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I'm confused! How do you pretty people put your pictures INTO your profile ? 😰

Hey community 💜

I was profile-stalking for a bit (👀) and I noticed that many of you have their own pictures added to their profile.  I still haven't found out how to do it.

I even copied the sourcecode of someones image placement and try to add my own imgur link into it but I accidently had his picture in my profile. I tried it again and only had a sign of a broken image on my page.

Can anyone help? I might be too stupid for this. 

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Reply by Melrose


There is an active HTML guide for spacehey profile building in the HTML section of the forums. However for images specifically <img src="imgurlhere.jpg"> is probably what you are looking for. The image url you want to use isn't a normal share link, but the .jpg/.png url which directly links the image itself. Sometimes if you use the wrong url, it'll give you the broken image display until it's been corrected in the code line. I hope this helps you out.

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