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Posted by Klavierr.exe


Forum: General

I notice a lot of people think of traumacore as an aesthetic (which i find rlly horrible) but I also wanted to know what other people thought of it. I see it kind of as a form of venting when it's hard to physically express it.Β 

What do you guys think abt it?

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Reply by fukurolady


what the fuck is traumacore? kinda missing out on a lot of the -core trends but this sounds like ass. genuine question. but judging from the name, it sounds stupid as fuck.

it's important to discuss trauma and your feelings, but in a healthy way. like you gotta realize that joking/making an aesthetic about your trauma can help you cope but are you really learning how to deal with it in a way that is healthy for your mind.Β 

people these days dont know what boundaries are on the internet. not everyone wants to/can handle reading the shit youre dealing with. and while doing something may help you cope, not everyone canΒ 


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Reply by wiltedflower


i mostly see it as a form of expression but it shouldnt be a romantisized thing but i know to people who live through certain stuff it can become romantisized with mental illness causing this romantisization

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Why do you think it is horrible?

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Reply by nikipaskov


Hey, how are u? :) I think the term "aesthetics" is a bit of an exaggeration, anyway. But it's understandable that many people don't know how to express themselves and use images as a way to "vent" or something like that, but I think there are much more effective ways to ask for help, I'm sure someone in the world cares and would help.

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