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What sexuality are you?

Posted by Bella


Forum: Quiz/Survey

1. What sexuality are you? (I'm a lesbian)

2. Do you identify as part of the LGBT community? (No.) 

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45 Replies

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Reply by SALEM


lesbian <333 and yes!! i am apart of the LGBT community as a nonbinary lesbian

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Reply by Bella


Reply by casthewitch


bi (i think lol) and yes i definitely do!

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Reply by Ash 🏳️‍🌈


I'm a lesbian and yes I do. 

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Reply by agostina


1) for the past 6 years, I came out as a bisexual!

and 2) yes,I’m part of the LGBTQ society :) 

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Reply by ✩ sai starr


im trans n mlm, but im using the label omnisexual rn <333

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Reply by wheatleywulffgang


1. maybe a-spec but pretty much everyone sees me as a gay dude irl so i don't really know
2. do i really have a choice. like i  hate dealing with the people in this community (especially Children) but i can't just go "oh i'm not part of the lgbt!! i'm not like other queers!!! i'm one of the good ones!!!" because that would make me sound like some kind of gamergate freako

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Reply by Madam Whiskers


aroacespec! and yup, i consider myself part of the community

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Reply by faradvian


i'm nonbinary & bisexual but i don't consider myself part of the community tbh

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Reply by emorxtboy


Homoro-ace demigirl, and yes <3

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Reply by JupiterCafe


I'm a biromatic asexual (mostly sapphic) I identify with the LBGT+ community but people in the community don't always identify with me (by that I mean they imply or outright say I don't belong)

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Reply by Wafflez


Im bisexual n abroromantic :] and yeah i consider myself a part of it

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Reply by Taylor Sinclaire


Lesbian by label, won't say no to cute enbies. Definitely part of the LGBT+ fight.

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Reply by moxieee


i am bisexual, i identify as genderfluid

♂♀⚧ <333

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Reply by compulsiveContriver


1. Bi bi bi, I'm bi!
Probably. I used to identify as asexual. Jury's still out but for now bisexual is where I feel at home.

2. Yeah, there's a B in there isn't there? And a Q which people like to leave off sometimes, so I'm covered.

I really like being in a community. I don't have to agree or associate with everyone in it, but the importance of support can't be overstated.

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Reply by Jessica Snow


I am demi-bisexual and genderfluid(?)

Demi to me means that I need to have a trusting, honest, emotional bond with someone before I find them in ANY way sexually appetizing. I mean I can find people sexy... I can GET horny... I just control myself until my emotions scream that it's right?
Hard to explain, easier to experience.

Trans Ally, Gender Non-Conforming Ally, ALL the gay-stuff ally and uh...

Let's all do some more gay!

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Reply by CountFagula


1. Aromantic Demisexual 

2. Yes I do 

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Reply by EchoGeko


Biromantic Demisexual 


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Reply by Joeko


1. SpongeBob SquarePants season 1 VHS tape

2. Yes

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Reply by xXkf100Xx


bi-sexual but i might be a-sexual since i dont have any crushes

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Reply by x.{finn}.x


1. What sexuality are you?
> im unlabeled. some might say pansexual/bi, i say queer

2. Do you identify as part of the LGBT community?
>i just dont feel "a part" of it.. lul

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Reply by hong meiling


also a lesbian

i do see myself as part of the community

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Reply by Sydney


Bi & no. 

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Reply by Lammydeaf


im Pansexual 💗💛💙 and yes I do identify as part of the lgbtq+ commu

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Reply by Rose Moon


1. I'm asexual, married to another asexual too^^

2. I'm undecided, as the LGBTQ+ community seems to have mixed levels of acceptance for asexuals.

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Reply by joey


i'm like 99% straight but that 1% keeps growing yall

not really 

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Reply by esperr


Bi I think <333

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Reply by starhairgirl


1. What sexuality are you? i'm straight pretty sure

2. Do you identify as part of the LGBT community? no

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Reply by :/kyleXD\:


Yeah I'm bisexual with a pref for women or lesbian? And yes I'm part of the community 

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Reply by freshmeat


1. What sexuality are you?

(For now at least) I am pansexual!

2. Do you identify as part of the LGBT community?


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Reply by ben


1. straight

2. no

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Reply by Inthos


1_ God

2_ No

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Reply by belorussian dino


aroace and i do consider myself in the community :)

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Reply by just like bart


1.Grey aroace(probably oriented)

2.No...As someone above said, im also hestitant because folks tend ot exclude us a lot :(

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Reply by 𐌷ᕦᥥᒋჄ


Homoflexible and not really bc I don't talk about it much at all  =)))

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Reply by Mars!! :3


Bisexual, pref for women! :D

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Reply by frankie ♱


bi pride rise up, and yes i like to think i do

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Reply by Bones 0-\\


1. What sexuality are you? Gay (nwlnw) and asexual 

2. Do you identify as part of the LGBT community? I sure do !!

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Reply by Aizen ?!


1. I'm strictly aromantic and asexual

2. somewhat, being aroace still feels a bit lonesome because the other sexualities still experience attraction to others.

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Reply by Your_Friendly_Neighborhood_Metalhead_11


I am a repulsed asexual but I am indifferent to the general idea of sex.

I just don't get attracted to anybody and I don't like the idea of doing it with anybody, which are different things.  I am loyal and protective with my friends and family, though, and loudly support their endeavors. I also like all three of the stereotypical ace things, garlic bread, cake, AND dragons. (and swords but who doesn't like to pretend they're a badass sometimes)

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Reply by TheNerdyNiko


Im somewhere around the AroAce spectrum (asexual, still dont know abt romantic attraction), and yeah i do!

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Reply by ThisYhis


1) asexual. 2) yea.

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Reply by R@WRC0R3ZZ



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Reply by Hellga


Heterosexual, natural.

I will continue the line, but yours will end with you.

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Reply by 1Star_


Aroace ! ^^

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