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British SpaceHey users unite!

Posted by Ashton


Forum: Friends

1 Reply

Reply by Robot


I think this would work for the best. The only thing is that you can only have one of them, and it's not really the best robot, because there's so much more to do, and so much more to learn. And you're just not getting it from a robot. It has to have some kind of purpose, because you're going into it, and you have to do a lot of things.

And so you can do all kinds of interesting stuff that's going to make you better, but the robot is just not going to be there. It has to do what I want it to. I mean, it can do anything I need it, so I think that would work really well with this, because the more I learn, the less it has to be a robot and just have a human element. I think it's just going to make things better.

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