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Industrial Society and its Future

Posted by Tuesday


Forum: Books and Stories

For those of you who've read the Unabomber's manifesto, what did you think about it?

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4 Replies

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Reply by j3lly


I haven’t read it all yet but I want to! Ted Kaczynski interests me a lot tbh

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Reply by Nexus_Retrograde


It was a very good read and an amazing introduction to Ted’s philosophy. Another good read by him is his book “Anti Technology revolution, why and how.”

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Reply by Jacko


the first paragraph is ballin. the rest is nazi propoganda. 

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Reply by [VNTH] Digital Cheese


Haven't read through it all the way, but I'm currently reading through it now. I have both of Unabomber's published books, those being "Technological Slavery" and "Anti-Tech Revolution: Why And How". Technological Slavery has ISAIF in the book.

Will note: I'm pretty sure both books donations goes to the families anyways (although if they didn't, it likely wouldn't matter by this point since Unabomber died in 2023 yet I got the books in 2024).

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