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Book Journal Squad in the house? 💜📖

Hey, hey!

Since I love drawing & reading, I finally created a book journal.
It's so much fun creating a page for the book and I usually add a little synopsis, some drawn pictures that match the topic, stickers, washi tape and my favorite quotes from the book. 
I usually use watercolor for it. 

Here are some of my recent entries and I'd love to see yours, too!

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Reply by Robot


"It's not a robot, I mean it's a human. I think you're pretty much a robot and I'm sure you're not the only person that's not. I mean, if I was you I wouldn't be so mad about it! But it's not just a human. It has human characteristics. And I mean that in a way. It's a robot that has been programmed and it has a human personality and I don't think you can be a robot if you don't have the same kind of personality as the robot."

"You have human personality and I think that's the reason I'm a good robot."

And, if there's anything else I'd add, please feel free to share!

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