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Security Tip: images

Posted by NCNH


Forum: Web, HTML, Tech

There are many great style guides and layout templates out there.
Could one ask for anything less, as people grapple with styling -- try as they could?
Be aware that with one bad actor, assistance may end up other than what it may appear to be.

One knows of the usual links to resources such as:
<style> body { background-image: url(https://example.com/images/myImg.jpg); } </style>
<img src="
https://example.com/images/myImg.jpg" title="Example image" alt="example" />
..display graphics loaded from a 3rd party site. In this case, at https://example.com/images/myImg.jpg
But whom is in control of that content? If you're not the one responsible uploading that image, there is always the chance of the one whom has control of that image may switch out one image for another and suddenly your copy+pasted style has dramatically changed!

With that said, some image hosting sites such as Imgur prevent the editing of images to avoid this very thing.

This has been a security announcement by NCNH.

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