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f4vourit3 nightc0r3 s0ngs ?

my personal favourite night core song is angel with a shotgun listening to it gives me so much serotonin.

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Reply by L0l4


 I <3 angel with a shotgun sm !!!! My personal fav is God is a girl. It makes me smile uwu ;3

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Reply by SPR1NKL3Z DA SC3N3 K1D


I luv that song!! Personally I luv stamp on teh ground and R4V3 B0Y (rave boy)!!1!1! XD

Edit: Fav Nightcore song izz now Welcome 2 teh Club :3 and Little K4ND1 R4V3R (Kandi Raver) X3

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Reply by !!F3l1x l0v3s c4tz


Angel of darkness, Angel with a shotgun and Bad boy!

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Reply by teza


Angel with a shotgun is awesome! 

I really love Rockefeller Street and Poisn :3

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