As a massive fan of myspace and how much i disliked Facebook when they created "The Social Engineered News Feed Wall" followed by "Memes" then followed by "propagandized and political memes" which divided the masses more than it brought them together.
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The future of SpaceHey by 2030?
27 Replies

Reply by Toneia
I’m a leo sun and Scorpio moon and rising
Reply by SusieQ84
Keep politics in the politics forum. That's why MySpace and this site are great; there are relegated spaces for that specific content. That is why I was so glad to hear about spacehey. I needed this level of simplicity back. Just need it to be an app but that will take time.
Reply by magdalen rose™️
100% agree
Reply by Kymee Ostrom
First thing first NO politics note if you have an opinion express it when I say no politics I mean no deleting users post because it disagrees with your political views. I don’t want this to be like FB where the news feed is VERY political. Also have political post in a thread that way one choose if they want to read it. Note that will be a thread that I’ll be avoiding 2020 politics was enough to last me a lifetime, I also get enough of it off of Facebook (only reason I haven’t deleted is cause literally no one I know has a SpaceHey account and I’m not a trendsetter for example when my friends post they get 100s of likes when I post my likes/reactions range from 1 to 20.

Reply by Kymee Ostrom
First thing first NO politics note if you have an opinion express it when I say no politics I mean no deleting users post because it disagrees with your political views. I don’t want this to be like FB where the news feed is VERY political.

Reply by electroslag
Please please please never add an upvotes/likes system!!!
Reply by ATG All Tyme da G
You know how facebook overtook myspace? Because FB created an app and put it on everybody's iphone, blackberry or early android phones in the late 2000s/early 2010s. More and more ppl gradually moved over to FB & the final straw was when they effed with the original site. If SpaceHey created an app then Facebook would be dead by 2023.
Reply by Ana Tigris
Reply by DaMightyBenStein
I absolutely agree with the concept of #NoPolitics on spacehey, unless it's in its own section. One of the main reasons I ended up creating an account on here was to get away from all the divisive propaganda and the "independent" "fact checkers" from the Land of Cuckerberg. On this site, I just want to have a good, fun experience and talk to as many like minded people as possible. In the event that an app does get announced, I volunteer to be one of the beta testers for it.
Reply by Shane Sosa
a virgo here. i like this, i would love the lil games that were once part of the old facebook... music sounds perfect too... keeping politics off sounds even better.
fuck trump anyway. cheers.
Reply by Palmfridur Hanna Gudsdottir
Reply by Palmfridur Hanna Gudsdottir
Reply by ☆Melody
Reply by Night Frost
Reply by Erica
This is exactly what I miss of myspace! I hope spacehey makes it. We need the platform back where everyone was chill and not uptight. Things were different. Let's rewind to that time again.
Reply by Vigilante Stylez
What will make Spacehey great? First a mobile app. Second, nobody getting banned for saying whatever they want. I can see them banning obvious spammers, that's okay. But what made me HATE Facebook was their stupid Facebook jail for violating community standards which are unevenly policed. Yes, and keep politics in the politics forum, and let those people fight it out in there. Don't ban someone because they share liberal or conservative views, extreme or not. Let them argue there, and keep it out of the rest of the site.
Reply by R4PT0R
We should have games like
Reply by xX_olivurrr
i dont wanna jinx how long this site will last but i reallyyyy want it to be successful. there have been lots of sites inspired by myspace over the years and they all get abandoned or people get bored. OR it turns into a warzone like you mentioned!! so i def agree that everything should stay positive and civil :D
Reply by _Going_to_Gerany_
I hope this website lasts for a long time, a feature they should add which Myspace is being able to upload videos onto Spacehey!
Reply by venus (won’t kill you)
i’m an aquarius, not sure abt the others
Reply by Sydney
I agree, keep the politics out of it. Our world is so not fun anymore, you can’t go anywhere or do anything without being forced to see all the nonsense.
I’ve really been enjoying this website, I love the simplicity and nostalgia. I hope it never gets tainted.
Reply by x.{finn}.x
they definetly need to add videos like old myspace. photos too. its cool they have music already. having everything in one place would really set them apart from other social media the most tho
Reply by Iamthewalrus
Keep it so you have to click on a blog to read a blog. Same with forum post.
That's what separates it from the likes of Twitter, Facebook and Mastodon.
I tried out Mastodon for a while with the promise of 'no algorithm will make it apolitical'... no it just meant I had an overload of American politics. I'm not American, politics stresses me out anyway & there's only so much politics I can handle when I know I can't do anything about it.
If you have a TL of what someone else is posting, they will inevitably post something that you don't like/click with because they are not you.
As for me I'm trying to be unpolitical on here. Trying to not give too many clues about anything 'cliquey'. But ugh it's hard :))
Reply by ~
The website is starting...but put it as an app, along with tiktok type of media for the blogs then, boom. It starts going up.
Reply by Lemmingsishard
sorry for the necropost (is that a thing here) but I am afraid to say I don't think this platform will blow up since it is built off of nostalgia, just like osrs. Just like osrs it is doing very well in the moment but as the people that were kids in the 00s get older and older, what most likely will happen is that these types of nostalgia things will start to die off as their populations leave for other more "important" things. I hope that this type of stuff, the stuff that is not hand fed to you by an algorithm where all your data is stolen to maximize time on the platform will grow on gen-alpha and I hope that enough of those guys and younger zoomers will in-habit soon to be dying places like here and osrs and openrsc (I really love runescape).
TL;DR, I think this platform will die as late millenials and early zoomers age.
Reply by crimson
as a late zoomer, i dont have any nostalgia from myspace. i like this site bc its simpler and more fun than all other socials ive tried out, and a lot of it has to do with the amazing and rare lack of algorithms
Reply by Cronian