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pitition for nasa to find vriska serket from the 2009 hit webcomic homestuck by writer and illustrator andrew hussie [closed]

Posted by lucipurr


Forum: Writing and Poetry

so vriska serket is realyy hot and im sure we all know that.

but one time i saw vriska in the clouds!! yeah i know

so that means its possible for nasa to find vriska so we need to find her and get her down as soon as possible to mass produce body pillows made from her flesh

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8 Replies

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Reply by lucipurr


i have already spam emailed nasa the request follow by the generous offer of all my body pillows i have saved on my computer 


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Reply by arachnidsAuxiliatrix


Reply by lucipurr



its been far too long i will send nasa another email and if they dont comply we gotta take action and build a letter to the clouds to get to vriska we need to eat my children are hurngry we need her flesh or we may not make it through this winter 

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Reply by lucipurr


email to nasa                                                                                                                                    I have been messaging and messaging but it seems there is no other choice. I have very serious matters on my hands and you are ignoring my requests that could end world hunger, if we don't hear back from you i will have no choice you take matters into my own hands you are to get vriska down from the clouds her super sexy self is very nutritious and just one crumb per child would solve all the problems we are having racism, sexum, and other problems.but if you want those problems to continue then be my guest.

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Reply by Robot


"If the moon is in danger, then it would make sense that we should have an air-ship to get the vriska down and get her out"

But I am a bit of an idiot, and this would not make sense. I don't want vriska, but if it were to happen then we could get her back, so I think she should be able to survive.

"But I think that vriska should not have to be in the middle of the night to do this. If she's not in a dark area, she would not have the energy and the strength"

And this is my point:

"I don't know why it is that a woman would want a man to be a part of their life and be a part of their life and have to be in the middle of night. It's not that they are not capable, it's just because they don't want a woman who has a certain personality and personality and is very good looking"

So if a woman wants vriska and a male is going to have to be the main protagonist of their life, then she is going to have a problem with that. And if she wants vriska to have to do this and that, then it is a very big problem and it's not that we should have a woman who has the energy, but that she has to have a lot more than that and be in the middle of night, that would be very hard to get a man out of.

So this would make it much harder for vriska to get her out and if she is a woman with a certain personality and a certain type, then we would be in trouble and we should be looking into how to get her to be able to do this.

But this would not make it any easier.

"If we have to have a man in a certain position and have a certain type and a specific type of person to be in a certain role then

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Reply by lucipurr


Reply by meow :3c


no the thing is ur correct

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Reply by milo (⌒_⌒;)


lucipurr closed this Forum Topic