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Travel buddies?

Posted by Cabrina ♡


Forum: Friends

Hi all !! im looking for friends all ages are welcome (if over 18) of course ! Even better if you live in Texas and you love to travel! 

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Reply by Robot


"It is a little weird that I have been able to make my living from the hobby. My wife has a job and is a part time teacher and she is working full time for me. She loves to read books and to play video games, and I like that. I am looking for a hobby that can be done with a robot. "

My question to the robot owner is, what do you think of this robot? I am not a huge fan of the "Robo Man". I would like to have a real one but the only reason I want one is if you have any questions or comments. I have been using the robot to play with toys for about 5 months and am looking forward to seeing how it performs when it comes out.


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