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Shadow Beings

Perhaps the freakiest story that I know of would be my Dad's encounters with a shadow being. One
night while he was at a church doing computer networking stuff. He saw a
shadow figure on the wall that didn't have any source. At one point it
landed on his head and he literally had to fight it off. It was like a
black translucent sheet. Later that week he saw the same being at a
church meeting during the day. It was floating around eaves dropping on
people's conversations. My Dad and the being eventually locked eyes. The
being became shocked that my Dad could see him and it disappeared.

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Reply by val


i've had LOTS of experiences with this creatures, most of them happend when i was an inexperienced witch, i used to make meditations without protections and it was AWFUL, they would apear in the middle of the night or while i was using mirrors in my house, i learned how to kind of scare them away but sometimes they still come back

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Reply by YS168


Oh, I saw them a lot in 2020-21, it was a pretty mysterious experience, especially because a lot of other strange things were happening in my house then. Also in 2023, I saw a "light" shadow man - a spot of bright color, the color of an angel's halo, in the shape of a human.

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Reply by 𝐊𝐲


  Hello all!

    I remember a very few years ago, that I was sitting on my couch. I faintly remember being drawn to something in the entrance to the hallway, and so I just stared for a few seconds. After that though, I'd seen the monochromatic figure of a woman (with very, very faint colors to her) walking to the entrance before subtly disappearing in the blink of an eye. She had her hair pulled tightly into a bun, with lightly applied makeup and a boater hat tied onto her head by a silk bow on her chin. She carried an opened parasol, with pink floral patterns, and wore a very puffy light pink dress. She looked to me, looking exactly like those paintings from the 1800's, except actually alive in a way, moving and all. 

Stay safe out there, 


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Reply by RllySllyCatz


this isnt too much of a 'shadow being' story, but when my grandma lived at her old house I would hear things at night like faint footsteps. it was always creepy there, atleast to me. my parents would tell me that nothing was wrong, but there was a story that my mom told me that kinda made me a little weirded out.

I was little. around the age of maybe 5-7. my mom went to check on me inside of my room and she told me she heard a music box playing. It didnt sound like any toy ive ever had, but she just went to sleep after. 

It wasnt really much, but it still weirded me out a little. that house was always dark. no matter if it was day or night. I would wake up in the morning to the lights off and it being hard to see.
It was a weird house.

Another time when I desided to sleep downstairs, I took a picture of my kitchen. ( I was kinda weird as a kid idk why i did) when I looked at the picture I saw the head of a person in the corner kinda peeking out from the kitchen. It was a dark figure with no eyes, ears, hair, nose, or mouth. It was just a dark person. I ran over to the kitchen to see nothing there, but I still thought about it. I showed my grandma the next day and she was pretty skeptical about it too. Never figured out what it was.

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Reply by RllySllyCatz


this isnt too much of a 'shadow being' story, but when my grandma lived at her old house I would hear things at night like faint footsteps. it was always creepy there, atleast to me. my parents would tell me that nothing was wrong, but there was a story that my mom told me that kinda made me a little weirded out.

I was little. around the age of maybe 5-7. my mom went to check on me inside of my room and she told me she heard a music box playing. It didnt sound like any toy ive ever had, but she just went to sleep after. 

It wasnt really much, but it still weirded me out a little. that house was always dark. no matter if it was day or night. I would wake up in the morning to the lights off and it being hard to see.
It was a weird house.

Another time when I desided to sleep downstairs, I took a picture of my kitchen. ( I was kinda weird as a kid idk why i did) when I looked at the picture I saw the head of a person in the corner kinda peeking out from the kitchen. It was a dark figure with no eyes, ears, hair, nose, or mouth. It was just a dark person. I ran over to the kitchen to see nothing there, but I still thought about it. I showed my grandma the next day and she was pretty skeptical about it too. Never figured out what it was.

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Reply by Kat367


i think i may have had an encounter

for back story the house that i live in was built by my family sometime before/during ww2 and expanded during the balkan war.My mom married into this house and we have been here for many many years.Ive always felt odd here or uncomfy no real reason just this feeling of being watched and followed. But lately its been worse, i have a dog who goes to the bathroom multiple times of day sometimes in the middle of the night,she wakes me up and we go out. One time a month ago we went out around 12/1am ish,we walked down the stairs to the front yard,usually she just does her things and we go back but this time she kkinda just stared at different areas and looked like she was going to attack(ya know the stance dogs make when they see a cat?) anyways i brushed it off and kept going. we go back up the first staircase to this littleblock of cement where our well is and the phone i had in my hand that i used as a flashlight turns off(chliche i  know) and just before the second staircase theres this weird dent in the wall that has like two brick poles on each side about deep enough for someone to stand there and not be in anyones way. as i look there i see a man
a tall skinny man with a hat and a suit looking shape
and i being sleepy and not thinking say to myself oh thats normal and go right past him up the stairs, then some sense comes to my head and im like tf i turn around and hes not there...now this scares the ish out of me as it would so i run to my houses door,pick my dog and go inside.and then i go to my mom who happens to be a night owl and was just sitting on her bed watching the tv,she prob sees me looking horified and i say i saw a man shes like what where me-hes down stairs 
mom- u prob just seeing things(not like this this is me rephrasing) 
me-no i saw a tall dark sikky man in a-
mom- suit and a hat?
me-yea?how did you-
mom- i used to see him when i was your age
mom-yea id see him in stressful times or when id worry to much
me-*leaves the room*
During this time we had finlas prep and the semester was ending so i was infact stressed
So my question is,what or who is this thing that has been following now two generations of my family?you dont have to belive me no one does but i know what i saw and i fully believe in it.

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Reply by Lyrian Space Frequencies


Thanks for sharing aworldofhoney! These shadow beings seem to be a rather common sighting in the realm of paranormal things. 

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Reply by aworldofhoney


I have an encounter! 

I was sleeping in my room and was awakened when I noticed my door opening and an extremely bright light coming through. Lowkey, thought I was dying! never seen light so bright.

then, all of a sudden, as I open my eyes more, the door was closed, the light was gone, and there was a tall shadow being standing at the edge of my bed! it was fulled blacked out but it looked like the shadow of a tall, bald man.

I was so freaked out, I just kept saying "no, no, no, please no" and then just like that, it was gone. only happened once but still weirds me out.

update: my dad also told me of a time he saw a floating shadowy figure walking down the halls of the house when he was younger! he saw it twice. he said it kind of looked like death. at the time, he shared a room with my uncle, and they BOTH saw it!!

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Reply by Lyrian Space Frequencies


Thank you for sharing. I don't my dad's sighting had legs though. It was floating around. 

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Reply by Ginger ٩(˘◡˘)۶


I'm not sure if me and your dad had the same experience but when I was younger me and my friend started seeing this creature a lot like if it was following us, we would see it at school, in the woods and in buildings. 

It was on all fours, tall and skinny legs, grey/black/brown all over. It looked a lot like a shadow. 
It would go behind things and then disappear.
It's been so long, I only remember the basics.  

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Reply by Lyrian Space Frequencies


Wow that is pretty terrifying. I wouldn't be able to sleep either after that traumatic incident. I think the mainstream needs to come clean and officially acknowledge these beings as real. There are too many encounters to dismiss it as people's imaginations running wild. It's ridiculous how long these cover ups have been going on.

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Reply by Kylie


I think I had an experience with a shadow entity when I was younger, and to be honest it still has me shook to this day because I can't explain it.

I used to sleep under the blankets a lot growing up because I lived in an old farmhouse and I would get cold at night very quickly, even if it was summer, my room was notorious for randomly going ice cold. One night I poked my head out of the blankets to get some fresh air, and at my doorway I saw someone just standing there, I thought it was my mom's boyfriend so I called out his name. Instead of responding to me it started moving very quickly to my bedside and I quickly covered my head up and screamed. My mom and her boyfriend came running upstairs and when they turned on the lights nothing was there. I couldn't sleep in my room for weeks after that and I ended up having to sleep on the couch instead. I still think about that experience, that was basically my first face to face experience and it definetely changed me.

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Reply by Lyrian Space Frequencies


They are freaky! My dad's story really gave me the creeps. My family has a lot of paranormal stories. 

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Reply by Brachelle


I honestly don't know what I would do if one approached me, however I have had a few occasions seeing them at my old apartment.  one day I was in my room and I had to close my door because the shadow was just keep peeking around the corner and every time I looked up it would back in the other room...it's pretty intense 

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Reply by Lyrian Space Frequencies


Wow that's pretty crazy...never heard of one with a hat before. Hmmm

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Reply by xX_zombieboy_Xx


omg thats so creepy! the neighborhood i live in has a lot of weird paranormal shit, (the pit [a super deep pit with a lot of broken glass and furniture, and the plants grow suspiciously well around it], an obviously haunted house [which ive been inside!] an abandoned barn with super sketch vibes [perks of living in the south] and a house that supposedly belongs to an old slaveowner, the basements closed off there.) 

in one of my friends houses, the one that was owned by the slaveowner, the basement was closed off, but i saw inside of it one time. it was all dirt, with a bunch of like, floating tiny orbs around, but my main point is that, like, around the house, ill see this shadow dude in a long flowing jacket, a wide brim hat, and two pinpoints for eyes. my friends have seen him too, we call him 'hat dude'. 

not sure where i was going with that, just had a story that related 

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Reply by Lyrian Space Frequencies


Hmm interesting. Yeah my Dad's story did freak me out. He is a really strong person mentally and physically so he handled it well. Thanks for sharing!

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Reply by Lyrian Space Frequencies


Wow that's really crazy. Thanks for sharing. That reminds me I may have seen something of that nature a few weeks ago. I thought I saw a shadow and sensed a presence coming down the basement stairs. Enough that I actually said hello to it. 

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Reply by ☾ aLe ☽


Growing up my mother was an apartment manager at a small complex. We lived in the front main apartment home. It was the only one not connected to the rest of the apartment houses. We lived there when I was about age 3 to 8. I don’t recall when it started, I just remember being fine with it. It never bothered me and I would just kinda brush it off as an annoyance more than anything. 

During the night, not all nights, but enough for it to be a normality in my life, I would hear the toilet flush and foot steps. My room was right across from the bathroom and we never shut doors. Idk if it’s a Mexican thing but our doors are always wide open. Anyways, my mother and I shared a bed and when the toilet would flush no lights were on. I remember asking my mom once why my brother uses the bathroom in the dark and my mom dismissing it telling me to just go to sleep. 
Later through the years we would sometimes see a shadow figure cross the hallway before the flush. At night the figure was light. It wasn’t completely white or bright but just enough to see it pass. It was also very short. I remember thinking it must be a kid just like me. 
I never interacted with it. I would just observe it and think “here we go again”. After the years it didn’t even phase me, I’d sleep right though it. Although I did think about “it” quite a bit. I felt bad for it, I felt like whatever it was it was stuck always doing the same thing.
Then one day, it happened only once. We, my mother and I, saw the figure during the day. Only it wasn’t light anymore it was dark..not pitch black but gray and it walked along the same path as night and we heard the flush. The toilet didn’t actually flush I don’t think. It was just the sound but my mother didn’t like the fact that it was a dark figure. My brother was moving out soon, so we moved out of the front apartment into a smaller 1 bedroom. We never had any issues there. 
I kinda forgot about it after a while. The family that moved in after us, they weren’t very nice so we never talked to them but after some years they moved out and a new family moved in. A couple of years later I remembered that little kid. 
I asked them if they ever heard anything weird at night and they said. No, not really. “The toilet gets jammed a lot though”. I didn’t say anything but I remember feeling mixed emotions. It was kinda funny, kinda sad, there he was after all these years still flushing that damn toilet. 
Idk if this counts as a shadow person but my mom wasn’t staying to find out. 
Also, we lived in a very dangerous area and our street was considered the most dangerous at that time. Drive by shootings were a norm. I hope till this day that child wasn’t a victim of the violence we lived. 

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Reply by Lyrian Space Frequencies


I know right? I would probably get PTSD from seeing that. I feel like there's reason why some people see these things and others don't. Maybe because it would traumatize me or I have been traumatized by these type of ghost like entities in a past life and I'm being protected somehow. However it is odd how that I'm the only one in my immediate family that hasn't witnessed anything in that realm of freakishness. There is another weird form of disconnect regarding my family's birthdays. After analyzing the calendar there is a distinct synchronized relationship between everyone's birthday in my family but mine. For example my Dad's, Mom's, both brothers and sister's birthday will always land on certain days that fit into this pattern that I can trace and follow. However for whatever reason I don't fit into that pattern at all and it seems to be randomized. I'm not sure what this is or how clearly I'm explaining this right now but I'd like dig deeper into it at some point. It might explain why I feel so disconnected to everyone. Anyway I'm totally veering off the original subject. Happens sometimes...

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Reply by Valis


Woah, that's crazy!

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