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Are there any Good MSPFA Worth reading?

B3<< I know Karkat goes to a convention is bomb but what are others besides vast error

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Reply by Xx_S1LV3R_xX


hackbent's pretty good imo, welcome to doomtlis and out of control are good too

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Reply by dog


kunuki does alternia and troll mcdonalds are hella great, both are however on sort of a hiatus and if i were to bet on which one starts updating again id say troll mcdonalds, kunuki does alternias creator has been involved in... quite a lot of bad things lmao like rape and shit

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Reply by Cattafang


if i had to recommend one off the top of my head, then i’d say alternate mewniverse is a good read if you haven’t read it already. welcome to doomtlis as someone mentioned above is also something good to check out-

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Reply by pink


welcome to doomtlis is honestly a banger n a half!

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Reply by gr4veyardGhost


 The Crow Ztrider AU is a pretty good canon-following ztory vazed off davezprite and hiz experiencez on the prozpitian vattlezhip and after arriving in the new zezzion (itz ID is 44153)
 therez guideztuck, which followz the human verzionz of the veta kidz'z spritez and their experiencez playing Zburb (ID 932)
 perzonally i really like portalztuck, which iz juzt if Jade were in the aperture zcience facility (ID44132)!

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Reply by Deacon


Alright. You may have posted this one year ago, but that's okay because that ENTIRE YEAR was leading up to THIS MOMENT.

The ones that I really enjoy are Karkat Goes to a Convention, The Tapestry, Fearnot, Divine Interference: Cosmic Exertion, 2 Ascend 2 Descend, Children of the Gun, Sburb Done Quick, Bike Stunt, Yours Mine and Ours, anddddd that's about it!

I really suggest you check out Karkat Goes to a Convention. I think it's something really special, and I think it's easily the best Homestuck fanwork. Of all time. Ever. It's much more than its name suggests.

Lol I just saw you already read KGTAC. There sure is egg on my face now!

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Reply by aba


Househeld, Scrap Metal, BIKE STUNT, and my favorite (but sadly indefinitely discontinued) Abodebound.

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Reply by KandiKingdom


Maybe try Heinoustuck?

I thought it was pretty fun!

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Reply by firebones



i was checking a thing in the mspfa website and i didnt laugh this hard since my first days on homestuck!

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Reply by XxKilla_KrisxX


house of dirk is a good laugh and its got a ton of dirkuu and davekat content. john ruins a wedding is hilarious too and its got johncal implications if u like that ship. homeslice is awesome defcheck that out

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Reply by graveyardStuffer


PAY DAT RENT!!!1 is pretty underrated imo

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Reply by dstroyer


crossmound definitely 

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Reply by Cool dude I like stuff


I can’t remember what it was called but it basically went like this: Dave gives John lil cal because he messed up the shipping with the bunny and that makes bro insane so he configured this jigsaw like puzzle where Dave has to break his computer to get the fire extinguisher but that happens later John wakes up and realizes his house is messed up there’s multiple rooms they’re all copies of rooms in johns house then John reunites with his dad and Dave sees bro has slashed their apartment floors and stuff so Dave looks into the attic and that’s where it left off it’s pretty funny 

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Reply by calypsorion


I remember reading the Crow Strider AU and thinking it was pretty neat.

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Reply by Bisexual


not on mspfa anymore cause they have their own site but im a VastError truther all the wayyyyyyy

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