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How long until we colonize another planet

Posted by nickiscoolbeans


Forum: Space Talk Group

we have everything we need but no one wants to do it. why?

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Reply by Kenzu


Colonising another planet would create more problems than it solves. Imagine the wars and stuff that would happen because everyone is greedy <3

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Reply by SaranSDS008


Cuz they re simply unsustainable, brutal, harsh, etc. Like Soviets back in 70s tried to land spacecrafts (a series of spacecrafts known as Venera similar to Apollo) into Venus, only for the whole equipment to be melted into pieces due to it being corroded by the non-ending 24/7 sulfuric acid rains. Landing in Neptune=Instant freeze (It's Antarctica, but 1200 times worse). Space is not a star war fantasy toy lol. It's basically a unforgiving hellhole filled with lifeless unforgiving planets, asteroids, bright burning nebulae, stars and.ever stretching wasteland of void called "space". Colonizing space and other planets is like setting up a city in middle of Siberia.

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