Here in Spain is pretty good, I suppose. I'm still a silly willy potato baby in her 13. I don't know how it will be
But in my high school they make talks about the LGBT+ things, and they come policías to talk about the bullyng and why we have to be tolerant. In my high school they also in the doors of the bathrooms have a paper signs about we have to respect trans people.
The other things, eh, some teenagers once make cry a trans girl and her girlfriend, they dead name her and call her other things. That was because the girlfriend of the girl was the ex of one of them. But all the assholes now they have a part ( or reprimand, or whatever you call them, I don't know, here they are called parts) and they will nto come to the end of year trip this year for that.
Judge for yourself, but at least I can see that adults or people in power are trying to help. But teenagers are something else...