« Fashion, Style, Shopping Forum

D R E A D L O C S <3

Obvi dreads arent "fashion, style, shopping" but it is the closest forum i guess??

Any other dreadloc fanatics or wearers in the house? 
Real or sythethetic?
How long have you had them?
Fav dread hairstyle to wear daily or special occasions?
Do you mainly recieve compliments or hate for them?

Got pics? 

Autumn-Marie ⨇cid <3 xoxo

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Reply by $YD


I have a few real ones, when I want more volume I'll put in synthetic wool ones I made or put on cyberlox :]

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Reply by xXsparkl3kandizXx


so close! those are matts!! <3

youre a white person wearing dreads, and dont even start with the whole “oh but vikings!” being a viking was a job, and you arent a viking. please stop it you arent black 

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Reply by xXsparkl3kandizXx


so close! those are matts!! <3

youre a white person wearing dreads, and dont even start with the whole “oh but vikings!” being a viking was a job, and you arent a viking. please stop it you arent black 

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