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★彡 Nostalgia Survey 彡★

Posted by TuttiFruitti


Forum: Quiz/Survey

1. Favorite cartoon growing up?

2. Favorite discontinued snack:

3. TV Commercial you can't forget:

4. best store in the mall?

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?

6. top three nostalgia bands? 

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: 

9. magazine subscription top pick:

10. favorite computer games: 

11. what did you save your allowance for? 

12. Top 5 toys in order: 

13. Favorite movie from childhood:

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 

15. First experience with a website?

16. First experience with technology? 

17. Something you wish you could bring back: 

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Reply by Ðꧧï©åtêÐ ©ø®þ§ê


1. Favorite cartoon growing up?

Futurama, Scooby Doo: Where Are You?, South Park, Daria and Beavis and Butthead.

2. Favorite discontinued snack:


3. TV Commercial you can't forget:

None, I don't even try to remember any ads from any point in my life.

4. best store in the mall?

The Public Restroom.

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?


6. top three nostalgia bands? 

Murderdolls, Daft Punk and Katscan.

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:

I don't pay attention to brands.

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: 

Don't watch TV, but if I still did it would be one of the shows I mentioned.

9. magazine subscription top pick:


10. favorite computer games: 

This changes all the time: Quake, DMC, Resident Evil, Half-Life, Fallout: NV.

11. what did you save your allowance for? 

My parents were assholes and didn't give me one.

12. Top 5 toys in order: 

Literally none.

13. Favorite movie from childhood:

Scary Movie.

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 


15. First experience with a website?

Searching something up with a search engine probably.

16. First experience with technology? 

I put a 9V battery on my tongue, as for computers I was introduced from a family member to Quake 3 back in 2001.

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Reply by cLoDaGh


*grew up in the 00s

1. Favorite cartoon growing up?

The powerpuff girls, hamtaro, or rolie polie olie

2. Favorite discontinued snack:
Mondo squeezers

3. TV Commercial you can't forget:
Reece's puffs rap

4. best store in the mall?

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?
Never had any!

6. top three nostalgia bands? 
Smashmouth, coldplay, aly & aj(if that counts lol)

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: 
Gilmore girls

9. magazine subscription top pick:

10. favorite computer games: 
The myscene games, webkinz, neopets

11. what did you save your allowance for? 
Littlest pet shops

12. Top 5 toys in order: 
Littlest pet shops, webkinz, polly pockets, sea monkeys, zhuzhu pets

13. Favorite movie from childhood:
Lilo and stitch, nemo, home alone, and the mickey christmas movie

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 
A spongebob popsicle 

15. First experience with a website?
Creating my webkinz accounts with my siblings

16. First experience with technology? 
Making powerpoints

17. Something you wish you could bring back: 
Omg everything

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Reply by Fríða Líf (Bella Vida)


1. Favorite cartoon growing up? Lion King

2. Favorite discontinued snack: Blue Opal

3. TV Commercial you can't forget: Muu (an Icelandic milk commercial: https://youtu.be/rOwsYOC0y5Q )

4. best store in the mall? I used to love a store called Spútnik, it was very chiq for a teenage girl lol

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace? Myspace

6. top three nostalgia bands? Some weird tan cloth, billabong and nike

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback: Buffalo shoes

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: Pokémon 

9. magazine subscription top pick: W.I.T.C.H.

10. favorite computer games: Sims

11. what did you save your allowance for? More Sims

12. Top 5 toys in order: Bratz, Singstar, Guitar Hero, art supplies and my plushie.

13. Favorite movie from childhood: The Lion King

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? Something caramel or strawberry

15. First experience with a website? Miniclip.com

16. First experience with technology? I think it was a jump rope that sang a song? Or maybe my nokia 

17. Something you wish you could bring back: I’m trying to bring back my optimism and positivity

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1. Favorite cartoon growing up?

little einsteins

2. Favorite discontinued snack:

do zoopals count, i think everything i ate back then is still made today albeit repackaged

3. TV Commercial you can't forget:

the one for that cup that you shake and it makes a slushie inside the cup while you shake it

4. best store in the mall?

either the disney store (well before disney started to absorb everything entertainment-wise) or anywhere with toys. childrens' place was also nice since i had an affinity for fashion even as a child

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?

i didnt have social media until 2013 but i remember this, my first was facebook actually. regret that decision so much

6. top three nostalgia bands? 

i dont remember much but i think i listened to africa by toto specifically a lot as a kid 

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:

idk, probs all the classic emo stuff i missed out on since i was born in the middle of that era

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: 

probably fhfif or ed edd and eddy, theyre both iconic shows that i remember rerunning on CN in like 2011-2012

9. magazine subscription top pick:

either altpress or kerrang if they still sell the 00s stuff

10. favorite computer games: 

purble place and mahjong, i found out how to get them for windows 10 and am reliving the good days

11. what did you save your allowance for? 

a pottery machine i saw in walmart one (1) time and decided i had to have

12. Top 5 toys in order: 

none, i was an epic wii gamer even as a kid. funnily enough, i used to suck at mkwii as a little kid and the determination to improve at it carried on for so long that im a sweat that can hold my own against funky kongs online and can easily lap my siblings on local multi

13. Favorite movie from childhood:

the early star wars movies (back when they were still good movies) and the lord of the rings trilogy tie for my favorites

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 

those character ice creams that look really nice on the package but actually look like they escaped a nuclear fallout

15. First experience with a website?

disney junior flash games or the annoying orange site back when it was still a new thing

16. First experience with technology? 

my dad brought home a little computer one day with windows vista and a bunch of games, including chess, solitaire, purble place, and mahjong, and that was the start of it all

17. Something you wish you could bring back: 

AIM, old youtube (back when it was run by the creators and not companies), old myspace, old internet in general

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Reply by mz shey


1. Favorite cartoon growing up? Hey Arnold!

2. Favorite discontinued snack:  Doritos Jalapeno Cheese

3. TV Commercial you can't forget:  Brandy Candies Shoe Commerical

4. best store in the mall? Bath & Body Works

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace? Myspace

6. top three nostalgia bands? B2K, NSYNC & BACKSTREET BOYS

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback: APPLEBOTTOMS

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: ONE ON ONE

9. magazine subscription top pick: WORD UP!

10. favorite computer games: NONE

11. what did you save your allowance for? WORD UP! MAGAZINES

12. Top 5 toys in order: NONE

13. Favorite movie from childhood: POCAHONTAS

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? CHERRY OR BLUE RASPBERRY SCREWBALL

15. First experience with a website? AOL

16. First experience with technology? COMPUTER

17. Something you wish you could bring back: MY LATE SPOUSE RIP

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Reply by porkupine XD


1) Favorite cartoon growing up? so fricken many..... flapjack wuz the biggest i think!!!
2) Favorite discontinued snack: FROOT LOOPZ CEREAL STRAWZ those bitches were sooo tasty
3) TV Commercial you can't forget: itz aa pillow... itz a pet... itz a pillow pet !!!
4) best store in the mall? SPENCERZ.....theyr veary easy 2 steal frum
5) friendster/forchan/ or myspace? myspace jus cuz i nevr used the other :3
6) top three nostalgia bands? owl city, lady gaga, ke$ha
7) clothing brand you want to make a comeback: SKELANIMALZ CLOTHEZ R SO RAD
8) TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: ill assume this meanz when i wuz younger; i watched total drama island & action AS THEY CAME OUT
9) magazine subscription top pick: nat geo kidz :3
10) favorite computer games: oh i hav so many!!! ummm the fabulous ponymaker, the sushi cat seriez, the papa louie gamez, castle gafa 3d (on windows93.net), tetris, plus i KNOW therez more
11) what did you save your allowance for? i cant remember!!! :p
12) Top 5 toys in order: FURBY!!!, littlest pet shop, nintendo dsi, wii, stuffed animalz
13) Favorite movie from childhood: ohhh i cannot remember. maybeeee um catz & dogz!!!
14) What do you pick from the ice cream truck? i usually get like 3 thingz but um!! malt cup fo sure
15) First experience with a website? club penguin wuz probz my first website but i also hav sum rlly vivid memoriez of hangin out on the invader zim page on fanpop.com
16) First experience with technology? idk, watchin tv?
17) Something you wish you could bring back: thatz a loaded question ! ummm idk, i guess i wish i had had some rlly close friendz who i wuz able to play ds and stuff with back in th day. that wud be a nice thing 2 have now i think 

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Reply by Prudence


1. Favorite cartoon growing up? : Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends

2. Favorite discontinued snack:  i honestly dont even know 

3. TV Commercial you can't forget: the toon town ones 

4. best store in the mall? : chanel or victorious secret 

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace? : my space all the way

6. top three nostalgia bands? : millionaires, pierce the veil, and no doubt

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback: juicy couture or betsey johnson 

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: so random

9. magazine subscription top pick: idk i have alot of magazine subscriptions but maybe harper's bazaar

10. favorite computer games: IMVU

11. what did you save your allowance for? : i dont even know random shit

12. Top 5 toys in order: i- i dont even know

13. Favorite movie from childhood: all of the childs play movies

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? the cookie icecream screamers thing 

15. First experience with a website? : i think it was on youtube watching icarly cause i snuck on it

16. First experience with technology? : playing on the family computer in my living room and burning cd's from random music my brother downloaded on it

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Reply by Tyra


1. Favorite cartoon growing up? Dora

2. Favorite discontinued snack: The trix yogurts

3. TV Commercial you can't forget: Shirly Temple

4. best store in the mall? Spencers and Hot Topic

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace? Myspace

6. top three nostalgia bands? Three Days Grace, MCR and Falling in Reverse

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback: Tripp

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: Bad Girl Club

9. magazine subscription top pick: None

10. favorite computer games: League of Legends, The Sims, The Danganronpa Trilogy

11. what did you save your allowance for? Things for my car

12. Top 5 toys in order: Monster High, LPS, Barbie, My Little Pony, and Cabbage Patch

13. Favorite movie from childhood: The Princess and the Frog

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? Spongebob ice cream pops

15. First experience with a website? Youtube

16. First experience with technology? Ipod/windows xp computer

17. Something you wish you could bring back: The older lps models

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Reply by rhubarb


1. Favorite cartoon growing up?

johnny test, scooby doo

2. Favorite discontinued snack:

the orig dunkaroos and the popsicles w bug shaped gummies in em

3. TV Commercial you can't forget:

00's fruit gushers commercials & those sticky toy maker things. with buggies!

4. best store in the mall?

justice, claire's, hot topic, ardene

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?

4CHAN??? lmao. no. and either quotev or facebook. (but mostly quotev). 

6. top three nostalgia bands? 

my chemical romance, fit for rivals, black veil brides

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:


8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: 

there was a point where i watched glee religiously. and this one show that i think was a spinoff of PLL? but i hated PLL itself. i read the books though.

9. magazine subscription top pick:


10. favorite computer games: 

bloons td series, plants vs zombies, dress up games, coolmath games

11. what did you save your allowance for? 

going to tim's after school

12. Top 5 toys in order: 

i don't like ordering things in preference, but i loved my stuffed animals, my barbies, my little pony, hot wheels, and lego.

13. Favorite movie from childhood:

the princess bride

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 

ooh i barely got to get from the...i liked the crybaby things though, and a butterscotch dipped cone.

15. First experience with a website?

one of those educational game sites, for sure.

16. First experience with technology? 

don't remember :/

17. Something you wish you could bring back: 

light up shoes

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Reply by Samsen


1. Favorite cartoon growing up? 

I really liked The Rugrats and Pokemon (still do) a lot. I would be so excited to watch them as soon as I woke up. 

2. Favorite discontinued snack:
Wonder balls? I think that's what they were called. Basically the US version of kinder eggs. 

3. TV Commercial you can't forget:
Those informercials for cake molds and the one with the tiger poster. 

4. best store in the mall?
Hot Topic for sure

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?
Myspace for sure I stayed far away from 4chan. Also anyone remember Vampirefreaks? 

6. top three nostalgia bands? 
Three Days Grace, Linkin Park, Hollywood Undead

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:
Anyone remember Volcom? 

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: 
Inuyasha on Adult Swim 

9. magazine subscription top pick:
I didn't read a lot of magazines but circus was cool.

10. favorite computer games: 
The Sims

11. what did you save your allowance for? 
Never had an allowance! My parents would buy my brother and I things when we were good.

12. Top 5 toys in order: 
I liked stuffed animals, those Kelly dolls, Legos, poo-chi, I don't know if game systems counts but I loved the N64 and my Gameboy Advanced SP, also anything art related

13. Favorite movie from childhood:
Slappy and the stinkers 
Honey we shrunk ourselves 
Small Soldiers 
Lion King

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 
scribblers or the ones with the nasty gum balls 

15. First experience with a website?
YouTube. Remember 2007-2010 YouTube? When you could customize your background and have an about section and ascii text art all over the place? That was where I got started. 

16. First experience with technology? 
I don't think television counts so I will say the N64

17. Something you wish you could bring back:
Feeling like trick or treating isn't going to be around for much longer. Also malls! Remember when everyone went to malls? 

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Reply by Christina👑


1. Favorite cartoon growing up?

Hard Question, But I'll have to say Powerpuff Girls

2. Favorite discontinued snack:
Trix Yogurt

3. TV Commercial you can't forget:
4. best store in the mall?
Any toy store ( As a Kid)
Hollister (Now)

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?
Myspace Duh lol

6. top three nostalgia bands? 
Good Charlotte
Maroon 5
Simple Plan

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:
G-Unit Sneakers lol

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: 

9. magazine subscription top pick:

10. favorite computer games: 
Pinball, Solitare

11. what did you save your allowance for? 
Barbie dolls, & Snacks

12. Top 5 toys in order:
WWE Action Figures
(Only can think of two) 

13. Favorite movie from childhood:
Sister Act 1 & 2, Cooley High, & Crookyln

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 
anything Chocolate lol.

15. First experience with a website?
Before Myspace. was Now it's called ww.stardoll.com but before it was www.paperdollheaven.com & Yahooligains I remember going on there to play the Lil Bow wow Skateboarding game.

16. First experience with technology? 
Maybe Like in 05 my first computer that's when the headaches started when it came to viruses and computer freezing.

17. Something you wish you could bring back: 
the 2000's Decade. I would say 90's but I was born but was too young.

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1. Favorite cartoon growing up? Spongebob.

2. Favorite discontinued snack: Dunkaroos.

3. TV Commercial you can't forget: Look... Look with your special eyes. MY BRAAAND!

4. best store in the mall? Hot topic was a fav

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace? Myspace. 

6. top three nostalgia bands? Alice in Chains, Nine Inch Nails, Soundgarden.

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback: I'm actually not sure.

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: Boy Meets World and Gilmore Girls.

9. magazine subscription top pick: I loved the Nickelodeon one. Was so fun.

10. favorite computer games: I spent way too much time playing Sims that I didn't leave room for much else.

11. what did you save your allowance for? Bratz.

12. Top 5 toys in order: Bratz, pogo stick, Littlest Pet Shop. I was mostly an outside kid and loved adventuring and riding my bike.

13. Favorite movie from childhood: Beauty and the Beast.

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? The chocolate eclair bar.

15. First experience with a website? Playing games on the Disney Channel site.

16. First experience with technology? Oooof. Probably my Nana's work computer.

17. Something you wish you could bring back: My kitty. :(

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Reply by Sʜᴀʏ Gᴏɢʜ 🎩


1. Favorite cartoon growing up? The Powerpuff Girls

2. Favorite discontinued snack: 

3. TV Commercial you can't forget: Orbit commercials

4. best store in the mall? Spencer's, Hot Topic and the Disney Store

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace? MySpace

6. top three nostalgia bands? 

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback: Tripps and Angel's

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: Dynasty

9. magazine subscription top pick: People

10. favorite computer games: Wizard101

11. what did you save your allowance for? 

12. Top 5 toys in order: 

13. Favorite movie from childhood: The Mask

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? The Bubbles pop

15. First experience with a website? YouTube or MySpace

16. First experience with technology? Dial-up XD

17. Something you wish you could bring back: Too much

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Reply by lizard420


*early 2000's*

1. Favorite cartoon growing up?

Cow and chicken or ed edd and eddy
2. Favorite discontinued snack:

3. TV Commercial you can't forget:

4. best store in the mall?
American eagle or hot topic
5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?
myspace for sure 
6. top three nostalgia bands? 
Blink 182  
7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:
Billabong or tripp to make pants like they did then
8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: 

9. magazine subscription top pick:
10. favorite computer games: 
Skate 3, Papa's games, and anything on coolmath
11. what did you save your allowance for? 
12. Top 5 toys in order: 
Comic books
13. Favorite movie from childhood:
Home alone
14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 
Ice cream sandwich
15. First experience with a website?
Starfall in kindergarten
16. First experience with technology? 
My old hp pc that broke down constantly
17. Something you wish you could bring back: 
Mall goth in the early 2000's

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Reply by not_lain


  1. powerpuff girls
  2. mestle blue kimy swirls
  3. pepsi fire and ice with vaness wu
  4. top floor when nobody is around
  5. friendster cause i made more friends there close to me cuz most users are from SEA
  6. backstreeet boys, linkin park, simple plan
  7. tribal, theyre still around my country but the designs sucks ass
  8. probably random anime with back to back marathon
  9. i didnt have a subscription but i used to buy otaku magazines monthly found in bookstores
  10. sims
  11. to buy anime shit like magazines, posters and figurines
  12. pellet guns, yoyos, pocket race cars, anime playing cards, beyblades
  13. some random teen movie probably
  14. drumstick
  15. meez.com
  16. nokia phone?
  17. idk really

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Reply by ★gregg★


1. Favorite cartoon growing up? 

land before time, or pokemon

2. Favorite discontinued snack:
not discontinued, just not sold where i live - these like pizza flavored breadstick crackers

3. TV Commercial you can't forget:
there was this stuffed animal robot thing that laid eggs that had a really obnoxious commercial

4. best store in the mall?
hot topic

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?
had none, but myspace

6. top three nostalgia bands? 
the sundays, radiohead, the cure (also indigo girls and dr. dog)

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:
not a brand but thigh-high converse

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: 
zoboomafoo. ooh or fetch or mystery hunters

9. magazine subscription top pick:
national geographic, obviously

10. favorite computer games: 
animal jam, like this mario kart game that was supposed to be fore a ds or smth, and uh. moshi monsters 

11. what did you save your allowance for? 
pokemon cards or bella sara cards

12. Top 5 toys in order: 
littlest pet shops, legos (classic), webkinz, these star wars figures from my dad, idk just stuffed animals in general

13. Favorite movie from childhood:
the neverending story, the dark crystal, and my neighbor totoro

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 
those strawberry icrecream popsicle things

15. First experience with a website?
probably the pbs kids games

16. First experience with technology? 
these really early apple computers that looked like dishwashers

17. Something you wish you could bring back:
my pokemon cards that i gave away : (

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Reply by Leah


1. Favorite cartoon growing up?:
Fosters Home For Imaginary Friends.

2. Favorite discontinued snack: Not sure about this one. I don't remember any being discontinued.

3. TV Commercial you can't forget: There is many tbh, but the one people really remember is the ad for a reading/writing hotline. There is also Roof Seal, Lubemobile, Bigpond, Hungry Jacks, I think so too.

4. Best store in the mall? Candle/incense shop.

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace? I didn't have any of those. Wasn't allowed to have social media until I was 14/15.

6. Top three nostalgia bands? Wasn't really into music until I was 14/15, but Black Veil Brides, Escape The Fate, Motionless In White.

7. Clothing brand you want to make a comeback:
Didn't care all that much about fashion tbh.
8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: Old Tom.

9. Magazine subscription top pick:
Wasn't into magazines.

10. Favorite computer games?: Insaniquarium, Feeding Frenzy 2, Sim City 3 or 4, Rollarcoast Tycoon, Majesty, Age Of Empires, Sims 2.

11. What did you save your allowance for?: Bratz dolls, Bella Sara cards, My Little Ponies.

12. Top 5 toys in order: Bratz, My Little Pony, skipping rope, hula hoop, marbles.

13. Favorite movie from childhood?: The Lion King.

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck?: Couldn't afford it. 

15. First experience with a website?: My Little Pony had mini games on their site, but that's just by my memory.

16. First experience with technology?: Playing Putt Putt on Windows 95 or 98.

17. Something you wish you could bring back?: Nah, thanks. 

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Reply by Olivia


1. Favorite cartoon growing up?

SpongeBob, Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, and Phineas & Ferb

2. Favorite discontinued snack:

 Oreo cakesters

3. TV Commercial you can't forget:

The trailer for Mario & Luigi Dream Team. It weirded me out when I was younger.

4. best store in the mall?

Box Lunch

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?

I didn't use any of those, but I did use iGirlsGames. It was like MySpace and GirlsGoGames in one.

6. top three nostalgia bands? 
I never really listened to music.

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:

Hmm... I don't know.

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: 

America's Funniest Home Videos

9. magazine subscription top pick:


10. favorite computer games: 

My New Room 2

11. what did you save your allowance for?

I didn't get an allowance.

12. Top 5 toys in order: 

I dunno. They were mostly stuffed animals.

13. Favorite movie from childhood:

Brother Bear

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 

SpongeBob popsicle

15. First experience with a website?

I dunno. I was probably like 3. I would watch my older brother play on the computer, and then he'd pull up games for me to play.

16. First experience with technology?

I don't remember. I was a baby.

17. Something you wish you could bring back:

All of my childhood possessions that went to Goodwill. And iGirlsGames!

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Reply by SAERIM


1. Favorite cartoon growing up? 

the barbie movies, i still watch them lmao

2. Favorite discontinued snack:
ok does anyone remember those little yoghurt balls called yogo's cause i swear they existed but no one else remembers them???
3. TV Commercial you can't forget:
the filet-o-fish commercial where the fish is singing on a wall
4. best store in the mall?
the lego store definitely
5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?
never been on those lmao
6. top three nostalgia bands? 
arctic monkeys, pierce the veil, gorillaz
7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:
8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: 
9. magazine subscription top pick:
oh god those american girl dolls magazines
10. favorite computer games: 
i forget what it's called but it was like different shapes do different things that u build a maze out of to keep mobs from getting to a point idk
11. what did you save your allowance for? 
stuffed animals lol
12. Top 5 toys in order: 
legos, play-doh, sorry!, chutes and ladders, monster high dolls
13. Favorite movie from childhood:
the little rascals
14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 
a huge mf ice cream banana split
15. First experience with a website?
this dora the explorer game
16. First experience with technology? 
when my dad let me play street fighter alpha 3 on his old playstation
17. Something you wish you could bring back: 

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Reply by /d/oomerGrl


1. Favorite cartoon growing up?

Power Puff Girls

2. Favorite discontinued snack:

Dunkaroos, or the trix yougurt (I don't see them anywhere anymore, but I don't know if they're officially discontinued)

3. TV Commercial you can't forget:

The lego city commercials

4. best store in the mall?

Not a store, but I really enjoyed the water fountains that let you throw coins in them

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?


6. top three nostalgia bands? 

I didn't really listen to any bands

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:

GAP / Fubu

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: 

TAWOG, Ed Edd n Eddy

9. magazine subscription top pick:

Never really read any magazines

10. favorite computer games: 

Wizard101, Minecraft, or roblox

Flash Games: Fancy Pants adventures, Sushi cat, Snail bob, etc

11. what did you save your allowance for? 

Dork diaries books

12. Top 5 toys in order: 
1-Lalaloopsy Dolls
2-Lalaloopsy minis
3-American girl dolls
4-Fnaf mini figures
5-Minecraft figures I've gotten from cons

13. Favorite movie from childhood:


14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 

Double cone Vanilla Icecream / rainbow sprinkles

15. First experience with a website?

Watching Youtube videos

16. First experience with technology? 

Watching movies on my grandmothers VHS

17. Something you wish you could bring back: 


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Reply by kylathecreator


1. Favorite cartoon growing up? Samurai Jack / Brandy and Mr Whiskers

2. Favorite discontinued snack: Caramello Bears

3. TV Commercial you can't forget: "Just one small cap, is enuf!"

4. best store in the mall? Jayjays

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace? myspace

6. top three nostalgia bands? paramore, mcr and green day

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback: jayjays!!

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: hannah montanna 

9. magazine subscription top pick: tiger beat

10. favorite computer games: club penguin

11. what did you save your allowance for? candy

12. Top 5 toys in order: idk man i played with the rocks and stones outside me house. oh and baby borns

13. Favorite movie from childhood: mulan

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? soft serve

15. First experience with a website? moshi monsters

16. First experience with technology? blackberry curve

17. Something you wish you could bring back: idk but i srsly miss my blackberry curve 

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Reply by JupiterCafe


1. Favorite cartoon growing up?

Totally Spies, Scooby-Doo, Courage the Cowardly Dog.

2. Favorite discontinued snack:

Would say French Toast Crunch but they brought it back.

3. TV Commercial you can't forget:

That chips ahoy commercial to the tune of 'Don't you want me, baby?'

4. best store in the mall?


5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?


6. top three nostalgia bands? 

Never Say Never, Three Days Grace, Paramore.

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:

I can't think of any. We got most of our clothes at thrift stores, second hand, or at box stores.

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: 

We didn't have cable. When I was older we eventually got Netflix.

9. magazine subscription top pick:


10. favorite computer games: 

Resident Evil, Doki Doki Literature Club, girlsgogames.com, y8games.com, Don't Starve, Don't Starve Together, etc.

11. what did you save your allowance for? 

My parents once made me think they would give us an allowance, but we ended up owing them money.

12. Top 5 toys in order: 

My art stuff, my stuffed animals, slinky, Bratz makeup and hair-styling head, bouncy balls.

13. Favorite movie from childhood:

Howl's Moving Castle or The Nightmare Before Christmas.

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 

I always wanted the Looney Toons ice cream cup or a chocolate taco, but I had to settle with the cheaper options usually. 

15. First experience with a website?

I was allowed on YouTube and kid's game sites like girlsgogames.com and Y8.com

16. First experience with technology? 

Shared family computer. Once I accidentally spilled Sprite on the modem and the sparks almost killed me.

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Reply by applesauce


1. Favorite cartoon growing up? scooby doo (the og on hand-me-down vhs tapes)

2. Favorite discontinued snack: related to above, scooby snacks graham crackers

3. TV Commercial you can't forget: asi the white glove guys 1-800-481-c OO l

4. best store in the mall? my local malls always have a comics-n-stuff, its mostly a comic book shop with figures, plushies, and collectables as well.

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace? ive used 4chan for longer but i like the personalization of myspace and how it is more left-leaning here than that hellhole. i never used friendster. so probably myspace ^^

6. top three nostalgia bands? early fall out boy, red hot chili peppers, and cake or they might be giants cause i cant decide if cake counts

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback: i never pay much attention to brands :(

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: steven universe. every episode of the main series.

9. magazine subscription top pick: shounen jump or the moshi monsters one

10. favorite computer games: dogz and catz! i got them as a bonus in a wendy's happy meal!

11. what did you save your allowance for? lps and pokemon cards

12. Top 5 toys in order: Screwdriver (my dog plush),  that giant bubble ball thing you can climb in, mystery machine playset, perry the platypus karaoke cd player, massive body-sized dog plush.

13. Favorite movie from childhood: Cats And Dogs movie

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? either the strawberry shortcake pop or the sonic with gumball eyes

15. First experience with a website? probably making an email. i had a meltdown cause i didn't get spam messages within an hour after eagerly awaiting them and thought that meant i didn't exist and nobody cared about me. other than that i made the email to get a youtube acc so i could watch scooby doo movies my parents wouldn't buy me split up into 2 minute sections.

16. First experience with technology? my childhood family friend had a nintendo ds and was playing the barnyard game while we were camping. i was instantly hooked.

17. Something you wish you could bring back: zoopals plates!

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Reply by xbonesx


1. Favorite cartoon growing up? Avatar the Last Airbender

2. Favorite discontinued snack: KISSABLES. I think about them often and lament

3. TV Commercial you can't forget: But wait - there's more -

4. best store in the mall? hot topic ngl

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace? none oop

6. top three nostalgia bands? linkin park, three days grace, flyleaf

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback: i willed the comeback of tripp into existence, now i am begging the universe for kikwear/macwear stuff like that

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: my mom had me watch house and bones hahaha

9. magazine subscription top pick: was not a magazine kid :/

10. favorite computer games: space bounty, a power ranger game, webkinz hahaah

11. what did you save your allowance for? 

12. Top 5 toys in order: animal alley stuffed animals, fur real friends, toy cars, the little water ring things?? this is off the top of my head and likely not the real answer cause i'm blanking

13. Favorite movie from childhood: balto or spirit lol

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? oreo ice cream, the kind on a stick with the crumbles, chocolate chip cookie ice cream sandwich

15. First experience with a website? 2005? 

16. First experience with technology? probably 2005 too

17. Something you wish you could bring back: blingee :'(

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Reply by maria


1. Favorite cartoon growing up?

 scooby-doo, the Simpsons 
2. Favorite discontinued snack:
i’m not sure if they are discontinued but those ice creams with gummy bears at the bottom 
3. TV Commercial you can't forget:
hex bugs advert lol, polly pocket i think they were called, cillit bang 
4. best store in the mall?
i loved going to argos or currys and playing temple run and crazy taxi on the ipads 
5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?
6. top three nostalgia bands? 
the wanted, JLS, the iconic 1D

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback: NONE the 2000s/2010s were cursed

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: yu-gi-oh!

9. magazine subscription top pick: i never read them 

10. favorite computer games: FRIV

11. what did you save your allowance for? there used to be this cool sweet shop on my way home back from school 

12. Top 5 toys in order: 
 1. monster high dolls (all i remember playing with)
13. Favorite movie from childhood:
14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 
15. First experience with a website?
cool maths games in primary school 
16. First experience with technology? 
   probably when i was 5/6 and would play with phones in church 
17. Something you wish you could bring back:
the vibes, the energy, the fun, 
i feel like the 2000s/early 2010s weren’t appreciated enough 

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Reply by Jessica


1. Favorite cartoon growing up?

The Little Mermaid Show, Jetsons, Scooby Doo

2. Favorite discontinued snack:

The Altoid Sours

3. TV Commercial you can't forget:

Six Flags dancing man

4. best store in the mall?


5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?


6. top three nostalgia bands? 

TLC, Boys2Men, NSYNC

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:

I never really shopped by brands ever

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: 

Sabrina the Teenage Witch

9. magazine subscription top pick:

Never really been one for magazines

10. favorite computer games: 

WOW Lich King Era

11. what did you save your allowance for? 

Hot Cheetos and nacho cheese at the snack bars

12. Top 5 toys in order: 

1: Beauty and the Beast Dolls
2: TY Beanie Babies
3: Barbie
4: Sky Dancers
5: Pogo Stick

13. Favorite movie from childhood:

The Little Mermaid

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 

Sonic the Hedgehog ice cream face

15. First experience with a website?

Cartoon Network online taking 30 minutes to load coloring pages

16. First experience with technology? 

My parents spending a day setting up the old Windows 98

17. Something you wish you could bring back: 

The days before modern technology. Yes, it makes things easier, but I remember how simple and less stressful things were without it. It was even freeing going without technology later on as an adult. 

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Reply by d r y f r y z


1. Favorite cartoon growing up?


2. Favorite discontinued snack:
I cannot think of one, I think all the snacks I liked growing up is still available. 

3. TV Commercial you can't forget:
Those seen on TV commercials for sure, especially the ones that had to do with hair or cooking lol

4. best store in the mall?
Hot Topic~

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?

6. top three nostalgia bands?
blink-182, Nirvana, and Evanescence. 

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:
I cannot think of any lol

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: 
WWE's Raw growing up, I wouldn't miss it for anything.

9. magazine subscription top pick:
WWE's magazine line growing up, but now its Pro Wrestling Illustrated. 

10. favorite computer games: 
Dress up games lol

11. what did you save your allowance for? 
I cannot remember.. probably magazines or something I liked from the store lol

12. Top 5 toys in order: 
Bratz, toy cars, wrestling action figures, plushies, and pokemon toys.

13. Favorite movie from childhood:
Goosebumps: Stay Out Of The Basement.

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 
I never experienced a ice cream truck in my life lol

15. First experience with a website?
Dress up game websites at the age of like 7 years old.

16. First experience with technology?
Getting a CD player (if that counts?) at the age of 6. 

17. Something you wish you could bring back:
I honestly have no idea on that one. I guess innocence if I had to pick something.

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Reply by ⛧☻Grace☻⛧


1. Favorite cartoon growing up? Spongebob

2. Favorite discontinued snack: i cant think of any discontinued snacks 

3. TV Commercial you can't forget: Hudiburg christmas commercial (it's so fucking annoying)

4. best store in the mall? Spencers

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace? myspaceee 4chan is full of weird incels lol

6. top three nostalgia bands? Schoolhouse Rock, Toby Fox, Katie Perry

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback: idk lol

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: steven universe

9. magazine subscription top pick: i don't read magazines

10. favorite computer games: Roblox, Stardew Valley, Iron Lung

11. what did you save your allowance for? i forgot tbh

12. Top 5 toys in order: Building blocks, happy meal toys, zoomer dino, skylanders, stuffed animals

13. Favorite movie from childhood: Aladdin

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? i forgor

15. First experience with a website? Probably watching PBG on youtube . thats the earliest i can remember

16. First experience with technology? i had this one weird console that i could play like this wall e game on

17. Something you wish you could bring back: Tally Hall and old Roblox

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Reply by madmaxxx


1. Favorite cartoon growing up?

scooby doo, max and ruby, the buzz on maggie

2. Favorite discontinued snack:

3. TV Commercial you can't forget:
battery bill

4. best store in the mall?

fredericks of hollywood, hot topic

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?


6. top three nostalgia bands? 

weezer, nirvana, paramore, green day

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:


8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: 

pertty little liars, teen wolf, the simple life, the girls next door, skins, kyle xy

9. magazine subscription top pick:

national geographic, j-14, cosmo, nylon, ap, freesurf, dazed, playboy, tattoo

10. favorite computer games: 

PINBALL, purble palace, pixie hollow, the sims

11. what did you save your allowance for? 

shoes and gameboy games

12. Top 5 toys in order: 

moon shoes, robo dog, super soaker, ninja turtles action figures, doddle bear

13. Favorite movie from childhood:

the crow, silence of the lambs, fight club, the big lebowski, waynes world, romy and michelle's high school graduation, empire records

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 

ice cake, musubi, tajin gummys

15. First experience with a website?

researching nasa on my dad's work computer

16. First experience with technology? 

using my dad brick cell phone to call my grandma

17. Something you wish you could bring back: 

people hanging out in malls!!! it was so fucking fun

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Reply by Eryn (Kitsch Mama Obscura)


1. Favorite cartoon growing up? The Simpsons

2. Favorite discontinued snack: Spicy Mustard Pretzel Combos

3. TV Commercial you can't forget: I feel like Chicken Tonight, like Chicken Tonight, like Chicken Tonight, Chicken Tonight!

4. best store in the mall? Judy's (it was basically a poor man's Spencer's only less raunchy and douchey)

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace? MySpace. At least Tom wasn't like Fuckerberg

6. top three nostalgia bands? Alice in Chains, Collective Soul, and Presidents Of The United States of America 

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback: None of them but I do wish they would bring back the ruffle waist bands on granny panties

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: The Simpsons

9. magazine subscription top pick: I wasn't allowed to subscribe to magazines because there was no way my parents were paying for that shit for me

10. favorite computer games: Jazz Jackrabbit, The MECC Edutainment Games (Besides Oregon Trail), and Chex Quest

11. what did you save your allowance for? I don't remember

12. Top 5 toys in order: Glow Worm, an Elmo Doll I once had, 2-XL, Teddy Ruxpin, and Mighty Max

13. Favorite movie from childhood: Beauty and The Beast

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? Super Mario Bros with the Gumball eyes

15. First experience with a website? Thesimpson.com

16. First experience with technology? Mattel Intellivision (despite that being an obsolete format)

17. Something you wish you could bring back: Mighty Max (Polly Pocket came back in recent years with the choking hazard figurines (AS 👏 IT 👏 SHOULD 👏 BE), so why not Mighty Max?)

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Reply by ianishere


1. Favorite cartoon growing up?
The Secret Saturdays!

2. Favorite discontinued snack:
Don't have one! Most of my favorites are still being made.

3. TV Commercial you can't forget:
This one. It's burned into my mind.

4. best store in the mall?
The Asian import store. Went for the anime toys, stayed for the stationery.

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?
I was too young for social media when these were at their peaks. My first social media experience was Tumblr, in 2013.

6. top three nostalgia bands?
Evanescence, MCR, Halestorm.

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:
That one with the sarcastic bunny.

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week:
Adventure Time!

9. magazine subscription top pick:
Good Housekeeping!

10. favorite computer games:
Yume Nikki, Age of Empires II, Microsoft Solitaire.

11. what did you save your allowance for?
I never got an allowance.

12. Top 5 toys in order:
Webkinz was really the only toy I consistently played with, most of my time as a kid was spent reading.

13. Favorite movie from childhood:

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck?
I never had the ice cream truck in my neighborhood. I would, theoretically, get the Choco Taco.

15. First experience with a website?
2007-ish Youtube, watching old Sonadow AMVs. The times were simple, the world was kinder.

16. First experience with technology?
My family computer, playing Wizard 101.

17. Something you wish you could bring back:
The golden days of Neopets.

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Reply by Izzy Bones


1. Favorite cartoon growing up?

MLP & Monster High

2. Favorite discontinued snack:

The soon to be discontinued seasonal pumpkin icecream (they make a new autumn flavor every year ;((

3. TV Commercial you can't forget:

2000's empire carpet commercial 

4. best store in the mall?

either hot topic or the pretzel bakery

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?


6. top three nostalgia bands? 

Get scared, three days grace, evanescence 

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:


8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: 

My little pony 

9. magazine subscription top pick:


10. favorite computer games: 

Roblox, left 4 dead, call of duty zombies, deviant mlp maker game

11. what did you save your allowance for? 

I don't have an allowance 

12. Top 5 toys in order: 

Monster high dolls, mlp toys, littlest pet shop, barbie, baby alive

13. Favorite movie from childhood:

WAY too many to count

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 

probs blueberry or cherry

15. First experience with a website?

either a porn site or an anime site 

16. First experience with technology? 

4-5 years old I got my first little crappy phone (for safety)

17. Something you wish you could bring back: 

either monster high/mlp dolls or my happiness

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Reply by BornAgainKishin


1. Favorite cartoon growing up?

Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Powerpuff Girls

2. Favorite discontinued snack:

WWE ice cream bars. I know they brought them back as Superstars ice cream sandwiches, BUT IT'S NOT THE SAME.

3. TV Commercial you can't forget:

The Chips Ahoy cremewiches commercial where they go "I'm squeeeeeezed! In the middle!" "Smack dab! In the middle!"

4. best store in the mall?

Borders (RIP)

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?


6. top three nostalgia bands? 

Simple Plan, Good Charlotte, and Bowling for Soup

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:

JNCO jeans? I never even wore them, they just look goofy.

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: 

Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Soup, Best Week Ever, AFV

9. magazine subscription top pick:

Nickelodeon Magazine, and I will never forgive my aunt for canceling the subscription because she thought I was too old for it.

10. favorite computer games:

Okay, so there was this alien invader flash game I cannot remember the name of. It was a first-person shooter and you were shooting these aliens that were like these cute little green blobs (basically the slimes in Stardew Valley) until they got close enough to leap at you and chomp your face. They popped up out of the ground and slowly waddled over to you, and the rest of the screen besides your weapon and the blobs was a white void, so as you shot them, their blood spatter would cover the ground. 

There were blobs who were invisible (the blood spatter made them easier to track), blobs who would go back underground to pop up somewhere else, blobs with shields who shot back at you, and in one level there was a ninja blob who stole all your weapons, so you had to fight off the blobs for two levels with just your shoe. The last level is just tic-tac-toe with the blob leader.

For real, if anyone remembers the name of this game, please tell me because I've been going INSANE.

11. what did you save your allowance for?

Does lunch money count?

12. Top 5 toys in order: 

Nintendo DS, Gameboy Advance, a velvet teddy bear of American Idol season 2 winner Ruben Studdard (I didn't even watch American Idol), a Garfield plush that had to be thrown out because I didn't know you weren't supposed to wet it, and every Barbie I owned in childhood (seriously, how do you play with Barbies)

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 

Pretty much any character popsicle with gumball eyes, orange creamsicles, and WWE ice cream bars

15. First experience with a website?

Cartoon Network dot com

16. First experience with technology?

My dad letting me play Ecco the Dolphin on his Game Gear.

17. Something you wish you could bring back:

WWE ice cream bars, BRING IT BA-

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Reply by Default


1. Favorite cartoon growing up? Futurama and Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated

2. Favorite discontinued snack: Calippo shots 

3. TV Commercial you can't forget: golden coin maker or hex bugs

4. best store in the mall? the American sweet shops

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace? haha...none

6. top three nostalgia bands? I grew up on my dad's music so green day, the clash and the offspring

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback: lelli kelly for adults should be a thing

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: Horrible Histories

9. magazine subscription top pick: I had this nature one

10. favorite computer games: too many 

11. what did you save your allowance for? Zoobles and Squinkies

12. Top 5 toys in order: One of those drivable kids cars, Trampoline, Wii, 3ds, massive stuffed bunny

13. Favorite movie from childhood: Anastasia

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 99 with flake

15. First experience with a website? Moshi Monsters

16. First experience with technology? Tv and the family Xbox

17. Something you wish you could bring back: My nintendogs save

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Reply by Rabbit1


Favorite cartoon growing up?

It switched around a lot, but it was probably anything Pokemon-related.

Favorite discontinued snack:
Did you know that Odwalla shut down its factories!? Their Mango Tango smoothie was my favorite!!

TV Commercial you can't forget:
The Wubble Bubble commercial that used to air on Cartoon Network. Specifically the part where the little girl goes: "It's magic!"

Best store in the mall?
As a kid, my favorite was always Auntie Anne's. The pretzel shop.

Friendster/4chan/ or Myspace?
I wasn't old enough to use Myspace or Friendster, but I was pretty active on 4chan back in 2019 to 2021. I occasionally browse now but that's when I was super active.

Top three nostalgia bands? 
Led Zeppelin, Queen, any of the 80s songs my dad would play for me as a kid.

Clothing brand you want to make a comeback:
I never paid attention to clothing as a kid.

TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: 
Pokemon Advance Battle. My brother and I would race home from school and watch whatever was recorded while we were at school. I can still recall all the lyrics to the theme song.

Magazine subscription top pick:
I never read magazines as a kid.

Favorite computer games: 
My favorite web games as a kid were Webkinz, Animal Jam, Pets Party, Woozworld, and anything on GirlsGoGames.

What did you save your allowance for? 
Webkinz and Pokemon cards.

Top 5 toys in order: 
I only ever played with stuffed animals, Calico Critters, plastic cat figurines, and Legos.

Favorite movie from childhood:
Cats and Dogs. The crazy spy movie with the hairless cat who wanted to take over the world with the "call of the wild."

What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 
I never was allowed to get anything from the ice cream truck, but bubblegum, peppermint, or vanilla were always my favorite from shops.

First experience with a website?
Probably sitting in my grandpa's lap playing Beanie Boos 2.0.

First experience with technology? 
I had a Leapster as a kid.

Something you wish you could bring back: 
The Chima Online game. It was so fun, I NEED to play it again. Old Webkinz and Amazing World would be fun, too.

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Reply by R3W1ND !!~


1. Favorite cartoon growing up?

---- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,  Ed Edd and Eddy

2. Favorite discontinued snack:

---- Those Scooby Doo gummies and Trix yogurt bro

3. TV Commercial you can't forget:

---- Snackiez, Pillow Pets, and that one yodeling cat singing jingle bells for target

4. best store in the mall?

---- Hot Topic and Justice bro oh my god

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?

---- MySpace

6. top three nostalgia bands? 

---- Green Day, The Killers, Nickelback (and a bit of Avril but yk)

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:


8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: 

---- TMNT lolol

9. magazine subscription top pick:

---- never was into magazines </3

10. favorite computer games: 

---- Cool Math Games all the way

11. what did you save your allowance for? 

---- an easy bake oven

12. Top 5 toys in order: 

---- Squinkies, LPS, Polly Pocket, Silly Bandz, Skip-It

13. Favorite movie from childhood:

---- Astro Boy tbh, and Ghostbusters (Megamind was up there too)

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 

---- Anything chocolate

15. First experience with a website?

---- Cool Math Games and Girls Go Games

16. First experience with technology? 

---- My mom's iPad

17. Something you wish you could bring back: 

---- my nightcore phase HELP

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Reply by xxRebellious_Emmaxx


1. Favorite cartoon growing up?

I had a ton of favorite cartoons, such as The Powerpuff Girls (1998), CatDog, Rugrats, Winx Club, SpongeBob SquarePants, Lilo and Stitch: The Series, and What's New Scooby Doo. Most of the shows I grew up with were reruns of 90s and 2000s shows.

2. Favorite discontinued snack:

Not a snack, but I miss the Welch's Strawberry Breeze Juice which I used to drink all the time when I was in kindergarten.

3. TV Commercial you can't forget:

Those Hotwire.com commercials, Empire Today, National Flood Insurance Program (that commercial creeped me out when I was in the 1st grade), Chia Pets, Hot Huez, and that Reece's Puffs rap.

4. best store in the mall?

Hot Topic.

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?


6. top three nostalgia bands? 

The Ting Tings, Laurie Berkner, and Avril Lavigne (not a band, but I used to listen to her all the time in middle school).

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:

Not a clothing brand, but I want mid-late 2000s emo stuff to make a comeback since I was born in 2006 and missed out on the original peak of it.

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: 

I would typically either watch shows like Rugrats, CatDog, and Hey Arnold on TeenNick's "The 90's are all that" evening block or shows like The Flintstones and The Powerpuff Girls on Boomerang before bed every night. Oh, and I also used to watch Winx Club every day when I was in the 1st grade.
9. magazine subscription top pick:

MAD Magazine.

10. favorite computer games: 

Some of the Flash games I played in elementary school were Bratz Babyz Mall Crawl, Bratz Babyz Fish Tank, Let's Babysit Baby Krissy, Net Pet, Tipton Trouble, Pizza Party Pickup, Mickey and Friends Pillow Fight, Binweevils, and some Winx Club fairy maker that I forgot the name of.

11. what did you save your allowance for? 

Allowance? I never got an allowance. I was a freeloader and usually, if I asked for something, I'd get it.

12. Top 5 toys in order: 

Barbie, Polly Pocket, those generic rubber bouncy balls, Loving Family, and Squinkies.

13. Favorite movie from childhood:

Pollyworld. I still have the DVD of that movie to this day.

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 

Usually, I'll get a strawberry shaved ice.

15. First experience with a website?

I used to play random Adobe Flash games every single day when I was in elementary school. The very first Adobe Flash games I played were on the Disney Junior and Nick Junior websites.

16. First experience with technology? 

Aside from watching TV since I was a baby, my first experience with technology was my first time using a Windows 7 laptop when I was only 3 years old. Sadly, that Windows 7 laptop got "upgraded" to Windows 10 when I was 8 1/2 and the computer died when I was 10. :(

17. Something you wish you could bring back: 

Those old BlackBerry Curve, Sidekick, and Motorola Razr V3 phones.

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Reply by x.{finn}.x


*i grew up mostly in the 2010s*

1. Favorite cartoon growing up?
gravity falls

2. Favorite discontinued snack:
dont have one

3. TV Commercial you can't forget:
877 cash now

4. best store in the mall?
old hot topic

5. friendster/4chan/ or myspace?

6. top three nostalgia bands?
my chemical romance, vocaloid/hatsune miku(not a band ik), lifehouse

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week:
back when i used to watch tv, gravity falls

9. magazine subscription top pick:
i didnt read magazines

10. favorite computer games:
i really liked a flash game called something like "fish feed and grow"

11. what did you save your allowance for?
i didnt get allowance until now

12. Top 5 toys in order:
i dont remember all that lmao

13. Favorite movie from childhood:
i didnt have a favorite

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck?
15. First experience with a website?
i dont remember that either but it was probably some library website on the school computers
16. First experience with technology?
my moms computer playing abc mouse/preschools computer playing some Christmas game

17. Something you wish you could bring back:
hard question. its a tie between DSi sharing images to facebook and twitter saying what device you posted from.. i just want to post a tweet from my DSi to twitter just once and i want everyone to know!!! thats not that much to ask for!

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Reply by Gh0stPrince


1. Favorite cartoon growing up? Invader Zim and Crashbox.

2. Favorite discontinued snack: I can't remember anything I used to like that was cancelled, but I remember loving these thingies you could put in milk and it would flavor it so you could have chocolate, strawberry, vanilla, or banana flavored milk and little me thought that they were magical.

3. TV Commercial you can't forget: Jamster ads. Specifically the gummybear song one and the Halloween ringtone ads

4. best store in the mall? Spencer's. It's rare when I can go there, but I love looking at all the obscure stuff they've got.

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace? Myspace. I never had it, but I always thought it was cool af.

6. top three nostalgia bands? Three Days Grace, Linkin Park, and Nickelback. I've been listening to their music ever since I was a kid.

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback: I don't think I can remember any clothing brands that died off.

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: this Syfy show called Killjoys. Not exactly 2000s nostalgia, but I used to watch it all the time back in 2015-2016

9. magazine subscription top pick: That kids magazine that had all those activities in them. I loved them.

10. favorite computer games: Minecraft.

11. what did you save your allowance for? A trip to Claire's for new earrings and jewelry

12. Top 5 toys in order: any LPS or MLP toy

13. Favorite movie from childhood: Ponyo.

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? I never really had money to buy from the icecream truck.

15. First experience with a website? I think it was this one kids site that had different games you could play when you clicked on a wooden block. I can't remember what it was called and for all I know it could be completely gone from the internet.

16. First experience with technology? Probably a DS. I still remember when I was about 4 my mom bought a DS and introduced it to me

17. Something you wish you could bring back: ads for new music from rock bands. I still remember back when I saw an ad for an MCR album way back in like- 2009-2010 area and I miss that.

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Reply by Cupid the Wolf


1. Favorite cartoon growing up?

Spongebob Squarepants

2. Favorite discontinued snack:

those uhm,, fruit roll ups stickerz,, the stars

3. TV Commercial you can't forget:


4. best store in the mall?

Justice and FYE

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?


6. top three nostalgia bands? 

one direction, fall out boy,, can't think of another

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:

unsure :p

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: 

See question 1 ;w;

9. magazine subscription top pick:


10. favorite computer games: 

anything on cool math games 

11. what did you save your allowance for? 

i didn't have an allowance :(

12. Top 5 toys in order: 

1.) LPS
2.) MLP
3.) Zoobles
4.) Zhu Zhu Pets
5.) Shopkins

13. Favorite movie from childhood:

Corpse Bride (Still my fav)

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 

those fucked up character ice pops

15. First experience with a website?

don't wanna get into that

16. First experience with technology? 


17. Something you wish you could bring back: 

jelly shoes 

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Reply by SaturnianPisces


Time to channel my inner 9-year-old

1. Favorite cartoon growing up? Powerpuff Girls & Courage the Cowardly Dog

2. Favorite discontinued snack: I do miss yogos 

3. TV Commercial you can't forget: “hi, I’m Peter Francis Geraci”

4. best store in the mall? Hot Topic, duh. But when I was younger? Limited Too

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace? MySpace & Neopets lmao

6. top three nostalgia bands? Hilary Duff, Everlife, Aly & AJ. Anything played on Radio Disney

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback: Never paid much attention to brand 

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: ppg

9. magazine subscription top pick: TeenVogue

10. favorite computer games: Neopets, Freddie Fish, Pajama Sam

11. what did you save your allowance for? Candy

12. Top 5 toys in order: Rollerblades, Nintendo 64, Bratz, my CD player, idk????

13. Favorite movie from childhood: Anything with Hilary Duff

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? PPG head or those weird lemon-lime frozen ice balls (forgot their name!)

15. First experience with a website? Neopets, Doll
Palace, and websites with games for Cartoon Network, Barbie, Bratz, and Polly Pocket

16. First experience with technology? Had a cool stereo with cassette and CD player in my bedroom, got my first phone at age 9 for emergencies. It was a Samsung phone with Singulair (now AT&T) and didn’t even have SMS

17. Something you wish you could bring back: I wish I didn’t have back pain or bills to pay. So, whatever the absence of that is

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Reply by Mo


This survey is so fun and cool!!! 

1. Favorite cartoon growing up?

Making Fiends, Invader Zim, Ren and Stimpy, Dexter's Laboratory, Cow and Chicken, Powerpuff Girls, Kids Next Door, Pokémon, Chowder, Flapjack, Phineas and Ferb, Johnny Test, Animaniacs

2. Favorite discontinued snack:

Yogos and Trix yogurt. Just for fun, here's some still made snacks that are nostalgic to me: Teddy Grahams, Scooby Snacks, Cheez-it Gripz, cartoon fruit snacks, Gushers, Fruit by the Foot, Danimals, Hi-C juice

3. TV Commercial you can't forget:

The lollipop laptop commercial, weird Caprisun commercials, Tooth Tunes, the "up next" commercials from kids channels, so many of those infomercials aimed at kids like Slushie Magic, Pillow Pets, Blendy Pens etc

4. best store in the mall?

Hot Topic, Gamestop, Sanrio, comic store

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?

Wasn't old enough for any of them

6. top three nostalgia bands? 

Allstar Weekend, anything 90s/00s eurodance

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:

I want JNCO jeans don't judge me. (I know they're still made but still.) Also in general I want those silicone wristbands to be a thing again. And silly bands. And cool zip up hoodies, I hate how they're all pullovers nowadays.

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: 

Chowder and Flapjack new episodes on Thursday nights. And Phineas and Ferb on Disney but I forget nowadays when those would air.

9. magazine subscription top pick:

I had a subscription to Bop back then, but I also had some Shonen Jump and GameInformer that I would thumb through.

10. favorite computer games: 

U.B. Funkeys, Ninjakiwi games, Dragon Cave

11. what did you save your allowance for? 

I didn't have an allowance, but I loved collecting Homies and dog figures from the capsule machine at the grocery store.

12. Top 5 toys in order: 

U.B. Funkeys, iDog, Mighty Beans, Pokémon plush, capsule machine toys

13. Favorite movie from childhood:

Chicken Little and Toy Story

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 

Caramel Drumstick

15. First experience with a website?

Flash games on kids channel websites

16. First experience with technology? 

Watdhing TV or playing Mario on NES 

17. Something you wish you could bring back: 

Honestly I kind of like that these things are left in the past. But I will say, I wish we as a society weren't moving away from physical media. It's not gone yet, but once it is, I want it back...

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Reply by ️ cameron


1. Favorite cartoon growing up? : that one with the ginger scientist kid and his annoying blonde sister?

2. Favorite discontinued snack: the scooby gummies with the opaque scooby one 

3. TV Commercial you can't forget: the bear singing “make my bed, brush my teeth, time to get dressed and eat my cereal. good morning, red bird”

4. best store in the mall? : hot topic and zoomies

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace? : i was too young for them back then

6. top three nostalgia bands? : fresh beat band, indigo girls, and gwar

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback: the good ass icarly shirts

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: full house

9. magazine subscription top pick: none i never liked magazines

10. favorite computer games: roblox and the pbs kids website

11. what did you save your allowance for? : stuffed animals 

12. Top 5 toys in order: the little animals in the balls that if you put a magnet to it it opens, lps, pocket puppies, the good mc donalds toys, and polly pockets

13. Favorite movie from childhood: bolt 100%

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? : the rainbow snowcone that was too icy and you could barely bite into it or the spongebob popsicle. i also remember the boots from dora popsicle but it never existed so…

15. First experience with a website? : youtube…..

16. First experience with technology? : my moms old iphone 4 playing that gem blitz game. i still have that phone next to my bed on my night stand and play it sometimes!

17. Something you wish you could bring back: old hot topic and real myspace

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Reply by esperr


1- Steven universe 

2- Oreo I’d I had them like 1 time and I think they where an off brand version 

3- glimmer glamour glowing rarity commercial 

4- hot topic or Claire’s 

5- idk

6- idk 

7- that one brand that had the cartoon monkey thingy on it 

8- Steven universe 

9- I only ever had one magazine subscription and it wasn’t that good (it was one of those girls magazines for little girls ) 

10- I have no idea what my favorite online game was 

11- glimmer glamour glowing rarity and those clear my little pony toys T-T



Those clear mlp toys 

Those tiny mlp toys (I really liked mlp ok)

bop it

Spot it (more of a fane but whatever)

13- I choose you (Pokémon )

14- sponge bob posicke or war beads popsicle 

15- YouTube probably 

16- one of those tiny ipods or a tiny mp3

17- MP3 players and game boys 

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Reply by Gilly


1. Favorite cartoon growing up?

SpongeBob and Arthur 

2. Favorite discontinued snack:

Oreo cakesters

3. TV Commercial you can't forget:


4. best store in the mall?

still say hot topic or Spencer’s 

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?

Oh dude MySpace! That’s why I’m on here

6. top three nostalgia bands? 

Jimmy eat world, evanescence, linkin park

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:

I dearly miss Cross Colours

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: 


9. magazine subscription top pick:

J14 or young rider

10. favorite computer games: 

The Sims or Civ IV

11. what did you save your allowance for? 

New clothes from hot topic or triple flip

12. Top 5 toys in order: 

1) my little pony (g1.5-g3)
2) Pokémon
3) tamagotchi
4) Breyer horses
5) barbie

13. Favorite movie from childhood:

Spice world 

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 

Those fucked up sonic popsicles 

15. First experience with a website?

Probably using Yahoo as a search engine

16. First experience with technology? 

Does my tamagotchi count?

17. Something you wish you could bring back: 

The link Motorola razr

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Reply by Eve the Homicidal Maniac


1. adventure time :D

2. no idea!

3. i really like old black and white tv commercials

4. hot topic fs

5. idk what this means DX

6. green day, of montreal, JR JR 

7. i have no idea

8. lawl adventure time

9. teen vogue specifically early 2000's

10. cookie clicker...... 

11. frozen yogurt 

12. bearlien, furby, webkinz, idk

13. mabye back to the future?

14. wedding cake <3

15. google+ oh god i was on there for years during my formative years. the memories /pos with some /neg

16. i had this thick laptop growing up but it was more like a tiny desktop. i would write essays about cool stuff i found online (i specifically remember writing one about honey bees!)

17. animal jam in its beta days

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Reply by MEGIMOO~


1. Favorite cartoon growing up? - The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack, Chowder, Courage The Cowardly Dog, Avatar The Last Airbender, Pokemon, Kids Next Door, ScoobyDoo, & Spongebob

2. Favorite discontinued snack: Spongebob Cheese Nips, Cosmic Cupcakes, Fruit Loops Cereal Straws, & Lolipop Paint Shop

3. TV Commercial you can't forget: Tide to Go Talking Stain & Taste the Rainbow Skittles Ads

4. best store in the mall? - Hot Topic, Game Stop, & Box Lunch

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace? - Was too young to go to internet forums lol. I was mainly on coolmathgames or girlsgogames or playing purble place or on the vsmile console playing carebears n honey hunt platformers.

6. top three nostalgia bands? - Paramore, ABBA, & Skillet

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback: Juicy Couture

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: ATLA, Pokemon, & Chowder

9. magazine subscription top pick: Tiger Beat

10. favorite computer games: When i was little- Fire Boy and Water Girl, Purble Place, Solitaire, anything on girlsgogames or coolmathgames, and Minecraft. (mainly played DS, xbox, and vsmile)

11. what did you save your allowance for? - First thing I bought when I saved my money was a blue and green Furby.

12. Top 5 toys in order: DS Lite, Littlest Pet Shop, Legos, Carebears, & Vsmile

13. Favorite movie from childhood: Barbie Fairytopia, Tinkerbell movies, Spy Kids, & Shark boy and Lava girl

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? The Scooby Doo Popsicle!

15. First experience with a website? -Rapidly asking google random questions or my mom or sibling helping me find games.

16. First experience with technology? -Listening to music using my parent's ipods at the ymca or playing solitaire on a computer.

17. Something you wish you could bring back: Vintage Carebears design!!! The newer versions are so weird and uncuddleyyyy. 

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Reply by TheOnlyStanOfRainbow


1. Favorite cartoon growing up?

Spongebob Squarepants

2. Favorite discontinued snack:

Trix yogurt it was so good

3. TV Commercial you can't forget:

idk tbh

4. best store in the mall?

Hot topic but only because my local mall has no other store and the 
candy shop shut down :(

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?

Spacehey (¬‿¬)

6. top three nostalgia bands?

4minute, 2ne1, orange caramel 

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:

i never had the money for other name brands but i guess .justice?
only cause tween clothes not being popular is sad

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: 

Spongebob doi :)

9. magazine subscription top pick:

Maybe the Natgeo ones

10. favorite computer games:

Literally any sims games or rhythm games, 
But also Roblox and Minecraft im rambling lol

11. what did you save your allowance for?

i never had an allowance but i would save any money i got as a kid for coloring books and those Cotton Candy lolipops that and the Coffee flavor 

12. Top 5 toys in order: 

Monster High Dolls, Beanie Babies, Nintendo handhelds if that counts? , ty toys in general, pillowpets, Any Spongebob plush or Sonic plush wish i had one.

13. Favorite movie from childhood:

The Spongebob Movie r u suprised lol

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck? 

I wasnt allowed to go to the ice truck do to living in a unsafe neighborhood but i always wanted the gumball eyes spongebob still do tbh

15. First experience with a website?

Google? but i guess Youtube

16. First experience with technology?

Probably watching tv or 
Using my Moms gameboy color she gifted me and playing Mario land

17. Something you wish you could bring back:

Old Web design its has alot more character and 
it was the design i was used to when i was a little kid 

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Reply by G0thique


1. Favorite cartoon growing up?

Tara Duncan, Pokemon, and Teen Titans

2. Favorite discontinued snack:


3. TV Commercial you can't forget:

the 1800-contacts "MY BRAND" commercial

4. best store in the mall?

Hot topic or whatever local anime/weeb store is there

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?

I wasn't old enough for any of these

6. top three nostalgia bands? 

My music taste was mostly 80s bands growing up in the 2000s bc that's what my mom listened to so I'll say guns n roses, Ozzy Osbourne, and Metalloca

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback:

I never got name brand stuff

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: 

Total Drama Island, the original two seasons

9. magazine subscription top pick:

I don't like magazines

10. favorite computer games: 

For nostalgia, Free realms, Roblox, and club penguin

11. what did you save your allowance for? 

I never got an allowance

12. Top 5 toys in order: 

I never really had toys, mostly stuffed animals and hotwheels

13. Favorite movie from childhood:

Iron Giant

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck?

I never got to experience the ice cream truck :( 

15. First experience with a website?

I can't remember but probably cartoon network when they had actual games on there

16. First experience with technology? 

I was 2 playing CD games my mom bought (jump start games)

17. Something you wish you could bring back:


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Reply by Oak Madleaf


1. Favorite cartoon growing up?: Octonauts

2. Favorite discontinued snack: I'll forever miss Klondike Bars

3. TV Commercial you can't forget: Remember the three P's of life insurance - price, price, and price

4. Best store in the mall?: Either the smoke shop that doesn't ID or the fucking cheesecake factory

5. friendster/forchan/ or myspace?: myspace

6. top three nostalgia bands?: bart baker, rucka rucka ali, idk what 3 is

7. clothing brand you want to make a comeback: LL Bean

8. TV show you wouldn't miss week to week: House

9. magazine subscription top pick: Nat. Geo

10. favorite computer games: terraria, Minecraft, Universe Sandbox^2

11. what did you save your allowance for?: books

12. Top 5 toys in order: this moose stuffed animal I had, this toy lightsaber, this toy guitar (that actually works just fine and is surprisingly well-made, I mean for a guitar its a piece of shit but its actually not that bad, made of real wood, etc), etch a sketch

13. Favorite movie from childhood: happy feet

14. What do you pick from the ice cream truck?: vanilla dipped in cherry

15. First experience with a website?: hm...probably Minecraft websites

16. First experience with technology?: playing this bug related game on my moms phone

17. Something you wish you could bring back: winter that snowed a lot

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