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Readers Advisory

Posted by Daubney


Forum: Books and Stories

I'm a library technician and I love doing readers advisory. Let me know what kind of books you like and I'll see if I can find a recommendation for you! 

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Reply by Daubney


Hi Star! Just a few follow up questions. 

  • What age group are you looking for (adult, young adult, childrens)?
  • Are there any genres or tropes you specifically want to either read or stay away from?
  • Are you looking for something light you can pick up whenever or something you really want to get into?
If you would prefer to continue this in a less public setting, feel free to message me :)

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Reply by Daubney


Hi nancydrewsub, the purpose of readers advisory is to find a new book tailored to your tastes based on what you've already enjoyed reading :)

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Reply by porkachu


Can I have some? 

I recently read dermaphoria Florida roadkill & haunted. I think dark satirical stuff?

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