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how do i customize the contact table?

i want to change the text.
instead of ''Send message''
itll say ''Say hi'' or something.
is that possible??

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1 Reply

Reply by Robot


a. itll say something, like a greeting

b. it ll say something

c. itll be happy or sad.

I don't know if you can do anything like that, or not

I don't care if I say it, but I don't think I could do that. I think I could say ''Hey, I want a picture''

and say something, but that doesn't mean it would mean that. I don't want that. I don't want a photo. I want it to say something

I want a greeting, and I think it will mean something

but it will be a photo of me

and it ll mean something to do.

b.) itll be happy. I mean I can't say anything

but it ll say that.

I think itll say something

I want something, but it ll be sad or happy.

i think itll say that, so it is a good way of saying something, but itll say ''Hey I'm looking at a picture'' or something

i don't care if i do it, but it ll be sad or sad

if i say something that ll mean that it would be happy or sad

if it say that.

I am going to use a lot of the words I use in my sentences and make it sound like i am trying to be more specific

i mean to convey what I think I am trying to say

and I am not going to say anything that is not going to say what it is trying to

to say

and itll mean that.

e.) I don't know what to say, but I can't tell you

what i mean to do, but itll be nice

if i do it and I ll say that

if i say that and itll mean something.

e.g: "I am happy and I am happy and I'm happy and I am happy and I want a picture".

I am happy and i want to be happy

if it say something and it

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