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Favorite Linux Distro?

Posted by DJNitro


Forum: Quiz/Survey

What is your favorite Linux Distro? Mine is Ubuntu or Pop OS/Manjaro. Post below and we'll see who likes what ;) 

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10 Replies

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Reply by jake!


I always feel so basic for liking Ubuntu but you can still totally customize it as much as you want, and it's stable. Mint isn't bad either.

As far as *nix goes, I'm starting to really like MacOS, which I'm sure is treasonous to a lot of Linux enthusiasts.

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Reply by Charlotte


Ubuntu is my favorite, but I also really like Fedora and Debian. I personally use Lubuntu on my older machines. It really lengthens the life spans of old laptops and desktops that are given to me. 

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Reply by necromancer


I like the one that does the job best without my having to take a rubbing from primeval stackexchange threads and carve them onto the surface of my terminal in the right sequence. My use case anti-tinkering. 🌿

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Reply by Peanut Butter


I use Arch, but my fav is probably my first ever daily driver, pop!_os

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Reply by Vori


After using ubuntu, fedora, solus and other distros, debian is probably my favorite

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Reply by CaChuChu


Debian is what I'm using currently. I like AntiX all around, for older computers especially. Parrot isn't too bad either. 

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Reply by GromBeestje


I've been using Arch for many years now.  (and ArchLinuxARM on SBCs)

A decade ago I used Mandrake/Mandriva (when did they rename?)  then, I moved to Debian, and after that to Arch, and I remained there.

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Reply by wheatleywulffgang


debian or slackware maybe

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Reply by wheatleywulffgang


debian or slackware maybe

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Reply by Robotic Gunner


Honestly my favourite would probably be Pop OS. I like the default desktop setup, it's easy to change small little things like keyboard shortcuts, and it's the only distro that actually functions on everything I've thrown it at without crapping itself, be it my weird prebuilt desktop that hates Ubuntu with a passion, or my older alienware laptop that would refuse to launch any other distro that I normally used.

Really the only thing I dislike about PopOS is the Pop Shop. It just acts really weird, having trouble deciding whether something needs an update or not and very frequently crashing when attempting to update something.

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