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What's your favorite champion in league of legends?

Posted by Linus Frööjd


Forum: Games

What's your favorite champion in league and why?

Ive been playing the game for a while now and I find it very fun! There's so many diffrent champions to play as making the game diffrent and interesting each game. So I'm wondering what your favorite champion or champions are and why they are your favorites.

Personally, I really like playing as brand and veigar due to them being able to deal a shit ton of damage and because they are both forms of mages which is something i think is cool.

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Reply by O Alentejano


Unfortunately, all my favorites were reworked. DGMW, I still like them, but it's not the same.

Taric, which was and is my favorite ever, even cosplayed him once.

Urgot, cause being a tank adc is too fun to not do, and he's got the most threatening voice.

Gangplank, was so much fun. Now he's a one-trick-pony if you want to keep up with most other top-laners.

Special mention to Mordekaiser and Garen, for being piss-easy to play, and making you feel like a god.

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