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Coming Out Stories

Posted by heath


Forum: The Gays Group

What was your Coming Out experience? 

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Reply by xXLil4cLuXx


I remember telling my mom about a girl I was speaking to through the internet and she gave me a lecture on being safe cuz there's creeps online, and I got emotional and confessed I liked her and she was like 'okay, thats not the point...' (meaning that the point is being careful anyways), I was 12 btw. I knew the girl's mom too cuz we spoke through videocall so I was okay.

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Reply by Frenkli


I remember our middle school had a pride parade in grade 8. For about a year I was struggling with my sexuality I tried to ignore it hell I didn’t even know I was gay, but at that parade we held I finally faced the truth and accepted I was gay.  I told my sister who I trusted the most at that time, I didn’t trust my friends or my other family members yet.

  I couldn’t even breathe when I was going to tell her I felt like choking but I did it anyway I had to force the words out and after they came out I cried. She hugged me and accepted me but I was still so ashamed I begged her not to talk about it for at least a week or longer until I calmed down. 

After that it became easier to come out to people but at moments I still feel uncomfortable and hesitant especially if I don’t trust or know that person well enough. I mean some people don’t even have to ask or have me tell them some just know I’m gay automatically and some were totally shocked. It’s what we go through I guess.

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Reply by Didrick


I came out to my sister as bi four years ago after a party where I was kinda drunk but I do remember she took it really well and was supportive. And today I came out to my parents over a glass of red wine, or to be more specific, mom asked me if I was gay after we had talked a bit about Pride Month and her reasoning for asking is that she saw that I had applied a "Pride" filter on my profile picture on Facebook. I told her and dad that I am bi and despite my teenage fears of them reacting in a shocked manner or getting disappointed with me in a coming out situation, they took it really well! They said they still love me all the same and this changes nothing, all they want is for me to be happy and they also said they'll welcome anyone I bring home to meet them, be it a boy or a girl. I'm happy they took it in such a good way because I've heard "worst scenario" stories from other people coming out but I've also heard coming out stories with a good outcome for everyone involved and I'm glad mine is in the latter category. But it's the process of finding who I was that has led me to not daring to tell them until now, when I'm almost 40 but it's better late than never. Now all that remains is to tell my two older brothers and the rest of my additional family but I get the impression they are very tolerant and accepting so I think it's gonna go well telling them too.

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Reply by fern


thankfully, it was actually really planned out hahah. i was in therapy at the time, and had come out as non straight to my therapist some months before. she told me that ofc she wouldnt tell my parents, and that i had to come out whenever i felt ready (which i really appreciated)

sooo, some months go by and i have already everything planned out; i came out on a joint therapy session with my parents (although i came out to them separately) and it actually wasnt that bad! my mom just stayed silent for SO LONG I WAS TERRIFIED SHE WAS GONNA FREAK OUT OR SOMETHING LOL but she ended up just being supportive of whatever i identified as. and, since my uncle (my dad's brother) is openly gay, my dad kinda normalized the gay sh!t. so, with him it wasnt so bad. i mean, he DID tell me i could be confused and all, but you know, people learn and not everything always comes out perfect
i came out to my little brother while watching an LP music video. i accidently said out loud "man if she asked me to marry her i would" and he asked me "r u gay" (but like,, as a reference to a meme that was popular at the time) and i was like wtf why do u wanna know lol. he kept insisting so i just told him. he was like "oh, cool" and just,,, had no questions ar all LMAO
and i came out to my older brother while he was kinda drunk (not sh!tfaced bc or else he wouldnt have remembered it lmao) and he was cool abt it too!

TLDR: my family is fckn great, and i love them. and i am so thankful+privileged enough to have had a calm coming out story, and that i was able to do it when *i* felt comfortable. and i wish that was the case for everyone

thats it! not so interesting but yeah lol

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Reply by Kathryn


I was texting with some of my friends on discord late one night during a storm and in the group chat one of my friends says as a joke "I mean really, is anyone *really* straight", he said this into a chat with a lesbian and my bi ass. Tho neither knew I was bi. I decided that if just go and tell both of them. After my lesbian friend said she sure as hell isnt, I responded "nah, im bi" trying to make it casual. Well, mission failed successfully. I  messaged him later that night saying "holy shit, this is the first time I'm out" and he thought I meant power or internet so he responded "me too". Which sent me searching everywhere for where he came out. Turns out he lost power, and thought I had too. So I had to come out to my best friend twice in two hours.

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Reply by Vivian


I haven't come out to my family, but I have come out to some of my friends. It's was kinda terrifying with the thought that they wouldn't accept me, but they all did. I dunno how I got that thought, seeing how almost all my friends are very welcoming of that. Though, I have come out to a few other friends since then.

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Reply by Caseyshow


when i was 12 i though at first i was just a tomboyish lesbian at first. but then i was a bisexual non binary. to eventually coming out as a trans man who was omnisexual. while my sister was proud of me. my dad wasn't and was transphobic to me but at least my sister was proud for me when i came out.

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Reply by Cupid/Rosemary Killgore-Clover-Lopez


Ive been around the LGBT community my entire life my mom is omni so me coming out wasnt a surprise when I was 6 I came home and told my mom "hey momma I like girls and I want to kiss them" she laughed and said it was okay to like girls as a girl I forgot about it till I was 10 came out as a lesbian and then bi and then nonbianry and then fluid then trans then gay then where I am now Bi and Genderfluid

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Reply by Macky


it was bad lol

i was having a mental breakdown.

my mom said they knew and my dad didnt say anything

then i learned later in life my dad doesn't like LGBT people, but the best thing my dad didn't do is kick me out or i would be homeless lmao

My dad is a good guy despite his homophobia

I don't like talking about LGBT stuff with my family due to it. I just keep it all to myself.

My niece came out as Bi recently. My mom told me and I said "that's cool" and she said "no it's not". So idgaf tbh.

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Reply by Crash Test Dummy!1


I was in an Uraraka cosplay and making Tik Toks and at one point I decided to use fake blood and spread it all over my face. My mum caught me in the act of lip syncing to "The Red Means I Love You" and asked me what I was doing. Then she demanded to watch all my videos to make sure they were clean (they were not lmao) and I had to delete them all. She took my phone off me and saw my bio, which stated I am pan and demigirl. She asked me what they meant and through tears I told her and she just said "No you're not, you're too young to know." Well, says the one who is a perv for women. Anyway, now we're not allowed to talk about it :D

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Reply by anonyuser10


I told my cousin that I was bi and she was very supportive of it and was there when I told my parents they thought I was joking. To this day they still joke about it randomly, sometimes it hurts my feelings because like I would like to have a strong relationship with them but they haven't accepted my sexuality.

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Reply by Kiara


I was about 15 or 16 , we had just moved to a new town and although I had always called myself bi I never really kissed , dated or anything with a girl .. anyway I met this stud girl in the new town and it was like I couldn’t keep my eyes off her I was so fascinated with her .. I wanted to get to know her so bad , I remember when she first approached me (we lived in the same apartment complex as well as went to the same school) I was outside eating and she asked me my name I think or how old I was .. I was so shy I threw my food away knowing dang well I was hungry lol long story short since that day I stayed at her home almost every single night .. we met at the bus stop every morning .. skipped class in the restroom doing everything we wasn’t .. I fell in love with her and she fell in love with me too .. my mom use to always ask me why I was always with her .. I used to always lie even though deep down she for sure knew .. when it was confirmed it’s like she turned her back on me .. made me feel ashamed for loving the same sex as me .. 💁🏾‍♀️ I still dated and eventually moved in with my love .. she was my high school sweet heart .. 

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Reply by Abril


I was sitting in bed with my mom and I said "You don't know anything about my taste" while talking about the things I liked, and she said "Are you a lesbian?" (which I'm not) and I was shoked because I wasn't talking about that, but I immedeatly started crying, and I hugged her, SO EMBARRASING D;. I said no, and she said "Do you like boys?" -Yes "Do you like girls?" .... -Yes, and all of this happened while I was hugging her and crying.

I knew she was gonna be supportive, but I was still scared, and I didn't cry because of saddness, I cried because I had that hidden for years, it was in my chest for so long, and saying it was a relief (ofc I was also scared). She was like "It's ok, I will always support you" and I started crying even harder.
Coming out to my sister wasn't that hard, she's pansexual herself. We were doing one of those "Are you gay" quizzes for fun, and she asked me "What's your sexuality?" and I said "Bisexual" and she was like, "ok, cool". 
I didn't come out to my dad yet, and I don't think I'll ever will, only if I have a gf or any partner who isn't a man. 

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Reply by It's me bishess🏳️‍🌈


I'm barely coming out as of recent. Still really shy about it. But hopefully with this group I can learn to be proud

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Reply by Jaz


In fourth grade I had officially come to terms with being LGBT, as well as my friend who was already out to her parents. She wanted me to go to a pride parade with her and I was scared to ask my mom but I did anyways. She asked me why I would wanna go and I told her just to show support to my friend lol.. she asked if I thought I was gay and I lied and said I never thought about it. She could tell I was lying though lol.. so I broke down and told her I was pansexual and she told me being gay was wrong in the Bible and blah blah blah. But she told me she loved me and gave me a hug.. eventually she completely forgot about it, I guess because she figured it was a phase. But I came out to her again in 6th or 7th grade as bisexual and she was okay with it. So she's definitely more accepting. Also my other family members still don't know besides my sister sooo..

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Reply by Laura Grey


Started out as a “rumor” around school; and then my cousin heard about it and jokingly brought it up to their mom (my aunt and moms best friend). Well from here my aunt said something to my mom. I was probably in 6th grade at the time so my mom came to me and asked me about the rumors and if they were true. I didn’t reply. She cried, avoided me for like 2 weeks, and then finally.. she started trying to come around to it. Now I’m 31 years old and she thinks of my lovely lady as a second daughter. 

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Reply by Worm


My first coming out story is that my mother looked through my phone when I was about 8 and saw that I had “bi af” in my musically bio! It was horrible at the time but it’s hilarious now. My second coming out I was 12, at the time I identified as a trans man. My mother looked through my room and found my cheap amazon binder that didn’t even work:| Then my third coming out was when I put “they/it” in my bio,I was 15 and identify as agender. My mother is still hung up on that one so I’ll let ya know how it works out.

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Reply by Zion_Infinite77


My story isn’t as sweet as the others, so I’m sorry. 

When I was 17 I came out as bisexual to my mom, and she dismissed me. She didn’t even care. It really hurt, cuz at least if she was angry then that would’ve meant she cared, even a little.

Anyhow, I’m pansexual and agender now, and when I told her that (at 20) she threw the biggest fit in the world, saying that I’ll always be her daughter and I’ve only dated (straight cis) guys so how could I know what I like? I don’t live with her anymore, thankfully. My mom is such a mess. 

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Reply by RachelHester


this ones a little embarrasing so yeah i was 11 i was on omegle yep good old omegle and i was searching for ppl to talk to and saw a lets say not so well covered dude n pretended to be a girl just to see  and my dad caught me and now he knows im well i think gay im pansexual atm im still quenstioning IDKKK!!! but yeah theres an embarassing omegle coming out story for you guys!

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Reply by TorbieGriff


I think my favorite story was when I came out as bisexual to my mom.
At that point, I had already come out before (as FtM before later realizing I'm not transgender, just a woman with no regard for bullsh*t gender roles). I mentioned that I'm bisexual in passing, and said "Surprise, haha...", to which she replied, "It's really not [a surprise]." Through all of my questioning and coming out, she's been my biggest supporter.

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Reply by dangerspouse


I always thought girls were pretty but I never bought that I could date anyone other than a boy. I married a man. It occurred to me that I was attracted to women after falling for one of my besties at the age of 35. Well, too late to date I guess.

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Reply by eggboy_exe


I told my dad I was gay before ever telling him I was trans. I let him think I was a lesbian for a little while lol.

Later, after I went away to school, I sent him an email that was made to look like an official email from my college. It basically ended with "hey dad, its actually me, and by the way i'm trans"

he didn't speak to me for a week XD

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Reply by madmaxxx


Ive never had to "come out" to my friends and family. I just came out of the womb pansexual i guess and no one ever questioned me about my sexuality, i never felt like i had to say it, and im kinda awhore so i dont even tell my mom about the people im dating hahaha. but a week or so ago me and my siblings were just talking shit and somehow my older siblings were calling my little brother a bakla (gay in filipino) and i am defending the gays, telling them to stop using it as an insult and telling my brother i know he is straight but if he was gay, its a normal fucking thing. of course my mom comes out and is telling us to shut up, my brother is not gay and if he was she'd disown him. so i got pissed and started yelling at her a bit and im like "im fucking gay, you gonna disown me? matter of fact im a fucking mahu (hawaiian word for third-gender, genderless, many genders etc)" and she just is like ok and then walks away. just a funny little story xoxo :p

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Reply by Semeria


I never got to come out bc my cousin snitched on me smhh

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Reply by Amarok


I have as many of you, grown up in a heavily religious household, and because of this fact I was quite afraid to come out, I wanted to tell my dad first, because he's generally more open-minded than the rest of my family, and I am not joking when I say that I told him over Text.

What happened next is quite hard to talk about...

It surprised me more than anything when I heard what he had to say, I can remember him saying something along the lines of "You are loved by both me and Christ", the only thing he was concerned about was me acting out on it, but honestly, he hasn't even treated me any differently because of it.
I don't ever really discuss sexuality, and even on my profile page there's no blatant display.                                                                    

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Reply by Michelle


Half of my old friends were homophobic, so it was hard for me at first. I didn't tell anybody at first that I thought I was pansexual (I'm bisexual turns out) except one friend that came out to me earlier as a lesbian, we later started dating in secret, but have broken things off. I came out to my class at the end of my school semseter, and then moved schools. I started to identify as a lesbian before I broke up with my girlfriend. My mother knows only that I like both men and women, I came out to her half a year ago. My father is homophobic, but chooses not to talk about his views because of my mother. My brother suspected that I liked women in some kind of way since I was young, because I quote: "Michelle are you kidding me, you always chose female characters ONLY when playing video games, even when their playstyle sucked, because you said they were pretty."

Anyways that's it lol it was kinda a lot. Feel free to become my mutual!!!

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Reply by ✨Lilly✨


So my parents did find out at  one point I  was  "GAY" but they scared me so I turned Bi now im pan i havent said anything bout me being gay or trrans my  parents would lecture mee  that i dont understand love and  i shouldnt change who i am. They are NOT homo or trans phobic THANK GOD! They just want me to wait. When i turn 18 im coming out to my gay cousin and his husband or wife wht ever their pronouns r. Then im going to tell my parents =-=|||

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Reply by Ray


I came out so my parents didn't go on my phone in 2017 because I had a girlfriend and I didn't want them to see our conversations

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Reply by holly <3


about a year ago, i came out to my mum whilst she was doing the washing. i have anxiety and i was super nervous so im pretty proud of myself for being able to do so. anyways, i told her that i wanted to buy a bisexual flag and left, hoping that she understood. i'm guessing she done some research and found out what it meant. she came into my room later and spoke to me about it and tried to tell me that being bisexual "isn't possible" and "i'm just following trends that i see online". anways, after that we argued for like an hour straight until she just gave up and left. fast forward like a year, she was about to get my baby brother to sleep she asked me if i had a crush on anyone and said these words "any boys? *pause* any girls?" and i told her about a crush i had on a girl that i still had at the time and it lasted two years. so i guess shes supportive now which is good? 

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Reply by Gloomyxvamp


honestly it wasn't rlly a choice :)))  I was with my boyfriend in his town and I lost the train to my home and there was only one more around 2 am or something and I had to tell my parents that I went to another CITY to meet with someone...so yeah um they just found out that I am gay this way and all I can say is that it was hard a little for a while because my mom really tried to understood me but at the same time she dindn't rlly like the idea of me having a future with a guy and stuff but whatever she's kinda better now at it even thought she wishes that I would be with a girl XD

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Reply by aces


i came out to my close friends in 2020 and later that year (around june) come out to the rest of my friends. 

i made my close friends do a word search, in which the words "ace","is,"pansexual" were hidden. took the bozos like an hour. that was my bad though. 5/6 of them were dyslexic. so yeah maybe a word search wasn't the smartest idea. anyways... that's my story. OH i also made my sister do it. she got it in like 2 minutes. everyone's reaction seemed to be "bitch we know" and "oh so you were lying when you claimed to be straight after i caught you hooking up with ____ at that party?" 

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Reply by Buttercup :)


I came out to a handful of friends in middle school and also joined as an admin in a LGBT insta as I was the only out gay person my age I knew of. Then my freshman year of highschool I came out to my parents on national coming out day and then publicly only a few weeks later.  

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Reply by Millie


I struggled with my sexuality for a while, it was a difficult journey by myself and took a toll on my mental health. 

I came out to my friends about 2 years after coming to terms with it. I came out with a cringy meme but I was accepted and now I have many friends also LGBTQIA+ and am chilling.
I am not out to my parents, my bio parents are divorced and I have 2 step parents. 
I have bought a T-shirt for my mum for Mother’s Day that says “I love my pansexual daughter” and I am coming out to her with that and a letter explaining my whole gender mess.
My father is not so accepting and I shall have to hope my mum doesn’t tell him. 
Wish me luck and I will update you when I come out!!! I’m nervous but excited to be able to be me in my own home <33

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Reply by Sol


so basically in 6th grade  my crush invited me to the movie theaters, so obviously i said yes and me and her went to the movie theaters and a few days after she asked me to be her gf (of course i said yes again) and after a few days i talked to my mom about how i had a GF and she told me i was confused and i didn't understand those feelings yet and thats where our conversation ended. maybe a month or so after that my brother sat my parents down and talked to them about me being gay, i had no clue he had done this but he then came to me and hugged me saying that it's okay that im gay and that he explained the situation to my parents already. i really thanked my brother for this but it makes me a little sad that mom invalidated me when i told her what i was going through

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Reply by meg <3


I don't really have a big coming out story or anything. When my brother was 16 (I was like 11) he came out to my mom and she accepted him, so my mom would always ask me like "are you gay" "are you straight" "it's okay to be gay if you are" etc. so when I finally did "come out" to my mom over Covid quarantine she pretty much was like "okay, about time". my stepdad also supports but he was with my mom on the whole thing. My dad on the other hand doesn't know, and probably won't cause it's been almost a year since I've spoken to him. 

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Reply by hilma %¤#"


I fell in love with my bestfriends sister, yeah. And now i came out to my mom on text and she said it doesn't matter

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Reply by Dr.Blackbloodanimesword


i never came out, i just told my family i had a boyfriend and they were not surprised

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Reply by beansontoast


For a really long time i struggled to tell anyone about anything relating to my sexuality, which really ate me up inside because i knew that i had some family members that would not, in fact, accept me. 

I came out for the first time ever on the night before the start of senior year to two of my classmates. I was drinking (and was a bit drunk) and was asked if i was straight and i just said "no". Why lie, yk? One of the classmates i  had told then proceded told the rest of my class (or at least most of them), which obviously mortified me at the time and was a complete and utter violation of trust and confidentiality (even worse considering that this person is bi, just outed me to everyone).
I'm not glad that they outed me and it took me a while to get over, but all in all, it made me realize that people can either accept you for who you are or not, they can be supportive or they can leave (even though it's hard). 

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Reply by Nadya :)


I never came out, i've always showed attraction to every gender. I "came out" officially to my mother and she was like "why are you doing this, I thought everyone knew." I never came out :)

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Reply by raven


i remember, i joined my secondary school (middle school equivalent? i think?) five years ago and i had made all these amazing new friends. we were in art class and talking about random shit and the topic came up about sexuality, my crush said that she was bi and so did i!

it wasnt until in the past year that i realised that im a lesbian and non-binary - it took a little to come to terms with it as i had been using the bi label for myself for around 7 years now. i still have the same friends that i had in that art class 5 years ago and they have supported me more than ever and i could never be more thankful for them.

and about the crush? sadly, nothing has happened. and ive liked them for so long now. we had something about 3 years ago for a week but it was too much for them so i've respected that ever since and im waiting for them :)

im not out to my parents, i dont want to tell them until i move out - otherwise they'll be suspicious of every girl that i bring home lol

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Reply by nova.._


Sooooo- at the time a had a gf named Saquoia. J was super excited, so I told my *cough* homophobic *cough* grandmother. Grandma told my bastard uncle, then he told my mom. So one day. Mom picks me up from school and says, "soo.. you gotta gf now?." AND I LITERALLY ALMOST HAD A PANIC ATTACK- she was fine with it so it was all goooood. But when I told my dad he was like, "uh...huh.. -OH.. *cough* sorry but that's against Christianity.." BRO NO IT ISN'T. HAVE YOU EVEN READ THE BIBLE. so ye- bye bye :]

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Reply by jayden<3


my experience was really bad lol so like two months ago i randomly just on an impulse bought a progress pride flag on amazon and hung it on my ceiling and my mom came in and was like "so is that the nonbinary flag?" i said no and that it kinda represented everything and she was chill with it because my younger sibling about a year and a half ago came out to us as lesbian so she was ok with it. But then.... she found my "secret" tiktok account where i was out as trans and stuff and my mom didnt take that well at all i was going to get evaluated at a mental hospital because of some other stuff (I didnt get admitted cus they thought i was safe to be alone lol i lied abt a sh1t ton of stuff but thats beside the point) and so we were there and i told the doctor my pronouns are he/him and my mom still used she for me in front of the doctor and her excuse was "its a really difficult time for me also so give me a break" 

So on the way home she started screaming at me on how being trans is a disease and isnt normal and i was crying and sh1t and to this day she still doesnt refer to me as jayden or use the correct pronouns because i havent "formally come out to her" and i still dont want to face her and tell her because i wasnt ready to come out to her in the first place. Oh well 

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Reply by Samuel Cardener


Everyone was pretty much supportive of it, My sibling was the first person I came out to and they were beyond excited and supportive. With my mom is was rocky in the beginning, she didn't NOT support me she just couldn't let go of the me before transitioning it took some time and reassurance that i'm still the person I was before just different name and pronouns but after that she's been super supportive, my older sister reacted so well to it. But unfortunately coming out isn't going to be smooth with everyone, My dad was the biggest hater, to my face he was telling me he was supportive and would always love me but the words he would say behind my back and even to my face tells a different story, during a phone call he was emphasize "daughter" and "she", I called him out and he insisted he didn't but we all know he did. During my high school graduation he use she/her with me at any chance he possibly could until I told him to leave. Recently he told me he's going to higher a lawyer to stop me from changing my name even though he can't even afford his rent and i'm 19 almost 20 so theres really nothing the lawyer would be able to do. But the rest of my family that isn't immediate was for the most part supportive my Nana's still coming to terms with it but she hasn't made any snide comments. My boyfriend is definitely one of my biggest supports, he cried when I told him I had a date for top surgery because he was just so happy for me 

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Reply by slenkh


I kind of always knew that I didn't feel anything for women in a romantic way. But I didn't talk about it until I was 11 with my mother, she said it was a phase. In 2019 I came out again at the age of 17 and since then everyone around me has actually known it. The reactions so far have actually all been positive, but I've always worried that there will be problems.

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Reply by christine


When I was 13 I came out to my father as lesbian and I was crying. When he asked me why I didn't know how to answer, because the real answer was that he was kinda racist and kinda sexist so I assumed he was kinda homophobic too, but I didn't want to tell him that. so I just told him I thought he would hate me for liking girls, and his response was "I'm not homophobic, I've been in love with my lesbian best friend, Stacy, since highschool." I've met my dad's friend Stacy that he's known since highschool. and now I can't listen to the song Stacy's Mom without thinking about how my dad wanted Stacy instead of my mom. I don't talk to him anymore but according to Facebook he currently has a girlfriend named Stacy. (obviously a different stacy, the og Stacy has a wife)

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Reply by <lara mezza>


I never actually came out, my Mum went through my phone and found the messages between me and my girlfriend. She was mad at me for months and then all of a sudden was really chill. So not a great start but then an okay ending.

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Reply by XxX.Bug.Eyes.XxX


My parents found out in summer of 2019. I wasn't ready to come out to them and i was just figuring myself out but alas.

Mind you, i has just finished 7th grade. I had a huge crush on one of my friends, and another one of my friends had a crush on me. (At this time we all went by she/her) I confessed through my friend on accident while we were texting and i was also confessed to over messages. I didn't really do much of it, but at some point my parent went through my phone. Ill admit, i admire the patience they had. They had to scroll up ALOT. They started acting weird, telling me that I could talk to them about anything or whatever. I didn't ofc, but 2 weeks later they took me out on a walk without my sibling, sat me down on a bench, and bluntly asked, "Are you gay?"
That was by far one of the wort approaches. I started crying bc i didn't know what to say, i was mad and disappointed i didn't get to come out to them. They broke the closet open and dragged me out of it. They aren't against it, but they still have a hard time accepting it sometimes

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Reply by ☆ ☆ ☆


i first came out to my ex bestfriend in 7th grade on a bus ride to school.

i told her that i really like girls and i have been questioning it since 4th grade.
she didnt look supportive but she stayed as my friend.
when i first came out to my parents is when i was going through a breakup my dad asked me what happened and i went on ranting about how i didnt like him anymore bcz i liked girls and he just started to question me he was supportive but told me to never tell anyone bcz people would bully me. he later on decided to tell my mom and she looked disgusted. she didnt talk to me for weeks. but she decided to support me in the end after i told her straight up that i didnt like her being homophobic. later on she officially stepped out of my life.

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Reply by Patroclus


With my friends, coming out was a pretty casual experience. More of the school learned about it than I would've liked because I suppose someone overheard something or someone told. It stopped bothering me that people know, and I've been quite open about it since. The most difficult thing there has been the awkwardness of coming out as gay first, when I'm actually bi.

Now, family was a different story. My immediate family is homophobic, and my mother was resolute to not talk about it, and, aside from some arguments, we haven't much. Now, my brother on the other hand bullied me over it for quite some time when I came out. Thought me a "freak," which is his words, not mind. A freak and a certain three letter slur, which he called me quite a lot.

But, that's life and you survive. I've survived and things have improved in some ways in that regard! Though, I still do not feel accepted, unshockingly.

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Reply by xiaos.


i remeber 2 or 1 year ago when i was at my cousings birthday and we were with her friends and we got in a circle and just started to talk about sexuality and there partners (and at the time i was questioning a lot of my personality at the time) so everyone was talking except me since i didnt want to lie to them and then seem stupid, until one of my cousins friends came up to me and started to talk to me and about how much she liked this guy then she asked me if i had a sexuality so i quickly just said lesbian as a joke since i didnt know what i was at the time, but 2 months later i met this girl at the park  she just started to talk to me and ever since that day we were together ever since, we were talking,calling, meeting up at cafes 

but everytime i talked to her my heart beated sm and i didnt know what this feeling was at the time because she was gonna be my first fr love of my life. When i knew i liked her i hid it even tho everyone had shipped up together which made me happy, i hid that i liked her until she made the first move when we were at a park, i blushed a lil and said i liked her back and she wanted to become a couple and of course i said yes, after that experience i somehow knew i was lesbian and i tell my friends lies so they wont think im dating her cause if they did they would exose me to the whole school and i dont want that. and me and her are still dating!

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