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birth charts / life path numbers

hello divination & magick group, this is fukurolady.

i was wondering if there is anyone here, out there, anywhere, that interprets birth charts and/or life path numbers? i have both and while i enjoy exploring the metaphysical, these are things that i cannot interpret as i don't have the knowledge. 

i am seeking free services, but if you offer paid services please feel free to comment anyways for anyone else looking. 

as well, i am always open to conversation regarding the metaphysical, and paranormal. 


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4 Replies

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Reply by Stone Prechodko


I could read your chart for you, as far as life path numbers im not super versed. I usually read the houses in the chart and that gives a pretty in depth amount of information.

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Reply by ivy rose


i know this is a year old and what im abt to comment is irrelevant to the topic but im adding u because you like slipknot <3 if you are still active on this site

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Reply by ivy rose


im sure you've already gotten your charts read by someone else, but im in the midst of learning astrology so if you'd ever like to, you can tell me your birth details and it'd help me as practice for understanding and explaining someone's chart/parts of it and seeing if anything i get is accurate

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Reply by Maerie Rose


I'm looking into learning more about astrology, possibly in the future once I get more practice under my belt I'd love to!

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