yoooo!!!! any other systems on here??? or is it just me? Love to chat to others on here! kinda lonely you feel? -._-.
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Calling out to my fellow D.I.D/OSDD systems
anywhooooo! heres some things bout meh! :)
I'm Nagito Komaeda(fictive of course) from DR Scene kid!AU on tumblr I'm 16-18(age slider) I'm clueless about this new era!!!!! (cringe culture is dead got it? :D) I'm apart of a polyfrag introject heavy DID system! favorite color is pink and I use He/Zap pronouns, and im nonbinary!!!!!!! I mainly just surf on tumblr, play everskies or just chill on here!!!! our discord is Jishper#6666 friend us if you want :3 anyways toodles and stay rad yoou guys