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Are you in an "I love you family?"

Posted by Rochelle Hereford


Forum: Life

A friend and I were talking about how her boyfriends family doesn't say "I love you". I've also seen a post recently of people explaining how their families don't regularly say "I love you", hug, or kiss. I thought this was so odd because my family is very affectionate and says "I love you" after ever hug, phone call, or good bye. I knew this was a thing in some eastern cultures but I was surprised to hear it from American families. 

Are you in an "I love you" family? If not do you think that affected how you grew up or your relationships negatively or positively? 

I would love to hear answers. Also feel free to add me and leave some love on my page peeps!

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Reply by fukurolady


there was a time in my life where the people in my family did not say such words for me, even though it was a crucial time of development, learning trust in relationships and so on. that being said i personally don't find the words 'i love you' to be meaningful, because the people in my life have proven that they can be horrible people despite loving me. 

therefore i'm not really an affectionate person, but there are other ways that i show that i love someone, and other ways that people can show that they love me, without explicitly saying i love you. 

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Reply by Rochelle Hereford


Valid Point! It would teach you that actions speak louder than words. 

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Reply by K0K0


I say it to my family, friends, pets, etc, somehow regardless I still hate everyone in the world...

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