i like to think of myself as someone who exercises a healthy amount of skepticism when dealing with potential paranormal/supernatural activity, but one thing i can say i 100% believe in is the existence of shadow people.
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shadow people
10 Replies
Reply by Bacon 🥓
I use to see them as a kid all the time in a house I semi grew up in.
Reply by Iceiz'sene
Not sure what they are but I've allways considered them shadow people. Seen them since I was a Kid..they are of a world that exist like ours ...not sure why some of us can see them ...
Reply by ⸸Abril⸸
I remember my first encounter with a shadow person vividly, i saw it in a dream and woke up instantly to a sleep paralysis with it on my chest suffocating me while looking me in my eyes. Couple months after that I did a guided meditation that was like a trip through your subconscious and i saw it again.
Reply by Quackbur08 (Dop #1)
I was maybe 5 years old an just thought it was my step father for months walking up and down the halls of our house that each night I would wake up to, one night I had woken up but it felt different the door of the bathroom across the hall was more open than normal out of the darkness of the bathroom was a tall shadow looking man. It had the outlines of clothes that looked like they where from the mafia it stared at me with red glowing eyes, I sat in my bed staring at it what seemed forever then when I blinked my eyes a couple time it was right next to my bed staring into my eyes. I forced myself to look away terrified. Years after that I thought it was my imagination then last year(after I moved with my real dad and I was visiting for the summer) I had brought it up and apparently she saw the same strange shadow man in our house as a kid I had called him Mr. stomps cause of the loud boots he wore
Reply by Arlo(^·^)
ive always seen them my old bsf used to tell me i was stupid and stuff and that they werent real but now that i saw this post this is really helping me come to my senses and figure out they all were real. thanks guys
Reply by RllySllyCatz
I remember as a kid having a really vivid dream of a shadow person walking towards me. It was really scary for me because I was around 6 at the time, but I still get weirded out by it. I was in a corner so I had nowhere to run. It took place at my grandmas old house that always just freaked me out. The house was old and I often heard stuff in there. Not sure what it was, but I never really thought about it as a kid because I didnt want to scare myself to badly, mostly because I was already a nervous enough kid. Pretty weird.
Reply by ☙•.𝔠𝔥3𝔯𝔯𝔶_𝔳3𝔫𝔡3𝔱𝔱𝔞.•❧
ahh omg it's comforting to hear that some1 else sees these shadow ppl too!!
i used to see them a lot when i was younger. there would always be 3 of them surrounding my bed when i was sleeping & it was such a scary experience. in that house i used to always see them in the hallways & empty rooms (always dark, but if the hall was lit and the rooms were dark they would peek out into the hall or stay standing in the room). nobody believed me & just said it was me having an "over-imaginative mind". i was later told that the owner before us died in that house, so that's extra creepy.
i now live in a different place and i see them less often, but one of my most serious encounters with one was in this house. one of these ppl was standing in my hallway (fully lit). i was rlly shocked but i politely asked it to not hurt me and that i had to go around it and that i won't touch it. i walked around it and it did nothing to me, so i thanked it (ik that's so dumb but i didn't wanna get bad karma for being rude to it). that's my most recent encounter and that was ~1.5 years ago. i've recently tried to cut myself off from this stuff so i haven't seen much, but i do occaissionally see the odd shadow person or pale figure going around.
Reply by XtremeCringeWarning
One time when I was a kid I was eating lunch with my mom when I looked out the window and saw a tall shadow person bend-over looking into the window of the house behind my house
Being the dumbass kid I was I screamed and pointed at where I saw the thing to my mom but when I looked again it wasnt there
I didnt really think much of it and just kinda moved on with my life since it’s probaly just my imagination
Reply by XtremeCringeWarning
One time when I was a kid I was eating lunch with my mom when I looked out the window and saw a tall shadow person bend-over looking into the window of the house behind my house
Being the dumbass kid I was I screamed and pointed at where I saw the thing to my mom but when I looked again it wasnt there
I didnt really think much of it and just kinda moved on with my life since it’s probaly just my imagination
Reply by Rita
At night or when I'm alone in a room, I've always seen large, long shadows on the door frame that look similar to people but somehow not. I'm a very paranoid person and I constantly listen to loud music when I'm alone because I feel like it's somehow protecting me. It probably sounds strange but it really calms me down a lot.