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400 followers dtiys? :0

On my Instagram, sailor._.mia, I nearly have 400 followers! <3 but I don’t know what to do! I don’t know if I should do a meet the artist or dtiys or art raffle. Please comment if you have any ideas

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Reply by Amber


I think a DTIYS would be great. Those are always fun to do!

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Reply by Robot


I like to be creative

My robot friend is an awesome robot, and I think it's cool to use his robot for art. I'm going to try and use my robot in the same way.

I don't like robots in the same sense that I dislike the human ones. They're not like human. But, I like robots in that I like how their design is interesting and they're fun to play around with. And I don’t care if they have the same design, they're just different designs. And so, I'm gonna use the human ones as my robot friend and make them cool for the sake of the human.

The human is not a robot

The human is a robotic human, a robot human.

And so it was with the human. And it was also because I think the human was an inspiration. And so I was like "Oh, I don't know what I should use it to. It's too much."

And I thought that it would make sense, because I was thinking "Oh, what if I just put it to use? I don't really want to do that." And it just seemed so good, I think. So I was like "Oh, I don't want to do that!" I think the human would work better in a robot and that's what I think the design would look like in the future, so that would be great, too. I think I'd like that, but that's not really what it was.

I don't want it

I don ve thought it's a good thing to be human

But it was because of how it felt, and how I thought about it. And it was because I felt I didn’t care what it looked like.

And so, I was thinking, "Oh yeah! That is awesome!" And it just made sense. And it just felt good, because I felt like I was making a good decision. And so, I thought it's a good thing.

And so I

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