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Bulletin Questions

Posted by Katie


Forum: Quiz/Survey

Here is a list of bulletin Questions for those bored 

  1. Favourite song beginning with S?
  2. If you had a theme song what would it be 
  3. What is the most random question you ?want to ask a celebrity?
  4. Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it?
  5. What is your favourite smell?
  6. What would the title of a movie about your life be?
  7. Favourite mythical creature?
  8. Last movie you watched 
  9. Country you want to visit 
  10. The title of your horror story would be  The favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit

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43 Replies

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Reply by Toneia


  1. Favorite song beginning with S? Shake it by Metro Station 
  2. If you had a theme song what would it be? The first song on my profile, Cassie Long way to go
  3. What is the most random question you ?want to ask a celebrity? What’s their daily thoughts about money
  4. Your author name is your favorite fruit + your favorite color, what is it? Red Apple
  5. What is your favourite smell? Cinnamon Buns
  6. What would the title of a movie about your life be? I actually plan on making one, so I don’t want to say it.
  7. Favorite mythical creature? Winx fairies 
  8. Last movie you watched? The Secret life of Walter Mitty 
  9. Country you want to visit? Japan!!
  10. The title of your horror story would be  The favorite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit. Diamond 7:36 pm Japan - sound like a good anime lol

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Reply by Åndi [Hobbit]


Your favorite song beginning with S?
 So Says I - The Shins 
If you had a theme song what would it be?
 Real World - Matchbox 20
What is the most random question you want to ask a celebrity?
What's your favorite question people ask you?
Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it?
Watermelon Blue
What is your favourite smell?
Cedar smoke
What would the title of a movie about your life be?
A Close Call
Favourite mythical creature?
Last movie you watched?
Lord of the Rings
Country you want to visit?
The title of your horror story would be your favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit:
 Circle Two; New York

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Reply by Junky Punky Patrick


Favourite song beginning with S? Scorpion Hill, PUP 

If you had a theme song what would it be?
AMBULANCE, My Chemical romance

What is the most random question you want to ask a celebrity? Would you rather fight 100 ducks or 10 horses?

Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it? Lemon Baby Blue

What is your favourite smell? Sleepytime tea

What would the title of a movie about your life be? This Must be The Place

Favourite mythical creature? Mothman

Last movie you watched? Stop Making Sense 

Country you want to visit? Canada

The title of your horror story would be  The favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit
Rectangle 10PM Germany

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Reply by Amanda


  1. Favourite song beginning with S? Stigmata or same drugs
  2. If you had a theme song what would it be? Before rehab it would be wishing well... now I'd say its here comes the sun 
  3. What is the most random question you want to ask a celebrity? Why'd you sell your soul for fame. That's wack 
  4. Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it? Strawberry orange 
  5. What is your favourite smell? Lavender or any incense 
  6. What would the title of a movie about your life be? Dazed and confused 
  7. Favourite mythical creature? Idk I've never thought about it... maybe a mermaid?
  8. Last movie you watched batman returns 
  9. Country you want to visit italy
  10. The title of your horror story would be  The favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit heart of night in new Orleans 

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Reply by SHY


1. Favorite song beginning with S?
    She's a laaaadyyyy oooOOooo she's a ladddyyyy
2. If you had a theme song what would it be?
    Why was the first thing that came to mind was soundtrack to my life lmao
3. What is the most random question you want to ask a celebrity?
    "Are you in the illuminati?"
4. You author name is your favorite fruit + your favorite color, what is it?
    Pomegranate Pink .......................
5. What is your favorite smell?
6. What would the title of a movie about your life be?
     This Bitch
7. Favorite mythical creature?
8. Last movie you watched?
9. Country you want to visit?
10. The title of your horror story would be your favorite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit?
     Heart night Kauai lmaoooooo

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Reply by Harper


1. S.O.S - The Jonas Brothers

3. Is JaidenAnimations a furry? I mean she has a fursuit!
4. Pineapple Purple; I like it!
5.  I love the smell of cinnamon
6. Gay Mess
7. Dragon
8. Doctor Sleep
9. Japan, 100%
10. Triangle 11Japan 

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Reply by Squid Died


  2. Oh jeez I really don't know haha, maybe Chip Damage by ABXY?
  3. Idk i dont really wanna talk to celebrities theyre annoying.
  4. Cherry Fuchsia
  5. Ozone or a bakery
  6. One Room Life
  7. Ghosts
  8. Kung Fury
  9. Japan probably
  10. Star Dusk Walhalla

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Reply by Apocolyse


Favourite song beginning with S?
Surrender the Night by My Chem.
If you had a theme song what would it be 
That's so gay by Pansy Division
What is the most random question you want to ask a celebrity?
To Mike Dirnt; Okay after a usual concert, how bad do your fingers hurt from playing Bass? (I play bass as a hobby and I'm just curious)
Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it?
Plum Green
What is your favourite smell?
Sandal Wood and Pine
What would the title of a movie about your life be?
White Trash Storytime: The Movie!
Favourite mythical creature?
Last movie you watched 
42 starring chadwick boseman (Rip)
Country you want to visit 
Scotland, Ireland, Norway, Japan
The title of your horror story would be  The favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit
Square Dawn Ireland

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Reply by Evermoree


  1. song beginning with S?
    - It's either Straight Through the Heart by Dio or the Silence by Halestorm
  2. If you had a theme song what would it be 
    - White Dress by Halestorm
  3. What is the most random question you want to ask a celebrity?
    - I don't really have one
  4. Your author name is your favorite fruit + your favorite color, what is it?
    - Orange Black
  5. What is your favorite smell?
    - Gain laundry detergent
  6. What would the title of a movie about your life be?
    - Weirdo in the Making
  7. Favorite mythical creature?
    - mermaids
  8. Last movie you watched 
    - Cars 3
  9. Country you want to visit 
    - Japan
  10. The title of your horror story would be  The favorite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit
    - I don't have a favorite shape so i guess it would be None Night Japan

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Reply by Palmfridur Hanna Gudsdottir


10 RANDOM QUESTIONS (by Katie of SpaceHey; edited by Tamar Hannah Whipkey)  

1.  What country would you like to visit?  

Just throw a dart in a map of Asia and send me there!  There are various countries in Asia that fascinate me!  Singapore is at or near the top of my list.   Armenia, Burma, Georgia, India, Indo-China, Mongolia, various -stan countries, etc.  

2.  What is the most random question that you want to ask a celebrity?  

Hmmmm....  I want to know basic stuff about people in general, not only celebrities, such as their turn-ons / offs, what foods do they enjoy, etc.  

But if they are successful, I would be curious as to how they achieved it.  

3.  What is your author name?  (Your favourite fruit + your favourite colour)  

Pineapple White.  :)  

4.  What is your favourite mythical creature?  

I do not think that I have 1.  I have not been much into imaginary stories.  I much prefer to focus on reality.  I guess that if I had to pick, something somewhat historical, such as the Loch Ness Monster.  

5.  What is your favourite smell?  

I savour the scent of coconut (suntan oil) / cocoa butter, especially when coupled with chlorinated water.  It reminds me of my childhood days at the public swimming pool!  :)  

6.  What is your favourite song beginning with "S"?  

"Stop Me If You Think That You've Heard This One Before", The Smiths.  

7.  What is your theme song?  

On Facebook, I had "Watching The Wheels" by John Lennon pinned to my profile page.  

But his former Beatles bandmate, George Harrison, narrowly edged him out with "Isn't It A Pity".  

I like a Gospel / salvation-themed song, preferably of the traditional bluegrass genre, or message about being alone in this old world, travelling a rocky road, and warning against Satan, such as "Rank Stranger" (Bobby Osborne?) or "Satan Is Real" by the Louvin Brothers.  

"There Is A Light That Never Goes Out" by The Smiths rings true to me, too.  

8.  What was the most recent movie that you have watched?  

"When Hitler Stole Pink Rabbit", via AARP Movies For Grown-Ups series.  I highly recommend this biopic!  

9.  What would be the title of a movie about your life?  

Hmmmm....  I dunno.  There are so many possibilities that I have not even imagined.  Maybe "The Merry Misanthrope"!  There is a mix of bitterness & gratitude, much sadness tinged with bits of happiness, blessings & misfortune....  

10.  What would be the title of your horror story?  (Your favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit.)  

Hexagon Twilight (or whatever the wee, small, dark & quiet hours of the night, between 12 - 6 a. m., is called) Asia.  

(I am not impressed with this question or answer!  Sorry.)  

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Reply by ☆Melody


  1. Favourite song beginning with S? Summer Shudder by AFI
  2. If you had a theme song what would it be Lullaby by Shawn Mullins
  3. What is the most random question you ?want to ask a celebrity? What's the hardest thing you ever went through?
  4. Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it? Grapefruit Pink
  5. What is your favourite smell? Lavender
  6. What would the title of a movie about your life be? Orphaned at 16
  7. Favourite mythical creature? siren
  8. Last movie you watched Big Daddy
  9. Country you want to visit Scotland
  10. The title of your horror story would be  The favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit Heart Sunrise Okaboji

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Reply by ✫ emmaline ✫


  1. Favourite song beginning with S? - shine on you crazy diamond - pink floyd.
  2. If you had a theme song what would it be - minerva - deftones.
  3. What is the most random question you want to ask a celebrity? - ALEX DAVID TURNER WHERE IS THE ALBUM!?
  4. Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it? - pineapple black.
  5. What is your favourite smell? - vanilla! followed by freshly baked bread.
  6. What would the title of a movie about your life be? - i..shouldn't have said that.
  7. Favourite mythical creature? vampires & fairies.
  8. Last movie you watched - finding nemo. ;-;
  9. Country you want to visit - japan.
  10. The title of your horror story would be  The favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit - triange 1 tokyo.

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Reply by Doug Maynard


  1. Favourite song beginning with S? Sexy Eyes by Dr. Hook
  2. If you had a theme song what would it be Foreigner's "Dirty White Boy"
  3. What is the most random question you ?want to ask a celebrity? Would you like to buy a duck?
  4. Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it? Apple Black
  5. What is your favourite smell? Coffee
  6. What would the title of a movie about your life be? Tossing Salt - I used to write a wrestling column with that name. Still use it at DougMaynard.com
  7. Favourite mythical creature? Dragons
  8. Last movie you watched South Park: Bigger Longer Uncut - I was needing a laugh
  9. Country you want to visit England
  10. The title of your horror story would be  The favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit. Triangle 6:20 Greece

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Reply by Becca



  1. Favourite song beginning with S? Skyfall by Adele
  2. If you had a theme song what would it be? Downtown by Anya Taylor Joy 
  3. What is the most random question you ?want to ask a celebrity? Who made them fan girl
  4. Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it? Apple Red lol
  5. What is your favourite smell? Lavender 
  6. What would the title of a movie about your life be? Upside down 
  7. Favourite mythical creature? Dragon 
  8. Last movie you watched? Divergent 
  9. Country you want to visit? Greece
  10. The title of your horror story would be  The favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit. The circle of midnight in Greece 

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Reply by Sarahvizz


Favourite song beginning with S?

Soft Fuzzy Man by Lemon Demon

If you had a theme song what would it be

I Write Sins Not Tragedies by Panic! At The Disco

What is the most random question you ?want to ask a

Have you ever killed someone?

Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite
colour, what is it?

Black berry Blue

What is your favourite smell?

Rosewater and ivy

What would the title of a movie about your life be?

Look At This Dumbass

Favourite mythical creature?

The Pico Rat thing from Forgotten Hill

Last movie you watched

Paranormal Activity 2

Country you want to visit


The title of your horror story would be  The favourite shape + time of day + a place
you want to visit

Circle Night Vanoise National Park

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Reply by Karl


Favourite song beginning with S?

seventeen by sjowgren
If you had a theme song what would it be?
just like heaven by the cure
What is the most random question you want to ask a celebrity?
I’d ask Lady Di so many questions about the Queen
Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it? 
peach black
What is your favourite smell?
fresh brewed coffee 
What would the title of a movie about your life be?
issues & tissues 
Favourite mythical creature? 
Last movie you watched?
murder by numbers 
Country you want to visit
The title of your horror story would be 
barely there 

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Reply by not_lain


  1. stupid by girugamesh
  2. stupid by girugamesh
  3. i wanna ask horikita maki how she's been cuz i really miss her after her sudden marriage leading to retirement in 2017
  4. grape red
  5. smell of fresh air
  6. fangirl
  7. vampires maybe?
  8. xmen first class
  9. japan and netherland
  10. sphere afternoon mountain

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Reply by imani


Favourite song beginning with S?
streets by doja cat 
If you had a theme song what would it be 
how to be a heartbreaker by marina 
What is the most random question you want to ask a celebrity?
who's your favorite celebrity
Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it?
cherry pink...i love it
What is your favourite smell?
vanilla + freshly baked sweets
What would the title of a movie about your life be?
fake it 'til you make it
Favourite mythical creature?
Last movie you watched 
marie antoinette (2006)
Country you want to visit 
The title of your horror story would be  The favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit
triangle afternoon island (lol)

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Reply by xsh404


  1. Favourite song beginning with S? Seamless by spine shank
  2. If you had a theme song what would it be? Pretty handsome awkward by the used 
  3. What is the most random question you want to ask a celebrity? What’s your favourite pair of socks you own
  4. Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it? Strawberry red
  5. What is your favourite smell? Laundry detergent 
  6. What would the title of a movie about your life be? Stupidly wack 
  7. Favourite mythical creature? Dragons
  8. Last movie you watched? IT chapter 2
  9. Country you want to visit? Egypt
  10. The title of your horror story would be  Your favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit. Star 8:17 Egypt 

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Reply by SAERIM


  1. sarcasm by get scared
  2. i'm gonna tell my therapist about you by pinkshift
  3. what brand of toothpaste do you use?
  4. strawberry green
  5. i use this scent called juliette has a gun not a perfume
  6. bro idk?
  7. those cats with fairy wings
  8. the new batman movie, robert pattinson was kinda hot ngl
  9. j a p an 
  10. circle 4:36pm cafe??????

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Reply by kylathecreator


  • Favourite song beginning with S? Sweet Home Alabama - Lynyrd Skynyrd (guilty pleasure song)
  • If you had a theme song what would it be? Hurricane - Bridget Mendler 
  • What is the most random question you want to ask a celebrity? I tried so hard to think of something but i am struggling. maybe bc its 4am
  • Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it? Peach Green. John Green's sister lmao
  • What is your favourite smell? Lavender
  • What would the title of a movie about your life be? Crazy B*tch
  • Favourite mythical creature? Mermaid
  • Last movie you watched A Clockwork Orange
  • Country you want to visit France
  • The title of your horror story would be  The favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit Heart 3am New Orleans (?) did i do this correctly?

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    Reply by Crow


    Your favorite song beginning with S?
    she’s out of her mind; blink-182
    If you had a theme song what would it be?
    please, please, please let me get what i want; deftones
    What is the most random question you want to ask a celebrity?
    is fame worth it 
    What's your favorite question people ask you?
    what my pronouns are lmao
    Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it?
    watermelon purple
    What is your favourite smell?
    my bf and my dads house 
    What would the title of a movie about your life be?
    Favourite mythical creature?
    Last movie you watched?
    uhhh idk the batman?
    Country you want to visit?
    The title of your horror story would be your favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit:
    circle noon ireland

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    Reply by ManEaterZiggy


    1. Favourite song beginning with S? Starman by David Bowie
    2. If you had a theme song what would it be? Ghostbusters theme obviously!!!
    3. What is the most random question you want to ask a celebrity? What shampoo they use
    4. Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it? Kiwi-Red
    5. What is your favourite smell? old books / attic or a good autumn type smell yknow??
    6. What would the title of a movie about your life be? Shoeslaces, don’t ask
    7. Favourite mythical creature? Dragons!!!!
    8. Last movie you watched? American Psycho
    9. Country you want to visit? Poland
    10. The title of your horror story would be  The favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit
    11. Circle Afternoon Poland (I hope I did that right??)

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    Reply by ManEaterZiggy


    1. Favourite song beginning with S? Starman by David Bowie
    2. If you had a theme song what would it be? Ghostbusters theme obviously!!!
    3. What is the most random question you want to ask a celebrity? What shampoo they use
    4. Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it? Kiwi-Red
    5. What is your favourite smell? old books / attic or a good autumn type smell yknow??
    6. What would the title of a movie about your life be? Shoeslaces, don’t ask
    7. Favourite mythical creature? Dragons!!!!
    8. Last movie you watched? American Psycho
    9. Country you want to visit? Poland
    10. The title of your horror story would be  The favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit
    11. Circle Afternoon Poland (I hope I did that right??)

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    Reply by Roman


    1. Favorite song beginning with S? - Spider-Man d*** by cupcake 
    2. If you had a theme song what would it be - replay by lady gaga
    3. What is the most random question you ?want to ask a celebrity? - what's your opinion on cupcake
    4. Your author name is your favorite fruit + your favorite color, what is it? orange-pink
    5. What is your favorite smell? peppermint
    6. What would the title of a movie about your life be? its my world and your living in it
    7. Favorite mythical creature? - Cerberus
    8. Last movie you watched - I don't remember I haven't watched a movie in like 3 years
    9. Country you want to visit - all
    10. The title of your horror story would be  The favorite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit - hexagon dusk Malaysia

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    Reply by finney ♡


    1. shame by mitski.
    2. the tower by icp
    3. how’d you get the cheeto puffs on your head in that one video
    4. strawberry blue
    5. strawberry
    6. fragile boy
    7. sirens
    8. the original blob
    9. south korea
    10. circle901disneysea

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    Reply by F3NE3K X33


    1. Favourite song beginning with S?
      -> Stray Bullet by KMFDM
    2. If you had a theme song what would it be 
      -> havent thought about that........ shrug. :T
    3. What is the most random question you ?want to ask a celebrity?
      -> whatz their fav soup
    4. Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it?
      -> blueberry ultramarine
    5. What is your favourite smell?
      -> burnt paper 
    6. What would the title of a movie about your life be?
      -> either sumfin short n simple like "indigo" or "the ultimate guide on how to be immortal" :33
    7. Favourite mythical creature?
      -> i hope samodivas count! theyre beautiful blonde women that live in forests and attract young men only to kill them, like sirens. theyre also from bulgarian mythology.
    8. Last movie you watched 
      -> rewatched Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010)
    9. Country you want to visit 
      -> i dont have one in mind right now
    10. The title of your horror story would be  The favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit
      -> triangle night at a record store with cds and vynils of the bands i like

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    Reply by ♫princess mia♫


    1. Favourite song beginning with S? second- brown eyed girls unnies
    2. If you had a theme song what would it be: dreams come true by s.e.s
    3. What is the most random question you ?want to ask a celebrity? will u marry me onew
    4. Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it? pineapple pink
    5. What is your favourite smell? the shinee members
    6. What would the title of a movie about your life be? 'gangnam beauty' 
    7. Favourite mythical creature? park jinyoung (jyp)
    8. Last movie you watched- boys over flowers
    9. Country you want to visit- korea
    10. The title of your horror story would be  The favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit- triangle 11:46pm korea

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    Reply by Jada


    Favourite song beginning with S: "Sakura Kiss" by Chieco Kawabe

    If I had a theme song it would be "Unwritten" by Natasha Bedingfield

    Random question for a celebrity: "If you could have any superpower, but it had to be completely useless, what would it be?"

    Author name: Mango Purple

    Favourite smell: Freshly baked cookies

    Title of movie about my life: "From Small Town to Big Dreams"

    Favourite mythical creature: Phoenix

    Last movie I watched: "Spider-Man: No Way Home"

    Country I want to visit: Japan

    Title of horror story: "Triangle Midnight Tokyo

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    Reply by ☆✮Jojo✮☆


    1. Favorite song beginning with an S? Sweet Blasphemy- Black Veil Brides

    2. Theme song? Every Day Is Exactly The Same- Nine Inch Nails

    3. Random question I'd want to ask a celebrity? If you could get rid of any of your songs, which would it be? Or something like that :)

    4. Author name? Mango Purple

    5. Favorite smell? Lavender

    6. Title of a movie about my life? I can't think of anything original but I think "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" is a nice title

    7. Favorite mythical creature? Phoenix ftw

    8. Last movie I watched? We Need To Talk About Kevin

    9. Country I want to visit? Germany!!!

    10. Title of my horror story? Octagon Night Berlin

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    Reply by organic_anagram


    Fun :)

    1. Favourite song beginning with S? Sane - Meshuggah
    2. If you had a theme song what would it be - Past Tense - Meshuggah I love meshuggah
    3. What is the most random question you ?want to ask a celebrity? - What do you do first thing in the morning?
    4. Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it? Strawberry mauve
    5. What is your favourite smell? Violet flowers
    6. What would the title of a movie about your life be? I wouldn't let anyone make a movie about my life lol
    7. Favourite mythical creature? Dragon 🤘
    8. Last movie you watched - I don't really watch movies, the last I remember I watched "Honest Thief" with Liam Neeson because it was on TV and it was really thrilling and I couldn't look away
    9. Country you want to visit - Iceland
    10. The title of your horror story would be  The favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit - Square Morning Akureyri

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    Reply by TechRider (Mélange)


    1. Favourite song beginning with S? "Superstition" by Stevie Wonder
    2. If you had a theme song what would it be? "Ain't No Stopping Us Now" byMcFadden & Whitehead
    3. What is the most random question you want to ask a celebrity? You know, I have a hard time doing random or spontaneous things. Any question I would ask would be though of well in advance. [INSERT BOOS HERE]
    4. Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it? Cantaloupe Blue
    5. What is your favourite smell? Mint
    6. What would the title of a movie about your life be? "He Gave it His All"
    7. Favourite mythical creature? The Loch Ness Monster or "Champ"
    8. Last movie you watched" "Captive"
    9. Country you want to visit: Guyana, Germany, the UK, Ivory Cost (and neighboring countries)
    10. The title of your horror story would be  The favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit: Circle 4:57 Pacific Northwest

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    Reply by 𝖒𝖆𝖗𝖝𝖞


    1. Favourite song beginning with S? Snakecharmer by RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE 
    2. If you had a theme song what would it be? This is so difficult. I've got a lot of genres. But if it's in metal it'll be Bullet in the head by ratm. In folk, definitely Crossroads by Tracy Chapman. Alt rock, Animal Instinct by The Cranberries. etx.
    3. What is the most random question you ?want to ask a celebrity? idk really 
    4. Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it? Mia Black...Marx Black?
    5. What is your favourite smell? the smell after raining...the smell when rain is abt to come?...foods probably...nature 
    6. What would the title of a movie about your life be? Relevancy Thoughts in an Insignificant World : Human Society.
    7. Favourite mythical creature? None 
    8. Last movie you watched. Gattaca (it's very tragic) 
    9. Country you want to visit. NK
    10. The title of your horror story would be  The favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit.  Deep Fear Triangle 4 America (this is def good)

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    Reply by Bones 0-\\


    Favorite song beginning with S? Smile in your sleep - Silverstein

    If you had a theme song what would it be? Good question. I've got a few in mind, maybe Eyeless - Slipknot, or I have a problem - Beartooth, or Adams song - Blink 182...and there's plenty more that could be my theme song tbh haha

    What is the most random question you ?want to ask a celebrity? Idk to be honest

    Your author name is your favorite fruit + your favorite color, what is it? Grape Black

    What is your favorite smell? the smell of the woods/trees after it's rained :]

    What would the title of a movie about your life be? Absolute Failure 

    Favorite mythical creature? Vampires, faeries, pixies, and centaurs

    Last movie you watched? They/them

    Country you want to visit? UK

    The title of your horror story would be  The favorite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit: Square Midnight Salem Massachusets 

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    Reply by BONEMACH1NE


    Shadow of a doubt - sonic youth

    Frosti - björk

    Im running off of 5 hours of sleep I cant think of anything

    Wdym? Author name?

    Earthy ones, like the smell after It rains or the smell of fire.

    The constant struggle

    Two headed dragons

    Female trouble


      diamond midnight nowhere

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    Reply by piggybankshawty


    1. Favourite song beginning with S?  sextape by deftones
    2. If you had a theme song what would it be rosenrot by rammstein 
    3. What is the most random question you want to ask a celebrity? id probably ask if they ever wish they didnt become a celebrity
    4. Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it? cherryblack / blackcherry
    5. What is your favourite smell? gasoline
    6. Favourite mythical creature? zombies or vampires :p
    7. Last movie you watched scott pilgrim
    8. Country you want to visit netherlands <\3
    9. The title of your horror story would be  The favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit Star Night Amsterdam

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    Reply by 💎💎💎


    1. Favourite song beginning with S? Snowglobe - Waterparks  
    2. If you had a theme song what would it be: prolly just circus music tbh
    3. What is the most random question you want to ask a celebrity? Are you even real lol?
    4. Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it? Mango Magenta
    5. What is your favourite smell? Lavender :3
    6. What would the title of a movie about your life be? "The worst comedy special ever:)"
    7. Favourite mythical creature? Sirens!!
    8. Last movie you watched: Talk to me
    9. Country you want to visit: Probably Iceland!
    10. The title of your horror story would be  The favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit: Heart Midnight Vegas

    ...This was fun, thanks:)

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    Reply by ian


    1. Favourite song beginning with S?SUPER SHY BY NEW JEANS :D
    2. If you had a theme song what would it be awesome as i want to be by rainbow dash
    3. What is the most random question you ?want to ask a celebrity? whats it like knowing u could become friends with ryan gosling
    4. Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it? i lowkey dont understand the first part but my favorite color is green
    5. What is your favourite smell?the outside 
    6. What would the title of a movie about your life be?ian movie
    7. Favourite mythical creature?VAMPIRES
    8. Last movie you watched saltburn
    9. Country you want to visit venezuela cuz i have family there 
    10. The title of your horror story would be  The favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit uh star night wayne manor

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    Reply by Jacko


    1. Safer by Animal Collective
    2. The theme to Curb your enthuasim.
    3. what are the size of panda bears balls
    4. Banana Green
    5. The smell of freshy chopped basil
    6. Jacko: A faliure
    7. Shai-hulud
    8. Kingdom of the planet of the apes
    9. Saudi Arabia
    10. Triganle twlight California

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    Reply by Nikola NeonNya


    1. Favourite song beginning with S? Shut up and sleep with me
    2. If you had a theme song what would it be? Psycho teddy 
    3. What is the most random question you ?want to ask a celebrity? Idk 
    4. Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it? Watermelonpink
    5. What is your favourite smell? Freshly baked cookies :3
    6. What would the title of a movie about your life be? Watch this dumbass be weird for several years straight
    7. Favourite mythical creature? Unicorn! :D
    8.  Last movie you watched: the dictator (I genuinely don't know if I hate or live this movie)
    9. Country you want to visit: germany
    10. The title of your horror story would be The favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit: star afternoon mall

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    Reply by 🪳★piyavicaa★🪳


    1. Favourite song beginning with S? - sailor song by gigi perez
    2. If you had a theme song what would it be? - nowhere by murderdolls
    3. What is the most random question you ?want to ask a celebrity? - idk im really into celebs
    4. Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it? - apple red lol. sounds like the name of a lesbian solo singer
    5. What is your favourite smell? - a dusty garage
    6. What would the title of a movie about your life be? - idk havent thought ab it
    7. Favourite mythical creature? - samodivas
    8. Last movie you watched? - deadpool vs wolverine i think?
    9. Country you want to visit? - ummm idk maybe france
    10. The title of your horror story would be  The favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit - the hexagon blue hour dream bedroom sounds like a sick movie title doeee

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    Reply by kaijuuu :D


    1. Favourite song beginning with S?   suicidal tendencies - subliminal
    2. If you had a theme song what would it be? currently it would fs be fuck off by knochenfabrik
    3. What is the most random question you ?want to ask a celebrity? i'd love to ask elon musk what it's like being trumps stinky fucking pet 
    4. Your author name is your favourite fruit + your favourite colour, what is it? strawberry pink
    5. What is your favourite smell? creamy sweet vanilla (i'm obsessed with gourmand vanilla perfumes)
    6. What would the title of a movie about your life be? i'm actually so braindead i have no creativity in me i have no idea
    7. Favourite mythical creature? cunty fairies
    8. Last movie you watched? i acc can't remember wow
    9. Country you want to visit? japan
    10. The title of your horror story would be  The favourite shape + time of day + a place you want to visit - star night abandoned hospital LMFAOO 

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    Reply by carol


    1- shadowboxer - fiona apple

    2- laura palmer's theme 

    3- have you ever read a fanfic written about you?

    4- watermelon green

    5- critric fruits smells in general

    6- a unauthorized autobiography

    7- fairies and vampires

    8-  a real pain (2024)

    9- italy

    10- the star night italy (kinda weird but okay)

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