Topic: Coming Out Stories

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Reply by ☆starman☆


My experience was not.. the best. my parents lost it and sat me down saying "no you WILL like girls" like yeah no crap I'm bi I DO like women but I like men too like damn okay. Anyways my parents still think im straight because thats what they want to believe at least, but my friends are all super supportive. I mean im still the same jason and im dating a girl atm but I do find guys attractive too, yet it is so hard for my parents to comprehend 

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Reply by spiderlegs residence


i dunno... i'm out to my friends, and in general, but my parents don't know. my mom would definitely be fine with it, and my dad would probably be okay about the being pan bit. less so the gender confusion bit. 

my mom thought I was a trans girl for like a year. she was very supportive, and she kept awkwardly dropping hints, and she was wrong, man. i just fear expressing masculinity. actually she might not have been entirely wrong. god, I just don't know.

anyway, she recently told me point blank that my dad and her would be supportive if I was queer, and I said "okay" like the fool I am. my goose is effectively cooked

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Reply by bullets4iero


i came out as a lesbian back in 2018 i think. it was new years eve, my incredibly religious homophobic best friend was trying her hardest to talk me out of it, my dad was drunk, my mom was cleaning.. they were just like "cool". less than a year later i came out as nonbinary to my mom and she was like "yeah whatever" and we didnt talk about it again. a year later i came out as transgender by writing a (i now admit, very guilt trip-y) letter to my parents and leaving it in the kitchen before school.. they didnt say anything about it but did read it. that was before my first attempt and psychward admission. then my second. and third. and eventually my mom picked up that maybe this was something i was actually struggling with and had a talk with me about it. it wasnt until 2021 that my mom started taking it seriously. she had a real conversation with my dad about me being trans. and the very last time i saw him before he passed (in 2021) he introduced me as his son to his friends for the first time. 

flashforward to today. i am one year on testosterone. my mom is saving for my legal name change and regularly gets into facebook arguments with transphobes. her closet consists of "proud mom" merch. and she has even opened up about her own queer identity. 

this is your sign that things will get better. it may have taken my mom 4 years to accept that this is my reality. but she now has a happy and healthy son. my extended family has been as supportive as they possibly can.

even if your own family doesnt accept you, you will find the people who will. im sending so much love out into the world for the people who dont have the family support im incredibly lucky enough to have. 

you are loved. xoxo.

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Reply by Hat$un3Miku!


I casually mentioned it over and my dad was like okay¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i just didn't know lol

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