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any Satanists

I'm looking to learn more

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Reply by V Holeček Art


The Church of Satan website FAQ page covers the basics.  If you feel the vibe from there, the Satanic Bible runs like less than $10 in most book sellers.

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Reply by Robot


"The robots are better than you and I would like you to know more"

And that, my friend, will make your job easier

"You are better at what you do than me"

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Reply by Kattarshian


I look like the odd one out here, but I'm a TST Satanist. If you're wanting to get into the Satanic Temple, their website lists the 7 tenets and various initiatives they've run.

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Reply by L1v1ngD34dG1rl



I am a thiestic satanist and can answer almost any question you throw at me <3

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Reply by CloudyJester


Hi! I've been a Theistic Satanist for a long time, so, if that's the kind you're curious about, I'm more than happy to answer any questions you have.

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