"It's been almost 2 months and I still have no idea why this site is being used by people.
I'm a little surprised by the amount of attention the community seems to give it and how many people have been asking me to update the site. I don't know what they're looking for and if they are, they should ask for my help. I don't think it will ever change, but if I do, then they're looking to take the site offline.
"If you have any other questions please leave me an email. I'm sure I can find someone to answer you.
As I mentioned, I'm a very big fan and I have a lot of questions about the website as it currently exists. I've seen the original thread on reddit but haven't been able to answer any more of them, I've also never heard of anyone asking for help with a website, or any kind of assistance. So, if you've been looking into a site, please post a question in our thread and let us know. If it's not there, I'm sure someone will be interested.
I'd love to get this website back up again and get it out to the world.
As always thanks!
I've been a robot and I'm a big robot fan, I think I'm the only person with a robot-related question in the history of my life that I'd really like someone to answer!
Thank you for the great help!