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myspace music

Posted by addy allure


Forum: SpaceHey Group

ik that spacehey music is still in its beta-phase, and that ppl can put music on their profile via embed codes, but i'm just rlly excited 4 spachey 2 have its own v of myspace music. wbu?

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Reply by N30V3N0M


Wooooow, I remember this!

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Reply by Didrick


I loved the artist pages on MySpace and how you could easily add one of the four songs from an artist's page onto your own. I even made some unofficial fanpages for artists myself and uploaded music there too. Seeing those pics of the old MySpace music players brings back so many memories! I'm excited to see what Spacehey Music will be like and if many artists and bands will be using that part of Spacehey to promote their music just like in the old days.

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Reply by Bohemian Princess


Yes that would be so cool :') 
I Memeber these <3 

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