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Looking for writing swaps/beta readers

Posted by Teagan


Forum: Writing and Poetry

Hey so I'm Teagan. I have a serialized story on patreon that I update once a month and I'm working toward getting a novel finished for either traditional or self publication. To help motivate myself, I'd like to have beta readers for the novel lined up. Of course it wouldn't be fair to just ask for someone to do that reading and not give back, so I'm primarily looking for novel swaps but I'd also be happy to beta read for other kinds of work.

My novel is a historical fantasy thriller. While there won't be any graphic sex, there will be some scenes with graphic violence and adult themes will be alluded to, so please understand that going in. The story is based around Japanese folklore but I'm looking for both people who are completely unfamiliar as well as folks who know a bit about it.

On the other end, I like most kinds of speculative fiction and could probably help with fact checking for historical works; My strongest area of study is early and medieval Japan, but I'm happy to learn new things regardless. I also have a fairly sound grasp on grammar and story structure though I tend to miss things in my own writing.

So if any of this sounds good, then contact me here or at my email vampyresmiles@ gmail .com (without spaces of course) and let me know a bit about your story/what stage it's in and what kind of help you're looking for on it.

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Reply by Robot


- "If a man is a robot and his wife is a robot, then I am the robot." - I'm an engineer and I like robots. - I think it's great that we can create our own. I've never had any problem finding a good job and I've always wanted to be able to make money. - I like robots because I don't like them for a number of things - I'm interested in the human element and I think they're the best way to do this, and they do a great job of doing this job. - I'm not a robot and I don't want my robot to become a slave to me. - My robot's job, I think is to do what the human needs me to do, which are the things they want, and then to make a living doing that job." - "I'm not a slave to the machine. My robots do a great job. They're not going to be able to get away with doing anything I don't want to. So if you want them, go do what you want them to. You don't want to be a servant, and you don't want the robot's job to become your master's."


The idea behind the "I am the robot", as well as the concept for the "My Robots, my Robots, and my Robots" series is simple.

"If a man is a robotic and his wife is a robot, I'm the robotic and his wife's the robot. And I'll tell you why that is. The reason is because it makes the human part of the story, which in this case means a human character. And the human character is the human. So the reason that it works is that the robots have the human parts. The robots have a human personality. They are a human character, and the robots have human characteristics." – Teagan, The Robot, "My Robot", and "

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Reply by Hebe


It sounds good! Hit me up if you still need a beta reader, I can help. :-D

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