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gaia oldbies

Posted by vergil


Forum: General

I was wondering if anyone could be drawn to something like Spacehey, they probably would have attachments to other internet legacies like Gaia Online. My account's still going strong even after the site's changing hands and the virtual economy going nuts (which I shamelessly capitalised on). Anyway, here's my avatar! Feel free to share yours if you like!

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Reply by vergil


In the spirit of the topic....


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Reply by necromancer


I got banned when I was 8, even until now more than 15 years later I don't know for what. I loooooooooved Gaia, though. I loved the sunrise and sunset in the little town, I loved the comics and characters. I still reminisce sometimes.

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Reply by Maximoto


I first joined in 2007, last login on my main was 2016 sometime, I did the email recovery but only managed to recover my mule account

BUT there's now a support ticket you can open & fill out with information to recover your old account even if you no longer have access to or remember the original email! I'm waiting to see if it works, wish me luck!

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