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Decentralized internet does not mean crypto!

Posted by sumi


Forum: Reclaiming the Internet Group

Personally, I have a heavily dislike towards crypto. I also have a heavy dislike towards posts that misuse the term "decentralized internet" as if it's connected with "decentralized currency". They are two different things!

Does anyone else feel this way?

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Reply by NathanDarkson984


You're not the only one. This board, specifically this website, was made not only for the sake of rebuilding the old Web 1.0/2.0 type of deal, but to give back the creative power that big corps took away from us.

Surprisingly, Newgrounds still have customization, which is a good thing, and a prime example of how a website should be in the future. Not some Corporation-Only dystopian website, and I'm glad that Newgrounds will not, and will never fall within the hands like Google or Twitter. Look at NG for a quick example, and you can see why.

NOW crapto-shits are what I have a huge fucking grudge against the internet nowadays, because these fucking cunts think that “DECENTRALIZED INTERNET LIKE SPACEHYE!?!? FINALELl!! KREEPTO 4 EVRYAADY!!@!” when nobody wants to be associated with shit like that, a ponzi scheme, a scam that you could easily fucking lose your mortgage payment in a matter of seconds.

And huge news to Craptoshits, I’m not only an Argentine artist, but I’m also pro-efficient on computers and hardware, specifically Mac OS X (macOS), Windows, and Linux, and all honesty, your “digital assets” or whatever the fuck you claim, you craptofucks, are just JSON files that change the text of “money value” to whatever the fuck you desire, and tricks your mind into thinking you’re the next Jeff Bezos, when you really fucking aren’t. You’re just some nerd burning down the Argentina Forest with your brain-let mind by going to scammy sites like OpenGoatse, Shitcoints, and all that.

By the way you N/F/T fucks, do me a quick favor, you know that shit you bought? Yeah, hover over to that image, right click, and you can see the option for "SAVE IMAGE AS". There, I broke the fucking Matrix for you, stop spending your life savings towards jpegs, and commission an ACTUAL artist that draws, and not some AI Algorithm, you fuck.

We would rather be making our websites more of a social media site that we love, than give in to fucking nerds that want to burn down forests for a fucking JPEG or a JSON file, whilst also abusing the next NVIDIA and AMD graphics card for some “coin” that isn’t worth shit.

TL;DR: yes, and I wish crypto-fucks can fuck off. Websites that are decentralized, will not, and never be associated with this fucking “decentralized currency” bullshit, specifically when we’re reaching to the point where we make our own websites that carry on the legacy spirit of old websites for not only fun, but for the sake of our nostalgia, as to get together, meet new friends just for what we love, and not some craptofuckwads to come right in and promote their shitcoints to scam other individuals.

Fuck craptofucks, man.

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Reply by Squid Died


the only thing i like about crypto NFT shit is seeing idiots that bought into it being owned by a simple right click

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Reply by kir1n


If I could hack into Elon Musks account I would just tweet "i hate crypto" and then watch the values go down

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Reply by Squid Died


Reply by Akira


NFT bros get no bitches and have to like compensate istg

"guys this badly done picrew is gonna be worth 2317037317 dollars in 5 years trust me guys!"

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Reply by EngiQu33ring


I really like some of Stephen Diehl's writings about how crypto assets are essentially a lot of handwaving around a ponzi scheme.

What really gets me about the idea that web3 is somehow more "democratic" is that they're declaring decisions on it will be made through some token system where individuals can put up as many tokens as they want. They've just invented an even stupider form of Corporate Feudalism - one that will undoubtedly be no different than how things are now given that the people who own these companies will be receiving a boatload of these tokens, and therefore can just override everyone elses' "votes."

I think Yesterweb's blog encapsulates the biggest problem best:

"Any entity (or group of entities combined) that control 51% of the hash rate have the collective power to control the network, which is the exact thing cryptocurrency was designed to prevent."

The promise of a democratic and decentralized internet is not going to come from a bunch of corporations managing a cryptocurrency-based system. Those nodes are going to be massively expensive to run, making them unobtainable for anyone other than the hyperwealthy and corporate groups. If a ton of people were to pool all the coins/tokens they have together and vote to eliminate the presence of a megacorporation from web3, do they think the corporate class is going to let that happen? The wealthy have a famously good sense of class solidarity.

Web3 as described by Meta et al is nothing more than a grift. Ads aren't enough, so they want to scam fanboys who think their corporations play by the rules into paying their real money for fake tokens to use in (possible) corporate decision making.

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