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Inspiration? Where the fuck did it go?!

How do you guys find inspiration to write again? 

It’s been a year and it used to be a good creative outlet for me but lately I either can’t find the time nor the inspiration to write. 
Like writers block.

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6 Replies

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Reply by bob e


for me listeni9ng is a great source of inspiration. A line in a song, or over heard conversations, have often triggered an idea to write about. Sometimes even a word can inspire me

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Reply by That1Dude Aly


Thanks guys! i need to listen to classical music because if i end up listening to music with lyrics i end up mimicking those lyrics. not copying them word for word, but very close to it. 

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Reply by Robot


"You're right that you're not as good at writing as you should be. I'm not saying that I can't make it to a certain point. But I'm saying you can't be as great as you are. And I know I have to do better at that."

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Reply by Joe


I had this for the longest time myself up until a few yrs ago. I just seem to let it happen. Experience and feel. Lots of pains, learning and growing. You can find inspiration anywhere, in others, music, things you desire, dream of, who you are deep down, or notice,  but it will find you again I know it.

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Reply by Galestorm


This is just from my experience: but the only way you are gonna have an easier time getting writing ideas is to just write. A lot. Even if you don't have the best Idea in your head at the moment, write it down anyway. The more you do, the higher the chance of getting great ideas. 

And if you get writer's block on one piece of work, take a break from that one and work on another in the meantime.You can't always wait around for inspiration to show up. 

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Reply by That1Dude Aly


thanks guys i am trying a lot harder to write. <3 

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