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Favourite genre to read

Posted by Katie


Forum: Books and Stories

What is favourite genre to to read?

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Reply by Lolly


I typically read love stories, not romance novels - but right now I'm reading a few good ones.Β 

I'd love to get some recommendations because I'm just now really getting into reading. I like fiction. Obviously pretty vague.

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Reply by xXNIAXx


I used to like fantasy with lovestories in it, but at the time my favourite genres are darkfantasy, historical stuff and scienes fiction xD

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Reply by Malyn


I'd say my favorite genres would be romance, fantasy, sci-fi, adventure, historical, and thriller.

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I absolutely adore Fantasy, horror, thriller, mystery, a really good crime book. I'm not a super fan of romance as a primary genre but I'll check it out if the summary looks interesting.

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Reply by Rebecca


I read a lot of YA fiction, but I'm specifically reading modern Fey stories right now. Like Holly Black's series, if anyone has a recommendation.Β 

I also read a lot of mystery, fantasy, and romance with a sprinkle of sci-fi.Β 

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Reply by Casey Brooks


mostly YA. and anything on historical figures like Marie Antoinette. I also have tons of books about the Tudor family.Β Β 

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Reply by Megan{AZ}


Tragedy, gothic romances, and/or contemporaries depending on my moods and motivation levels.

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Reply by Megz


Sci-Fi for sure.

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Reply by Aylien


I'm not much for reading fiction anymore, except books by Exurb1a. I love reading philosophy and physics, it's very beautiful. Stoicism and existentialism are my favourite subjects.

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Reply by Daniel Price


Science fiction and fantasy.Β 

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Reply by Queen Amber


Mostly YA for me.

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Reply by Catisaurus-Rex


while i'm hesitant to call this a genre in and of itself, i've been really into comic books lately. i've always liked manga, and as of october, i started reading western comics... i am absolutely hooked. my favorites i've read so far are the killing joke and harleen.

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Reply by April


Urban Fantasy and Sci-fi

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Reply by Brian Palmer


It depends on my mood, but I do like contemporary tales, literary fiction, women's fiction, sci-fi/fantasy, that sort of thing, and I like reading both Adult and YA titles.

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Reply by Tayla Gaffney Blake


Normally Sci-Fi or Murder Mystery

Have quite a few video game related books (Gears of War and Assassin's Creed) and a few auto bigraphies

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Reply by Jay


I love reading erotica, romance, and mystery

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Reply by Trish


RH, si-fi, paranormal, fantasy

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Reply by Anxo


It's sci-fi for me! Actually I end up reading half science fiction and half fantasy, but I like sci-fi more. I'm too deep into feminist science fiction and I'm always looking for novels written in the 70-80's.
I'm also starting to read in between some YA and romantic novels. It helps to relax after reading some dark, cryptic science fiction.

And I'm constantly reading fanfiction too.

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Reply by am4ra!


i LOVE fantasy + romance and ones that make me sobΒ 

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Reply by Riona


I'm into high fantasy. Right now I'm huge into Cosmere, like Stormlight Archives and Mistborn. I'm trying to get into Wheel of Time but the prose is kind of dry and I'm having trouble getting past the first book.

I had trouble getting past the first Stormlight Archives book too but that series ended up becoming my favorite book series of all time so sometimes it's worth powering through a tedious beginning, lol.

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Reply by scourgu!


shounen and seinen for comics, detectives and russian sci-fi for books (russian is less idealist so it makes me less mad about the fact we're in a low tech dystopia)

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Reply by ayuxx


Fantasy, especially high fantasy.

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Reply by Anna Schröder


I love reading anything that's mysterious, historical or fantastical. Something that provides me with proper escapism.

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Reply by Swiftpaw


I don't read as much as I write but I enjoy middle grade and animal fictionΒ 

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Reply by Christina Ireland


My favorite genres to read are horror, psychological thrillers, thrillers, murder mystery, and true crime. So I guess anything dark really lol I just love the suspense!

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Reply by Christina Ireland


My favorite genres to read are horror, psychological thrillers, thrillers, murder mystery, and true crime. So I guess anything dark really lol I just love the suspense!

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Reply by Kloudchild


I mostly read nonfiction. Lots of autobiographies, memoirs and books on certain subjects. I want to jump back into Russian literature and I'm hoping to settle in with a fiction writer who has a long bibliography and go through that over time

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Reply by gravy dog


sci fi and apocalypticΒ 

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Reply by Cali


My favorite is Murder Mystery or Scifi Thrill

but i read everything

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Reply by CoffeeBun (γ‚’γƒ³γƒŠ)


I love strange stories, horror stories, stories with plot twists...Β 

Recently I read "the yellow wallpaper" and I can recommend it 100% ^^

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Reply by Leah


Fantasy, Romance. Both of them combined.

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Reply by debleb


i love fantasy (low fantasy in particular) but i especially love anything where the main characters are animals !!

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Reply by jo


probably dystopian or fantasy

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Reply by Valen


anything with a good plot

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i most commonly read graphic novels, the only other books i read that aren't graphic novels or manga is the "little house in the big woods" books lol

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Reply by kris


Horror and paranormal romance!

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Reply by Ani


might come off as childish but children's comedies (such as diary of a wimpy kid and dog man) are my favorites

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Reply by Frosty



these are my favourite genres

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Reply by Jesse


Fantasy or horror would probably be my favorites.

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Reply by Mr. Crisis (Ethan)


I adore horror books as well as classical books (eg. Pride & Prejduice, The Great Gatsby, Great Expections, etc)

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Reply by Chux


I mostly love reading histories they give me surprises

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Reply by Chux


I mostly love reading histories they give me surprises

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Reply by adam


im not sure if classical literature counts, but i love that. gothic novels and thrillers are also great.

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Reply by Eros


fantasy romance ftw, especially with lgbtq undertones

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Reply by π’œπ’Ύπ“‰π‘’


Murder mysteryΒ 

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Reply by apolaustic


"literary" fiction :)

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Reply by °•|{ZeeBee}|•°


I usually read fantasy books with a small love story

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Reply by VSJ


Horror and murder mystery. Wouldn't say no to fantasy or sci fi tho!

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Reply by e.j. ღ


I love love love dystopian type reads like The Hunger Games, The Red Queen, Divergent, etc..

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Reply by kalena


Sci fi and philosophy

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