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Mental Health

Posted by Sixam Jones


Forum: Life

anyone else out there looking for someone to talk to? i feel so detached from the people i know irl, i wanna meet some new friends. let's help each other? 

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17 Replies

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Reply by Cody


It's always nice to make new friends and connect

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Reply by Jessie Deal


100% always nice to have someone to talk to especially after being cooped up so long 

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Reply by Mama Duck


I'm down!

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Reply by Sofrítho


I’m 25. I have schizoaffective disorder bipolar type , PSTD and DID. I understand the feel. It’s nice to speak to friends and remind them to check in sometimes. Also to remember to check on others yourself because it takes your focus off of your own issues which is a nice way to remove your mind from the burden of mental illness for a short while. Also expressing how much you love and care for others always makes me feel better. I’m feeling particularly detached from everyone around me BUT I do check in on them anyway just to make sure everything is well and I feel less alone in the world when I do that. Also people feel cared for that way and sometimes people are going through something similar and don’t know how to get by so checking on others serves you and others too. Hope you’re having a fantastic day!

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Reply by Tammy Shaw


I'm here if you need a friend to talk to

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Hey :) 

I'm soo down for this. 
Let's chat, be kind and all that

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Reply by Honey NoBunz


I am here for this!!!


Mental health still has such a bad stigma but as long as we are here for each other it doesn’t even matter. I’m here to listen or give advice. Xoxox 

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Reply by Borderline Bunnnyy


I know this is kinda old post but I’d be down to talk! It’s nice being able to talk to people online, you can be close and talk about things that you might not always wanna talk to irl people about. Feel free to message anytime :)

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Reply by Aquasys


sure add me if you wanna it'll be really nice to talk to new people

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Reply by Sybxl


sure if anyone needs to talk im always gonna be there for u feel free to message me<3

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Reply by moxxie


add me! Im constantly on here and i sorta feel the same!

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Reply by CMDR_Martin


Feel free to add me. I don't really have any irl friends and been going through a bit of a difficult time. I have ADHD and I went through a tough childhood with a lot of parental abuse and only left the house last year.

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Reply by kkumgal


Yo solo quiero que me escuchen, no quiero relacionarme con nadie o amistar con alguien solamente pido un momento de paz en el cual alguien me escuche y no me de ningún consejo o solución simplemente poder desahogarme.

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Reply by JrSBX


Reply by xxchellyxx


Here? Most people are just losers trying to get an ego streak because they feel like here they won’t be judged well bad news buddy, you will. My point is that, when you don’t find people who resemble you or don’t know yourself people are going to decide who you are going to be. And if you don’t feel like trying just stop giving a fuck and become apathetic.

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Reply by HannaHauntedxx


ofc! I'll follow if u have discord mine is peachteaboyelliott :3

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Reply by Mania


Hi everyone!! I'm, 21, schizo-affective! I cant work due to my disability and mental health issues but would love some pen pals to talk too ^-^

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