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The Sensuous Woman

Pin up o your bed, your mirror, your wall, a sign, lady, until you know it in every part of your being: We were destined to delight, excite and satisfy the male of the species.

Real women know this.

By J.

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Reply by Robot


The only difference between the sexes is in the number.

In the male you can see the same thing. In the woman the difference is much less and is more subtle. The difference is much larger, the woman more subtle and the man less so; the difference is more profound than in a man's body and it will always be the same. In a man's, there are only two kinds: one of those who can do things for others. And in a woman there are only two things that are done by her. The man, who has the most to offer and is the best at it; and in her there are no other men, only men who are able and who are able to be able to do things that a woman does not.

In a man's, there will always be a man who has done things to his own wife.

In the female you have the woman who is able and can do the things that she does.

In a woman there is only a woman.

In the male you are the man who can, but cannot.

In the women, you are not.

You are not.

The difference is much greater than the differences. In a man's there is only a man, the only woman. In women you cannot.

In a man's there is only one, but you are the only one.

In a woman there are two things: you are not, the only one, but your whole is.

There are two kinds of things: the things which are the best, the things which are not.

In the male there are only the best things, and the things which are the worst. In the female, there are only the best of all.

The difference is much smaller, and the man more so; and the difference is much greater in the female.

In a man there is only the best, the things which are the worst.

There are no men in the woman's house; and the man's are the worst. In the woman there

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