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What DAW do you use and what VSTs do you like?

Posted by Cashlin


Forum: Music

What DAW do you use and what VSTs do you like? I have been using the free version of fl studio for years but as a kid i started off using audacity (which while not technically a DAW can do quite a lot if you're patient) and I also used to use Reaper mainly to record. I have tried out studio one because it has a free version and looks pretty good but I had trouble configuring my sound card at first and didn't get around to learning much.  

I've also been experimenting with LSDJ, Protracker, and a few other tracker / chip music trackers for fun and to learn and I think they're really awesome and in some small ways, more powerful and quick than modern DAWs. 

I think it's awesome how endless the possibilities are with just in the box programs on computers and how all their characteristics and work flows have different elements to them and I'm curious what you guys use, what DAWs you think are better for what or have better capabilities, limitations, presets, or whatever

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Reply by izmo


For my future production, I use R12 & S1. I don't use any external sounds since I can do everything on stock plugins

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