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How to change layouts???

Posted by Gabriel Cedeño


Forum: SpaceHey

Could someone help me telling  how to change layouts pleaese?

I would like to edit my profile in an original way...

Thank You  (⌒‿⌒)

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23 Replies

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Reply by LaraVista


I have the same question: we need a simple tutorial for the first steps...

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Reply by Michele Bentley


I've been trying to figure that out as well!!

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Reply by Joanna


I used pimp my profile and used the MySpace 2.0 layout.  Then used css codes and add them to about me. 

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Reply by Kat


I saw someone post this link in another forum. 

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Reply by Helios (he)


Copy and paste the code in your profile info.

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Reply by Swiftpaw


It's done through the profile info. Anything in the "<style>" tags changes the CSS, which on the page controls the color, background, width, font, and various other parts of the webpage. 

Anything outside of the style tags goes on your profile info itself, so that's where you would write your information if you want to. Spacehey uses HTML so if you want to space apart your text you have to use " <br />" at the beginning or put it between "<p> </p>"

When using a layout, you just copy and paste the code it gives into the box for your profile info and then write what you want in your profile after all of it. 

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Reply by _Going_to_Gerany_


You go to the layouts section and choose a layout, copy the layout link then go edit your profile, then put the link in your about me, then save it then your profile page should be different!

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Reply by maria


Reply by l0r4z3p4m


Reply by Jin


I see alot of people replying this and let me offer you help!

MySpace well space hey uses html , if you don't know hyper text go to layouts find one you like and apply it. I'm slowly learning hypertext by studying layout skins but a simple way to get started

<div> makes a "


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Reply by SatanEatsMe


I don't really know a tutorial of it but you can use other layouts as templates, and then change the pictures in the layout.

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Reply by Bloom'sfairydragon


Hey guys go to layouts on the top bar, hit share a layout, pick a layout you like by copy pasting the code into your abt me

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U write the CSS code for the page an put I in the about me section

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Reply by leilani


find the link you want in layouts and paste into your about me, then save and click view your profile!!

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Reply by N0rm@l_pers0n


I h@ve the s@me questi0n ;-;

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Reply by Kuna


on top there is a thing (Layouts) you need to click on it and then search for the one you like. after you find it, click on it and copy the code. go on profile and on "about me" you paste the code and done

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Reply by evie <3


omg i found out how

so, find the layout you want, then go to your abt me thing and paste it there

ITS THAT SIMPLE!!!!1!!!!1!1!!1!!!!1111!!!

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Hey hello spacehey I would like to find a layout with a theme of stars or things from space. They help me?

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Reply by Sonicfan124


go to layouts, click on a layout, then you copy the code in your about me page 

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Reply by 𐦍༘tecchou𐦍༘


i’ve pasted the link into the abt me section and it still won’t work! it just shows up in the section and doesn’t do anything :( any help plz?

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Reply by Tibe


are you sure you haven't forgotten to put style tags around it? make sure they're correct; i've seen instances where it's not worked bc there were asterisks wrongly placed inside the tags

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Reply by brix


you need to put the css code for your layouts in the about me section

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Reply by drewskii


Go to the layouts section on spacehey at the top pick one you like copy all that code, go to your profile and edit your about me section and paste all that code! 

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